Friday, June 28, 2013

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-27 - EFE, Bon Jovi atuou em Lisboa antes do início de uma greve geral (in portuguese)


Bon Jovi atuou em Lisboa antes do início de uma greve geral

Lisboa, 26 jun (EFE).- O rock da banda de Nova Jersey Bon Jovi mobilizou ontem Lisboa com as suas três décadas de música mesmo antes de se começar a sentir os efeitos de uma greve geral em Portugal.

No véspera da sua gratuita visita a Madrid, Jon Bon Jovi saiu ao palco vestido de negro e sem Richie Sambora na guitarra, após ter abandonado a a digressão em Abril passado por "motivos pessoais".

O cantor americano, Jon Bon Jovi, durante o concerto de ontem no parque da Bela Vista. EFE

O cantor americano, Jon Bon Jovi, durante o concerto de ontem no parque da Bela Vista. EFE

Phil X ocupava esse lugar e a banda atuou no parque de Bela Vista durante mais de duas horas.

Durante a atuação, parte da viagem "Because we can - The Tour", o grupo de Nova Jersey percorreu os seus quase 30 anos de carreira, onde há dois anos terminaram a sua anterior digressão.

Essa data foi recordada pelo líder que disse sentir-se sempre ''muito abraçado' sempre que vem a Portugal.

Apesar de não ter esgotado as 35.000 entradas disponíveis, com preços a partir dos 59 até aos 295 euros, o parque pareceu estar sempre praticamente cheio e com uma grande mescla de nacionalidades.

Perante um público também de várias gerações ouviu-se mais de vinte temas: desde os seus primeiros álbuns como "Bad medicine" (1988) até "What about now" (2013), canção homónima ao título do seu ultimo trabalho, o décimo segundo em estúdio, que se apresenta nesta digressão iniciada Fevereiro nos Estados Unidos.

Entre as canções que mantiveram o público ao rubro figuraram os hinos "You give love a bad name", "It's my life" ou o incansável "Livin' on a prayer".

Com este último tema terminou o espectáculo apesar de o público insistir em pedir "Always" que não chegou a soar.

Esta é a sexta ocasião que a banda, limitada hoje ao trio formado por Jon Bon Jovi, o percussionista Tico Torres e o teclista David Bryan, atuava em Portugal, e a terceira que fazia-o neste parque habitualmente público e fechado por dois dias para receber os musicos.

Depois da atuação em Lisboa, Bon Jovi viaja para Madrid, onde vai atuar no estádio Vicente Calderón.

Com todas as entradas esgotadas, o concerto espanhol fica marcado pelo simbólico gesto da banda em tocar sem receber nenhum pagamento, o que supôs uma notável redução do preço dos bilhetes, para apoiar os seus admiradores espanhóis perante a crise.

Após terminar a digressão europeia e voltar aos Estados Unidos, Bon Jovi vai atuar na América do Sul em Setembro.

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-27 - Destak, Concerto "halfway there" (in portuguese)

Bon Jovi

Concerto "halfway there"

27 | 06 | 2013   18.48H

Em meia dúzia de minutos, já no encore, e feito um discurso emotivo de agradecimento aos fãs por mais de 30 anos de «dedicação e amizade», percebeu-se que, como diz a letra de Livin’ on a Prayer, o concerto havia ficado “halfway there”.
Vera Valadas Ferreira |

No derradeiro tema a ser entoado por Jon Bon Jovi e companhia na Bela Vista, num regresso a Portugal aplaudido por 30 mil pessoas, a banda veterana acordou da semi-letargia o público multigeracional. E mostrou que o espetáculo poderia ter sido infinitamente mais... espetacular, que nos desculpem o pleonasmo.

É que ao segundo tema – You Give Love a Bad Name - houve a promessa (vã) de um regresso ao passado longínquo, quando os cabelos ondulados do vocalista ainda eram tópico de conversa. Fiquei com pele de galinha, confesso. Só que em vez disso a banda optou pelo tom morno das composições assinadas já neste milénio, promovendo os denominados momentos “la, la, la” de bracinhos no ar ou de mãos dadas às caras-metade. Muito easily listening. It’s My Life, Keep the Faith e o novo single Because We Can foram excepções num concerto que só arrebitou na reta final graças à força de temas como In These Arms, I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead e Bad Medicine, este antes do encore (no qual ouvimos o clássico Dead or Live) e logo depois de uma versão do clássico Rockin’ All Over the World.

É certo e sabido que, aos 50 anos, e ainda por cima com uma digressão tão preenchida ao ponto de atuarem esta noite em Madrid “quase” de graça, a voz de Jon já não é a mesma de quando com 20 aninhos cantava nas alturas algumas das baladas românticas mais memoráveis de sempre. Hoje, o cantor “defende-se” e assume uma roupagem mais acústica nos temas mais exigentes e/ou conta com o apoio vocal dos colegas de banda (por falar nisso, se alguém sentiu falta de Richie Sambora, que se acuse!).

Em palco, este rapaz com um "million dollar smile" é hoje um verdadeiro entertainer, com câmaras e luzes estrategicamente colocadas, e movimentos de anca e sorrisos rasgados, tudo amplificando aquilo que já é tão gritante: a sua sensualidade de rock star. E neste ponto, não houve meio-termos, que fique esclarecido.

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-27 - IOL Música, Bon Jovi: sim, eles realmente podem (in portuguese)

Bon Jovi: sim, eles realmente podem

Banda voltou a levar milhares à Bela Vista, mas a falta de grandes êxitos e de um segundo encore deixou muitos a rezar por mais

Por: Cláudia Lima da Costa / 2013-06-27 03:00

Dois anos depois de levarem 50 mil pessoas ao parque da Bela Vista, os Bon Jovi repetem a mesma proeza. Porquê? Porque podem, como se intitula, aliás, a nova digressão. A banda de New Jersey pode atrair multidões e legiões de fãs e poucas são as bandas de rock que ainda podem dizer o mesmo. Mas ao espetáculo desta quinta-feira faltaram muitos dos velhos temas e um o segundo encore.

Se muitos dos milhares que rechearam a Bela Vista não estavam já à espera de ouvir «Bed of Roses», esperariam pelo menos ouvir «This Ain't a Love Song», como aconteceu em Praga, na segunda-feira, ou «Always» como em 2011. Na realidade, a banda optou por deixar as baladas de grande sucesso fora das opções para Lisboa, escolhendo por exemplo «Superman Tonight», para embalar a noite quente da Bela Vista.

De fora do concerto da digressão «Bon Jovi Because We Can» ficaram ainda temas como «These Days, I'll Be There for You» ou «Born to Be My Baby». A banda que nasceu em 1983 seguiu o alinhamento dos últimos concertos, com os iniciais «That's What the Water Made Me» e «You Give Love a Bad Name». O concerto iniciou-se quando passavam já 15 minutos depois das 21:00 e caso alguma distração impedisse a perceção de início de espetáculo, os gritos de entusiasmo das muitas jovens (e menos jovens) não deixavam dúvidas de que a hora era a de deixar a crise que atravessa o país para trás e pular, pular muito.

Os temas menos populares, como «The Radio Saved My Life Tonight», foram, aos poucos calando a Bela Vista que, ainda assim, foi resistindo e esperando pelos temas mais aguardados. Mas para grande parte do público feminino a presença no mesmo espaço que o ídolo Jon Bon Jovi era o suficiente para deslumbrar o olhar. O cantor só falou aos fãs pouco antes do quinto tema para perguntar se Lisboa estava preparada. A resposta foi efusiva e «It's My Life» trouxe de novo o coro das milhares de vozes. Seguiu-se o tema que dá nome à digressão: «Because We Can» levou um mar de balões ao parque e até os socorristas aproveitaram uma pequena pausa para cantarolar e tirar uma fotografia.

«Keep the Faith» e o rolar de ancas de Jon Bon Jovi fizeram ecoar de novo os gritos agudos e iniciaram a sequência mais longa de grandes êxitos: «In These Arms», «I'll Sleep When I'm Dead» e «Bad Medicine» que, como habitual, fechou o concerto, antes do encore.

Jon Bon Jovi voltou a dirigir algumas palavras aos fãs. Elogiou o sol de Portugal e confessou: «Provavelmente» ainda me vou meter em sarilhos esta noite». Talvez por isso, o encore não chegou a demorar 30 segundos e a banda voltou para uma sequência que, mais uma vez, não chegou para fazer explodir a Bela Vista.

«Love's the Only Rule», «What's Left of Me» e «Have a Nice Day» acompanharam o clássico «Wanted Dead or Alive», onde o cantor falou pela última vez ao público português. Pediu que elevassem os telemóveis e filmassem, mostrando que estavam todos «vivos naquele momento em Portugal». As luzes brilharam na Bela Vista e abriram as portas aquele que já é o tradicional final dos concertos de Bon Jovi: «Livin' on a Prayer» levantou do chão os muitos que assistiam sentados e abriu o apetite para mais do mesmo. Mas ao contrário do que aconteceu em 2011, e em alguns concertos desta digressão, de nada adiantou pedir. Jon foi mesmo atrás dos «sarilhos» de Lisboa e deixou a Bela Vista a rezar por mais.

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-27 - Correio da Manhã, Bon Jovi aquecem noite na Bela Vista (in portuguese)

Cantor norte-americano mostrou estar em grande forma no concerto no Parque da Bela Vista

Jon Bon Jovi conseguiu motivar público português

Bon Jovi aquecem noite na Bela Vista

Banda deu espetáculo em Lisboa, misturando os maiores êxitos da sua história com músicas de ‘What About Now', álbum lançado no mês de março.

27 de Junho, 01h00
Por:Joana Marques Alves

Os portugueses parecem ter ficado magoados com o ‘favoritismo' dos Bon Jovi pelos madrilenos - a quem dão hoje o ‘bónus' de um concerto quase à borla. Ontem, às 18h30, em vez de fãs eufóricos, a entrada para o Parque da Bela Vista, em Chelas, estava pacífica... até demais.

Com uma adesão menor do que em 2011. Porém, a calma só durou até ao início do concerto, pois mesmo sem palavras iniciais de Jon Bon Jovi o público aderiu rapidamente e em força. Sobretudo a partir do momento em que começaram a tocar os temas mais amados pelos fãs - como ‘You Give Love a Bad Name'. Muito mais calorosos do que os espectadores de Estocolmo, os portugueses tiveram, no entanto, direito a um alinhamento similar, que misturou clássicos com músicas do álbum ‘What About Now', lançado em março.

O calor que se sentiu na noite de ontem aqueceu ainda mais com o concerto. E foi no arranque de ‘It's My Life', que o vocalista perguntou: "Já estão quentinhos Lisboa?". Em ‘Because We Can' surgiram problemas de som, que abafaram a voz do cantor. Os fãs, que se organizaram através do Facebook, não se importaram e, no final da música, soltaram centenas de balões vermelhos e verdes. "I like it", respondeu Jon Bon Jovi.

Durante o concerto, sentiu-se ainda a falta do guitarrista Richie Sambora (substituído pelo canadiano Phil X, que já tinha tocado com a banda em 2011) e da sua cumplicidade com o vocalista. Ainda assim, o cantor conseguiu motivar o público e não desiludiu quem foi à Bela Vista.

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-27 - Palco Principal, A noite em que os êxitos deixaram saudade - A reportagem do concerto (in portuguese)

Bon Jovi @ Parque da Bela Vista: A noite em que os êxitos deixaram saudade - A reportagem do concerto

2013-06-27 03:52 inserido por Sara Novais

“Não, não é um dia de Rock in Rio, é uma multidão que vai ver Bon Jovi”, dizia um polícia à saída do metro. Enganaram-se, pois, os que suspeitavam que o público português (e umas centenas de estrangeiros) iria boicotar o concerto em Lisboa, devido ao concerto de Madrid, que poupou as carteiras de nuestro hermanos, ao ser realizado por um preço simbólico. Pois bem, ontem, as pessoas presentes no Parque da Bela Vista enchiam praticamente toda a paisagem relvada.

Em 2011, os Bon Jovi tinham sido recebidos na mesma sala de espetáculos ao ar livre por 50 mil pessoas, entre as quais muitas representantes do sexo feminino, muitos miúdos e, também, por muitos adultos que eram miúdos nos anos 80. Este ano, porém, sem Richie Sambora na formação, havia quem receasse a falta da sonoridade que o guitarrista tem vindo a dar à banda desde 1983.

Os portugueses Brass Wires Orchestra fizeram aquecimento do palco e de quem, sentado nas colinas, comia um cachorro quente. Com sonoridades que remontam ao reportório de Mumford and Sons ou à festividade dos Arcade Fire, a orquestra de trompetes e guitarras escondeu os nervos e fez os corpos dançarem.

No ano em que comemoram 30 primaveras, os Bon Jovi trouxeram na bagagem, para além de alguns seus êxitos, o mais recente álbum, “What About Now”. Passados 16 minutos das 21 horas, levantaram-se os braços e as imparáveis câmaras que, de imediato, começaram a gravar o que se assemelhava a uma intro de uma peça cinematográfica. Numa dinâmica multicâmara, que mostrava os diferentes ângulos em que os artistas se encontravam, apresentou-se, então, "That's What The Water Made Me".

O calor de Verão, que finalmente resolveu aparecer, levou Jon ao palco, vestido com um colete de cabedal, com o peito  e a tatuagem de "Super Homem" à mostra. E, quando menos se esperava, “You Give Love a Bad Name” chega para arrebatar corações desprevenidos e faz o chão da Bela Vista tremer, com saltos e vozes em potência máxima. Em “Raise Your Hands”, de “Slippery When Wet” (1986) – um dos discos obrigatórios do Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – concedeu-se o pedido do vocalista, com coreografia em sintonia.

Um dos primeiros temas da carreira do coletivo, “Runway”, fez, pouco depois, a locomotiva viajar a todo o vapor, com profissionalismo para dar e vender. Poucos minutos depois, sintonizou-se a veia amorosa, numa balada rock em que a voz (e os icónicos cabelos) de David Bryan se juntou à festa.

E eis que o alinhamento começa a adormecer a audiência, que pouco entusiasmada ouviu “Radio Saved My Life Tonight”. “Are you warmed up yet?”, questiona o vocalista antes da temperatura voltar a subir com “It’s My Life”, o primeiro single de “Crush” (2000) e uma das canções mais esperadas da noite. Contudo, a nova mecânica da banda não fez ouvir, em toda a sua glória, o solo que Phil X, o guitarrista substituto, competentemente desempenhou. “Because We Can” levou balões e confettis à plateia, num divertido episódio que até os seguranças apreciaram. O sorriso de Jon Bon Jovi é tão emblemático que faz (até) os homens mais velhos corarem.

“What About Now” soou a música de intervenção, com uma história sobre problemáticas sociais, que fez Lisboa cantar: “’cause tonight, we’re alive”. Nos ecrãs gigantes, para além dos bíceps de Jon, viam-se cartazes com propostas como “Jon, my wife doesn’t want to die without kissing you” ou sandações como “Hello, Gods”. “Who says you can’t go home?” antecedeu “Keep the Faith”, do álbum homónimo de 1992, com maracas e movimentos de ancas que entretiveram  o público enquanto este se ocupava com as sessões fotográficas do costume. É realmente bom perceber que o carisma de um artista (e do que resta da sua banda) faz pelas memórias de milhares de pessoas.

“Superman Tonight”, do 11º álbum da banda, “The Circle” (2010), voltou a atenção das câmaras para o símbolo do herói voador da DC Comics que Jon tem no braço. A noite quente volta a perder algum do seu fervor com “Lost Highway”, “We got it going on” – apenas animada pelo tease lançado “I came back to Portugal for one reason...I love the sound of the ladies when they scream”. Seguiram-se (respirem fundo) “Captain Crash And The Beauty Queen From Mars” e  “We weren't born to follow”. E o público desesperava pelos clássicos…

A prece foi ouvida e os deuses musicais concederam, finalmente, “In these arms”, “Sleep when I’m dead” e uma versão especial de “Rockin’ All Over The World” – um tema escrito pelo músico californiano John Fogerty.

Imagens de “miúdas” a dançarem numa pista com poderosos raios X pintavam “Bad Medicine” pouco depois, a única referencia ao trabalho de estúdio “New Jersey” (1988). E, numa coincidência infeliz, os paramédicos foram necessários para socorrer algumas pessoas que acabaram por se sentir mal. O único “obrigado” da noite concluiu a retrospetiva de Jon sobre o concerto dado há dois anos. Depois de elogios ao sol de Portugal, os Bon Jovi despedem-se pela primeira vez.

Com nova indumentária, a banda regressa poucos minutos depois, para concluir a agradável (mas não explosiva!) lição de rock and roll. “Love’s the only rule” abriu portas ao encore, do qual também fizeram parte “Have a Nice Day”, “What’s Left of Me” e “Wanted Dead or Alive”, que, com alma western, o povo acompanhou num cântico que fez da Bela Vista o faroeste.

Para os resistentes que se mantinham de pé e para os que descansavam sentados veio a prenda final, o majestoso “Livin’ on a Prayer”. Com distorções vocais e um solo que teria deixado Sambora orgulhoso, fez-se a banda sonora de uma noite em que rockeiros e jovens festivaleiros presenciaram uma (muito) pequena montanha russa de emoções.

À saída, ouviam-se os queixumes de um alinhamento programado com pouco amor ao passado e, claro, das típicas dores de pés e das tremendas filhas para o autocarro de regresso a casa.

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-27 - BLITZ, BJ ao vivo Parque da Bela Vista, Lisboa: leia a reportagem e veja as fotos (in portuguese)

Bon Jovi ao vivo no Parque da Bela Vista, em Lisboa: leia a reportagem e veja as fotos

Mar de gente (mas menos do que em 2011) no regresso da banda norte-americana ao mesmo local onde atuou há quase dois anos. Os êxitos (quase) todos num concerto certinho, mas longe de brilhante.

Quando, em 2011, os Bon Jovi se apresentaram neste mesmo espaço num concerto que encerrou a digressão daquele ano, a banda de Nova Jérsia parecia preparar-se para um hiato. Dois anos depois, o Parque da Bela Vista volta a receber uma multidão para - com álbum novo e uma saída turbulenta do guitarrista Richie Sambora pelo meio - recordar mais ou menos as mesmas canções daquela noite de verão.

A afluência de público é tão surpreendente quanto o pouco tempo passado por esse mega-concerto de há dois anos, altura em que a crise económica ainda não tinha ganho os contornos de negrume dos tempos mais recentes. Com bilhetes a começar nos 59 euros, poderia esperar-se maior contenção no momento de ir ao bolso - ou até, algum boicote por a "amnistia" espanhola não se repetir em Portugal (no concerto de Madrid, Jon Bon Jovi abdicou do cachê em virtude das dificuldades económicas por que passam os cidadãos do país vizinho). Mas não: números oficiais ainda não nos chegaram às mãos, mas apostamos que por esta área verde da zona oriental de Lisboa terá passado o mesmo número de pessoas de um bom dia de bilheteira do Rock In Rio.

Se a disponibilidade e a devoção do fã não sairão daqui beliscadas, o espetáculo que a banda norte-americana trouxe a Lisboa não é, convenhamos, nada do outro mundo. A celebrar 30 anos de carreira, os Bon Jovi têm como cartão de vista mais recente What About Now, um álbum não propriamente excitante (sê-lo-á algum editado pelo grupo no terceiro milénio?) e deixam que se marque falta ao guitarrista Richie Sambora, artífice do som característico de guitarra da banda que Phil X, o substituto, emula competentemente (a bem da verdade).

Se do futebolista esforçado, mas sem brilho ou qualquer toque de génio, se dirá que foi cumpridor ou competente (para enaltecer apenas os aspetos positivos), ao concerto desta noite - a sermos simpáticos - poderá aplicar-se o epíteto "profissional", bem a jeito para designar duas horas sem contratempos mas sem rasgos que fiquem na memória.

Não haja dúvidas que os Bon Jovi têm a lição estudada para que, à saída, a satisfação do fã seja garantida. Aliás, a mesma atenção é reservada para a recepção, com uma dupla infalível de Slippery When Wet, de 1986, logo depois do proverbial tema novo (no caso, "That's What The Water Made Me"): falamos de "You Give Love A Bad Name" (vozes ao alto, preces bem atendidas) e "Raise Your Hands" (braços no ar, claro, sicronizados com o refrão).

Mais adiante, a euforia é reincidente em "Runaway" (primeiro single do grupo, lançado em 1983), "It's My Life" (ponta de lança de Crush, de 2000) e "Keep The Faith" (do álbum homónimo, de 1992, que cimentou os Bon Jovi como sobreviventes da razia grunge). Mas o desfilar de "pontos mortos" foi por demais evidente: "We Got It Goin' On" e "Lost Highway" (do álbum com o mesmo nome, de 2007), "The Radio Saved My Life Tonight" (da caixa retrospetiva de 2004), "Because We Can" (do novo álbum) arrefeceram uma "hot summer night" (palavras de Jon) e deixaram tempo para que toda a gente tirasse as fotografias da praxe aos amigos, às amigas ou a um palco mais ou menos longínquo onde a banda "da casa" demorava em atirar-se aos clássicos.

Dizíamos que a lição estava estudada e não foi, decerto, por acaso que à medida que o epílogo se aproximava, os êxitos para celebração coletiva foram sendo vertidos mais generosamente (ainda que com aquele empenho "profissional" que faz com que não se distinga um concerto em Lisboa de outro em Praga, salvo um tímido e solitário "obrigado" por parte do líder da banda). Antes do encore, "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "Into These Arms" (desse berço de hits chamado Keep The Faith e uma versão de "Rockin' All Over The World" (canção de 1975, de John Fogerty), abriram caminho a "Bad Medicine" (única visita a New Jersey, de 1988).

Para o fim, um piscar de olho a The Circle (2009) via "Love's The Only Rule" e a Have a Nice Day (2005), o álbum de capa inexplicável, através do tema que lhe dá o nome. E um regresso compreensível (porque triunfante) ao marcante LP de 1986 com o tempero "western" de "Wanted Dead Or Alive" e o rock opulento, pomposo e invencível de "Livin' On a Prayer".

Como conclusão, pode dizer-se o óbvio: que o repertório da última dúzia de anos de Bon Jovi não tem tanto impacto na multidão como o património mais antigo, mas sem desmerecer uma banda nitidamente bem rodada (Jon Bon Jovi enxuto e sempre disponível para o menear de anca; Tico Torres imperturbável atrás da bateria; David Bryan igualmente competente nos coros - veja-se "Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars" - como nos teclados - conferir o solo à Jon Lord, dos Deep Purple, em "Keep The Faith), houve também um piloto automático bem disfarçado pela reacção colossal aos êxitos de sempre, aqueles que só um desastre absoluto poderia macular.

Texto: Luís Guerra
Fotos: Rita Carmo/Espanta Espíritos

Notícia escrita por LG Quinta, 27 de Junho às 1:12

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-26 - Parque da Bela Vista, Lisbon

Wed, Jun 26, 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal @ Parque da Bela Vista

The tour of Bon Jovi is: "Because We Can Tour".
It was my 25th Bon Jovi show and the first one I see without Richie Sambora. Is sad. The band at this moment are: Jon Bon Jovi, David Bryan, Tico Torres, Hugh MacDonald, Bobbie Bandiera and Phil X (instead of Richie Sambora).
I arrived at Bela Vista on Monday afternoon near 14h30. Took some photos of the stage inside Parque da Bela Vista. It was very cool to get in. Normaly in this tour Bon Jovi are using a big buick on stage that they name Sofia. But as they have at least 3 stages around Europe we didn't had the Sofia stage. We had a simple festival stage. It was cool because the stage was not high and I could take many photos and videos of all stage.
On this first day (Monday 24) I started to make the list to the backstage members (Bon Jovi official members). 2 lists, 1 for Diamond Circle and another for Golden Circle.
Met some portuguese friends and at the end of the day some spanish fans appeard.
On second day (Tuesday 25) again went to Parque da Bela Vista early morning and continue doing the lists. Rest on the shadow all day and even did an interview to SIC television. Me and a couple of friends.
Finally on show day (Wednesday 26) also arrived to Bela Vista very early and the lists got bigger. We get in inside about 15h45 slowly to the Diamond Circle. I was number 1 on the list and stood in front of the stage, front row in the middle, in front of Jon.
During the afternoon alreay inside the Diamond Circle I saw Obie O'Brien and the Bon Jovi Tour Fotographer David Bergman. I talked a little to David Bergman and took 2 photos with him. He was very nice.

Before "Bon Jovi" in Parque da Bela Vista, played "Brass Wires Orchestra".

The first band was Brass Wires Orchestra. They played for 45 minutes.
So boring. Never met them before. Thay were only official there in Parque da Bela Vista about 2 days before Bon Jovi show day (June 26). Strange sounds. They sing in english. They play a lot of instruments.

Finally was time for Bon Jovi. They played for 135 minutes.

It was one of the worst shows of Bon Jovi for me. Because as they started very late about 21h15 (the normal on other Countries in Europe was start at 20h00) and because there was a full strike on the day after they had to cut the show and leave early. They were afraid to have their flights canceled. And as I said before Richie Sambora was not here. For me Bon Jovi are Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, David Bryan and Tico Torres. This is the main band. Without even 1 member on tour the show is not the same. Jon Bon Jovi hired a knowned guitar player named Phil X (to fill Richie's place). He is good but he is no Richie sambora.
Love the first song "That's What the Water Made Me" they played from the new "What About Now" album. Made the video to remember.
Always good to hear "Runaway" live.
Other 2 songs of the new album are: "Because We Can" and "What About Now". Also made some videos of these songs.
In "Because We Can" the portuguese fan club organised a coreography with balloons. Greens in front on the Diamond Circle and red behing on the Golden Circle and on General Admission. It was awesome to see the videos of this song with the balloons. At the end Jon said "I like it, I like it".
"What About Now" is awesome live.
I love "Superman Tonight". I was very happy to see them play this one and of course I made the video to remember later.
Always fun to see them play "Captain Crash". Everyone on Diamond Circle with confettis on the air on this song.
"We Weren't Born to Follow" another of my fav of the last years.
"In These Arms" is one of my favorite songs by Bon Jovi. I try to make a video of this song in every concert I go.
Also love "Love's the Only Rule". Awesome to see it live.

Here it is the setlist:

01. That's What the Water Made Me
02. You Give Love a Bad Name
03. Raise Your Hands
04. Runaway
05. The Radio Saved My Life Tonight
06. It's My Life
07. Because We Can
08. What About Now
09. Who Says You Can't Go Home
10. Keep the Faith
11. Superman Tonight
12. Lost Highway
13. We Got It Goin' On
14. Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars
15. We Weren't Born to Follow
16. In These Arms
17. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
18. Rockin' All Over the World (John Fogerty cover)
19. Bad Medicine
20. Love's the Only Rule
21. Wanted Dead or Alive
22. What's Left of Me
23. Have a Nice Day
24. Livin' on a Prayer

Note: Phil X is filling in for Richie Sambora

In bold are the videos I made.

Videos of Bon Jovi (6 videos):

Bon Jovi-That's What The Water Made Me, Lisbon, PT, 2013-06-26 HD
And the video:

Bon Jovi-Because We Can 1, Lisbon, PT, 2013-06-26 HD
And the video:

Bon Jovi-Because We Can 2, Lisbon, PT, 2013-06-26 HD
And the video:

Bon Jovi-What About Now, Lisbon, PT, 2013-06-26 HD
And the video:

Bon Jovi-Superman Tonight, Lisbon, PT, 2013-06-26 HD
And the video:

Bon Jovi-In These Arms, Lisbon, PT, 2013-06-26 HD
And the video:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Richie Sambora (Bon jovi) - Stranger In This Town (Seoul 1995)

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Today they are in Prague, Czech Republic. Only 2 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
We can see Richie Sambora singing the amazing "Stranger In This Town", his own song.
I love this version. It's a video uploaded on youtube by PabloSantaFe87.

Bon Jovi Ft. Richie Sambora - Stranger In This Town (Seoul 1995)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

David Bryan (Bon Jovi) - Memphis Lives In Me (Memphis, TN - May 19, 2011)

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Only 3 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
We can see David Bryan singing the amazing "Memphis Lives In Me", his own song.
I love this version. It's a video uploaded on youtube by fictionmistress.

Bon Jovi Featuring David Bryan - Memphis Lives In Me - Memphis, TN - May 19, 2011

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jon Bon Jovi - Under Pressure (Hard Rock Hollywood Ft. Lauderdale Florida - July 26, 2012) & Original Video

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Today in Cologne, Germany. Only 4 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
I like when the bands do covers of famous songs that I love. Here Jon Bon Jovi is singing the amazing "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie.
Awesome this video. You can see Jon reading the lyric on the floor. It's a video uploaded on youtube by fictionmistress.

Jon Bon Jovi - Under Pressure - Hard Rock Hollywood Ft. Lauderdale Florida - July 26, 2012

Here it is the original lyric.

Queen & David Bowie Under Pressure

Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure
That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on the streets

Bah bah bah bah bah bah

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Do do do bah bah bah bah
Chippin' around
Kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours

People on streets
People on streets

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out!
Pray tomorrow takes me higher higher higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Turned away from it all
Like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
Why why why?
Love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love?
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure

Here it is the original video.

QUEEN & DAVID BOWIE: Under Pressure

Friday, June 21, 2013

We want Bon Jovi in Portugal - The Circle Tour

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Today in Stuttgart, Germany (same place where I went in 2006 to see them). Only 5 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
This is a special video a friend of mine did. She is Filipa Fonseca.
Thanks so much for doing this amazing video. There are some phrases I said (one for example in the beginning, I am the first one speaking). Also there are 4 photos of me in the video. And there are some photos I took in Rock In Rio Madrid on June 4, 2010 also in the video.
I love this video. It's a video uploaded on youtube by Filipa Fonseca on June 8, 2010.
A little text that Filipa wrote on the video:
"Let's show who is the best crowd in the world...uma pequena amostra (muito pequena) dos fas portugueses e dos melhores momentos dos Bon Jovi em Portugal...90mil pessoas a cantarem em uníssono quer dizer alguma coisa ;)"

We want Bon Jovi in Portugal -The Circle Tour

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bon Jovi - 2 funny videos from 2009 & 2010

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Only 6 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
These 2 videos are very funny. Hope you like them.
Videos uploaded on youtube by mrjameseyboo.

Richie Sambora Goofing Around In The Studio

Bon Jovi Funny Interview 2009

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bon Jovi - In These Arms (Live in Punchestown, Dublin, Ireland)

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Today in Gdansk, Poland. Only 7 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
This video is awesome, a girl jumped on Jon bon Jovi in the song "In These Arms". So funny. Jon was really amazed. This was in Punchestown in June 7, 2008.
I was there middle of front row but didn't make the video of this song. But remember this very well.
I like when Jon says at the end of the song: "You irish women are crazy".
I love this video. It's a video uploaded on youtube by Eoileann.

Bon Jovi Punchestown, In these arms

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer, "Amazing Dance Caught on Celtics Jumbotron"

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Today in Berlin, Germany. Only 8 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
I love this video. It's a video uploaded on youtube by Frank Tinsley. Very funny.
A dude in a crowd at Boston, on a Celtics game was caught in the Celtics Jumbotron. Dancing on the stairs to "Livin' On A Prayer" by @BonJovi.

Amazing Dance Caught on Celtics Jumbotron

Monday, June 17, 2013

Icona Pop - We Got The World

After I had seen the "I love It" video I got hooked on these sweedish girls "Icona Pop" and found out this video "We Got the world" that I also love.
The girls are really awesome and the one with red hair is gorgeous.

Icona Pop - We Got The World (Official Video)

Hope you will love this awsome lyric.

Icona Pop - We Got The World (Official Video)

They say you're a freak when we're having fun
Say you must be high when we're spreading love
But we're just living life and we never stop
We got the world
We got the wo-wo-wo-wo-wo...

We can live fast, fly young
Everyday we celebrate just like we won
Only you and I, DIY
We found a way to live the dream until we die

Just come into my arms
I will get you love drunk
We'll be burning bright
Us against the world tonight

They say, "You're a freak," when we're having fun
Say, "You must be high," when we're spreading love
But we're just living life and we never stop
We got the world
We got the world

Black shades, bright nights
Back to back we'll do this 'til the end of time
You and I live, don't learn
Everyday we fire it up and let it burn

Just come into my arms
I will get you love drunk
We'll be burning bright
Us against the world tonight

They say, "You're a freak," when we're having fun
Say, "You must be high," when we're spreading love
But we're just living life and we never stop
We got the world
We got the world

They say, "You're a freak," when we're having fun
Say, "You must be high," when we're spreading love
But we're just living life and we never stop
We got the world
We got the world
We got the world

Sunday, June 16, 2013

2013-06-16 - Mr.SlavaPro outlasts 225,000 players to win World Record Tournament and $25,000

Mr.SlavaPro outlasts 225,000 players to win World Record Tournament and $25,000

Records are made to be broken, and PokerStars players do just that with astounding regularity. Eighteen months ago, PokerStars celebrated its tenth anniversary and the surrounding festivities included its fourth World Record tournament, where 200,000 players played for a $250,000 prize pool. But after Thursday's bombastic 100 Billionth Hand celebration (don't think about how big 100 billion is, it will either trigger an existential crisis or make your head explode) did you really think we weren't gonna take the opportunity to smash that record again?

By game time, a capacity crowd of 225,000 players had gathered, officially breaking the record for the largest poker tournament ever played. Their $1 buyins contributed $225,000 to the $300,000 guaranteed prize pool, PokerStars kicking in a $75k overlay to sweeten the pot even further. 60,000 players earned a share of it with first place set to earn $25,000.

After only an hour of play, the crowd thinned to 28,000 and another hour later only 2,595 remained. Hour three saw the field reduced to 190, and with five minutes left before the fourth break, the final table bubble hit and play went hand for hand. With the blinds up to 3M/6M with a 750k ante, chip leader Mr.SlavaPro opened for a min-raise to 12 million. With 3.75 milllion of his remaining 4.1 million already committed in the small blind, MattDooms called all-in and Ravic77 folded his big blind. MattDooms' 5♥T♠ was already drawing thin against Mr.SlavaPro's K♦K♣, but went completely dead on the K♥K♠5♣ flop. Mr.SlavaPro raked in the 19 million pot with quad kings and sent us to the final table, while MattDooms exited in eleventh place.


Final table chip counts

Blinds: 3,000,000/6,000,000, ante 750,000

Seat 1: johnnykara75 (17,560,748 in chips)
Seat 2: SOY PATO355 (14,065,727 in chips)
Seat 3: Evgeniy33377 (3,729,288 in chips)
Seat 4: Mr.SlavaPro (87,268,525 in chips)
Seat 5: KARI#9 (64,386,794 in chips)
Seat 6: Ravic77 (17,422,024 in chips)
Seat 7: jpstef06 (13,712,929 in chips)
Seat 8: 1star09 (52,884,148 in chips)
Seat 9: Tormenter85 (34,974,394 in chips)
Seat 10: jmmetra (31,495,423 in chips)

johnnykara75 doubles with aces, Evgeniy33377 eliminated in tenth

It took 11 minutes and only 20 hands to distribute the $73,000 in remaining prize money. The jumps were huge and the stacks extremely shallow, the chip average only 6.25 big blinds as the final table began.

On Hand #1, jmmetra picked up 9♥9♣ and moved all-in for 30.7 million on the button, only to have johnnykara75 wake up with A♣A♥ in the small blind. Johnnykara75's aces held and he doubled to 47.1 million, leaving jmmetra on only 14.5 million (2.5 bb). However, jmmetra's situation wasn't quite as dire as Evgeniy33377's. On Hand #2, Evgeniy33377 was all-in for 1.97 million in the big blind while SOY PATO355 had 4 of his remaining 7.3 million committed in the small blind. Johnnykara75 limped in for 8 million on the button, SOY PATO355 called all-in and the cards went on their backs.

SOY PATO355 Q♣9♥
Evgeniy33377 3♣3♥
johnnykara75 T♦4♥

SOY PATO355 snagged the lead on the A♠9♠6♣ flop and held onto it, the turn and river falling the J♣ and the A♣ to send Evgeniy33377 to the rail in tenth place ($1,000).
Ravic77 out in ninth, jmmetra exits eighth

Evgeniy33377's elimination left jpstef06 as the table short stack. On Hand #3, jpstef06 moved all-in for 11 million from UTG+1 and KARI#9 called the 3 million balance from the big blind. Jpstef06's A♠Q♥ held up aganist 6♣7♥ and he doubled to 35 million, only to move all-in from UTG on the next deal. Ravic77 called all-in for 5.67 million more with Q♠J♠ in the big blind, but did not improve against jpstef06's 7♠7♣. For ninth place, Ravic77 took home $1,500.

With only one more hand to go before he'd be committed in the 8 million big blind, jmmetra pulled the trigger with Q♣T♦ and moved all-in for 9.9 million from UTG+1. 1star09 called with A♣K♥ in the big blind and flopped a king, ending jmmetra's run in 8th place ($2,000).

johnnykara75 eliminates SOY PATO355 in seventh

On Hand #8, the action folded to johnnykara75 in the small blind. Holding A♥2♥, he moved all-in for 23.3 million and SOY PATO355 called off his remaining 8.1 million from the big. SOY PATO355's K♥8♥ took the lead with top two pair on the K♣6♠6♥ flop, but johnnykara75 picked up the nut flush draw on the turn when the 3♥ fell. The 7♥ river completed it and SOY PATO355 was out in seventh place, earning $2,500.

KARI#9 flips out in sixth, Tormenter85 falls in fifth

Six players remained as the tournament went to it's regularly scheduled synch break. With stacks ranging from 41 million (4.1 bb) to 75 million (7.5 bb), it was really anyone's game, and surprisingly no one had uttered a word about making a deal.

Hand #9 saw 1star09 open-shove for 59.8 million and KARI#9 call all-in for 29.9 million from the big blind. KARI#9's A♥K♥ lost a coinflip against 1star09's pocket threes, the board falling T♥7♣4♠T♦3♦ to end his run in sixth place ($3,500).

1star09 took the chip lead with 112.2 million, but six hands later doubled johnnykara75 to 108 million when his Q♦7♦ fell to K♦J♦. On the next deal, 1star09 opened for a 3x raise to 36 million from the small blind and Tormenter85 called all-in for 13.7 million more from the big. 1star09's Q♠8♠ hit middle pair on the 9♥8♦2♣ flop, but Tormenter85's K♥5♣ made top pair on the turn when the K♦ fell. However, 1star09 wrested victory away on the river, the Q♥ landing to make him queens up.Tormenter85 was eliminated in fifth place, earning $5,000 for his efforts.

Mr.SlavaPro KOs two

With four players remaining, blinds were up to 7M/14M. Mr.SlavaPro was at the top of the counts with 115.5 million, johnnykara75 was right behind him with 107 million, 1star09 held 97 million and jpstef06 was the short stack with 17.6 million. Facing the big blind on the next deal, jpstef06 moved all-in from UTG. 1star09 reshoved for 95 million on the button, but Mr.SlavaPro woke up with A♠A♣ in the big blind and called an additional 81.3 million. Mr.SlavaPro's aces held up against 1star09's A♥9♣ and jpstef06's 9♦T♦ to win the 220 million pot and score a double knockout. Jpstef06 took fourth place ($7,500) while 1star09 finished third ($10,000).

Heads-up chip counts

Seat 1: johnnykara75 (98,583,022 in chips)
Seat 4: Mr.SlavaPro (238,916,978 in chips)

Johnnykara75 has his work cut out for him arriving to heads-up play at a 2.4 to 1 chip defecit. However, the gap between them only grew wider on the second hand of their match. In a limped pot, johnnykara75 and Mr.SlavaPro saw a 4♥2♥2♣ flop. Johnnykara75 checked, Mr.SlavaPro bet 14 million, and johnnykara75 came in with a check-raise to 42 million. Mr.SlavaPro responded with a shove and johnnykara75 gave up his hand, saving his remaining 56.5 million in chips.

It was all over on the next hand. All the marbles went in on the flop, Mr.SlavaPro's flopped two pair besting johnnykara75's top pair.

Congratulations to Russia's Mr.SlavaPro on winning the largest poker tournament ever held! He banked $25,000 while runner-up johnnykara75 earned $15,000.

PokerStars Road to 100 Billion World Record Attempt results

Players: 225,000
Prizepool: $300,000 ($75k added)
Places paid: 60,000

1. Mr.SlavaPro (Russia) $25,000.00
2. johnnykara75 (Greece) $15,000.00
3. 1star09 (Russia) $10,000.00
4. jpstef06 (Germany) $7,500.00
5. Tormenter85 (Australia) $5,000.00
6. KARI#9 (Slovenia) $3,500.00
7. SOY PATO355 (Argentina) $2,500.00
8. jmmetra (Argentina) $2,000.00
9. Ravic77 (Estonia) $1,500.00
10. Evgeniy33377 (Ukraine) $1,000.00

We may have dealt 100 Billion hands and broken a World Record, but the party isn't over yet. The $1M Golden Sit-N-Goes begin tomorrow and run through June 23rd, and one week from today we're debuting the Zoom 100, a $1M guaranteed Zoom Poker tournament with a $100+9 buyin. For a look at all the celebrations still to come, check out the 100 Billiion Hands page.

Kristin Bihr is a freelance contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

Bon Jovi, 2013-06-15 - Irish Mirror, Live Review: Rock royalty Bon Jovi are Kings of the Castle

Live Review: Rock royalty Bon Jovi are Kings of the Castle

Slane Picture Special: Rock royalty Bon Jovi are Kings of the Castle

More than 60,000 fans are thrilled as American rockers deliver specially chosen set list

Pumped-up Bon Jovi wowed the mammoth crowds at Slane tonight – and showed why they’re still rock royalty.

The American band entertained more than 60,000 delirious Irish fans as they played a thrilling set picked specially for the hugely anticipated gig.

The historic Co Meath venue went wild for Livin’ On A Prayer – as charismatic frontman Jon Bon Jovi heard the crowd sing along to the hit.

The singer revealed: “This is the show I’ve been waiting for all year. I like what I see! I’m gonna take in all I see!”

The New Jersey natives had Slane revelers in overdrive as they played tracks including It’s My Life and You Give Love A Bad Name during their two-hour set of their recent and greatest hits.

Lucky punters who attended the concert were also treated to a spectacular fireworks display over the banks of the River Boyne.

Even the heavy showers were not enough to dampen spirits as fans kept dancing through the rain.

Backstage before the gig, Bon Jovi relaxed inside the castle with delighted owner Lord Henry Mountcharles – who had been working overtime to get the show ready.

Before the gig the band enjoyed a special tour around the world-renowned venue put on by the King of the Castle.

They also enjoyed a few glasses of Irish whiskey before heading out onto stage after being presented with a bottle as a present.

A source said: “Bon Jovi have been having a great time at Slane, it’s a place they really love and it means a lot for them to be playing it.

“Since arriving on Friday, members of the band have gone on a tour around the estate and enjoyed the Slane lifestyle.

“When Jon came to announce the gig with Lord Henry, he was shown all around and hasn’t stopped going on about it - so everyone else was on the edge of their seat to see too.

“They even followed in the footsteps of the Kings of Leon with a glass of whiskey before their performance – it’s almost like a Slane tradition.”

And Lord Henry Mountcharles was overjoyed as the performance went ahead without a hitch – as he came out to watch from beside the stage with a massive grin.

Before Bon Jovi took to the stage spirits were running high as support acts Bressie, Ham Sandwich and The Coronas warmed up the crowd.

And overjoyed Bressie - who brought along his young nephew to see his set - couldn’t believe he had fulfilled one of his dreams to play at Slane.

And Kirsty Davison, 27, added: “It’s just such a great vibe down at Slane. It’s always one of the best days of the year.”

While John Smyth, 32, said: “It’s a fantastic experience being down here. It’s my first time, but I’m having such a ball.”

Following the performance, Bon Jovi headed back into Slane Castle for a lavish knees up with Lord Henry, 62, and his pals.

A source said: “With an event like Slane, a lot of preparation has gone into making everything perfect – including the party in the castle afterwards.

“Lord Henry likes to make sure that the bands always have an absolutely memorable time when they come to Slane.”

Now, preparations begin again to get Slane Castle done up for the second gig this year – when rapper Eminem flies in for his August show.

Bosses will be working on clearing out the mud and getting the grass back to perfection for the Lose Yourself sensation.

A source said: “After Bon Jovi, there’s going to a big clean up session having to take place now – especially to get the grass back to a proper state.”

Meanwhile, Lord Henry plans to keep working on plans for next year’s Slane after admitting to he’s already thinking about names.

He said: “It’s always very challenging trying to get it right and being conscious of what the Irish audience are looking for.

“Slane is about rock’n’roll, it’s about entertainment, it’s about giving people a good time. I’m already looking at what we’re going to do next year.

“Sometimes I have to think very far ahead. I look at how acts are performing live and I do emphasise the live aspect of this. It’s what it’s all about.

“I look at bands coming up. We discuss it as a family and we see where we’re going to go but it’s not easy.”

Yesterday, Lord Henry was joined by a number of Ireland’s biggest names who had also made the trek to Slane Castle for the show.

Stars seen hanging out in the VIP area included former Olympic boxing champ Kenny Egan and his Scottish girlfriend Stephanie Williams, model Rozanna Purcell, ex rugby player Shane Byrne.

Organisers were delighted as the gig went off without any major hitches after months of preparation.

Fan Emily Coll, 30, told “It’s great that it’s all run so smoothly - Slane is just so fantastic to be at. You really can’t beat it.”

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bruce Springsteen, 2013-06-15 -, BS in London: Plays entire 'Darkness' album at Wembley Stadium on Saturday

Bruce Springsteen in London: Plays entire 'Darkness' album at Wembley Stadium on Saturday

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band perform before a huge crowd at Wembley Stadium in London on Saturday.(Sam Batty @sam_batty via Twitter)

Stan Goldstein/The Star-Ledger By Stan Goldstein/The Star-Ledger
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on June 15, 2013 at 5:54 PM, updated June 15, 2013 at 5:55 PM

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band performed for the first time at the new Wembley Stadium in London on Saturday and the fans got quite a treat with a full album performance of "Darkness on the Edge of Town" as well as some other gems.

Bruce had played at the old Wembley Stadium three times on the Born in the U.S.A. tour in 1985 and twice in 1988, once on the Tunnel of Love tour and once on the Amnesty tour.
The news stadium, which is one the same site, opened in 2007 and has a capacity of 90,000.

After 11 days off, it looks as Bruce and the band were in fine form on Saturday playing a 31-song, three-hour-and-11-minute show.

A nice six-pack to open with "Land of Hope and Dreams," "Jackson Cage," "Radio Nowhere" (which I'm glad to see early in the show, it's usually played later in the main set), "Save My Love" (yes! should be played more, only the fifth time this tour and the first time in 2013), "Rosalita" (another early appearance) and "This Hard Land" (played for only the second time in the main set in 2013).

Cool to see "Light of Day" close the main set, just like it did on many shows on the Tunnel of Love, 1992-93 and Reunion tours. The show closer was once again "Thunder Road" played solo acoustic with the crowd singing along. Bruce finished his last show, June 3 at San Siro Stadium in Milan, Italy the same way.

It was the second time "Darkness" has been played in full in 2013, the other shwos was on May 4 in Solna, Sweden.

Show began at 7:23 p.m. local time (five hours ahead of New Jersey)

Set list

1. Land of Hope and Dreams
2. Jackson Cage
3. Radio Nowhere
4. Save My Love (sign request)
5. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) (sign request)
6. This Hard Land
7. Lost in the Flood (sign request)
8. Wrecking Ball
9. Death to My Hometown
10. Hungry Heart

Entire "Darkness on the Edge of Town" album
11. Badlands
12. Adam Raised a Cain
13. Something in the Night
14. Candy's Room
15. Racing in the Street
16. The Promised Land
17. Factory
18. Streets of Fire
19. Prove It All Night
20. Darkness on the Edge of Town

21. Shackled and Drawn
22. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
23. The Rising
24. Light of Day

25. Pay Me My Money Down
26. Born to Run
27. Bobby Jean
28. Dancing in the Dark
29. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
30. Twist & Shout
31. Thunder Road (solo acoustic)

Show over at: 10:34 p.m.

Next show: Tuesday at Hampden Park in Glasgow, Scotland

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bon Jovi - What About Now

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Only 11 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
Always good to see a video with live footage.
The album's second single. Bon Jovi said: "The lyrics are very positive obviously "Because We Can," "What About Now?," it's all empowering and that's what we were trying to get to. We were trying to get some positive lyrics. That's kind of where we landed."

Bon Jovi - What About Now

Hope you will love this awsome lyric.

Bon Jovi - What About Now

You wanna start a fire
It only takes a spark
You gotta get behind the wheel
If you ever gonna try that car
If you wanna take a bite
You better have the teeth
If you want take that step
Then get up of your knees

Cause tonight, we're alive

Who stand for the restless
And the lonely, for the desperate
And the hungry
It's time for the count
I'm hearing you now
For the painful, the believers
For the faithless and the teachers
Stand up and be proud
What about now

You wanna start a fight
You gotta take a swing
You gotta get your hands in the dirt
To see what the harvest will bring
You wanna raise your voice
Don't be scared to breath
Don't be afraid to hurt
Don't be ashamed in me

Cause tonight, we're alive

Who stand for the restless
And the lonely, for the desperate
And the hungry
It's time for the count
I'm hearing you now
For the painful, the believers
For the faithless and the teachers
Stand up and be proud
What about now

Believe for like reasons that shift trough the season, still dreams are just bend, dark and grey
And all of your plans that slip right trough your hands are just sins that you take to your grave

Tonight, we're alive

Who stand for the restless
And the lonely, for the desperate
And the hungry
It's time for the count
I'm hearing you now
For the painful, the believers For the faithless and the teachers
Stand up and be proud
What about now

What about now
What about now
What about now

Bon Jovi - Because We Can (4 videos)

"Because We Can - The Tour" is in Europe right now. Only 12 days to Bon Jovi play here in my town, Lisbon.
Bon Jovi made 4 videos of the same song. Is a story, you have to see the 4 videos in order to understand it all.
The album's first single. Bon Jovi said: "The lyrics are very positive obviously "Because We Can," "What About Now?," it's all empowering and that's what we were trying to get to. We were trying to get some positive lyrics. That's kind of where we landed."

Bon Jovi - Because We Can

Bon Jovi - Because We Can (The Boxer: Act 1)

Bon Jovi - Because We Can (Astrid: Act 2)

Bon Jovi - Because We Can (The Beginning: Epilogue)

Hope you will love this awsome lyric.

Bon Jovi - Because We Can

I don’t wanna be another wave in the ocean
I am a rock not just another grain of sand
I wanna be the one you run to when you need a shoulder
I ain’t a soldier but I’m here to take a stand
Because we can


She’s in the kitchen staring out the window
So tired of living life in black & white
Right now she’s missing those technicolor kisses
When he turns down the lights

Lately feeling like a broken promise
In the middle staring down his doubt
There’s only one thing in this world that he knows
He said forever and he’ll never let her down

I don’t wanna be another wave in the ocean
I am a rock not another grain of sand
I wanna be the one you run to when you need a shoulder
I ain't a soldier but I’m here to take a stand
Because we can

She laid take out on the coffee table
Prepped the dishes poured a glass of wine
Turn down the sound and move a little closer
Just for a moment everything is alright

I don’t wanna be another wave in the ocean
I am a rock not just another grain of sand
I wanna be the one you run to when you need a shoulder
I ain’t a soldier but I’m here to take a stand

Because we ca-an our love can move a mountain
we ca-an if you believe in we
we ca-an just wrap your arms around me
we ca-an we ca-an


I don’t wanna be another wave in the ocean
I am a rock not just another grain of sand
I wanna be the one you run to when you need a shoulder
I ain’t a soldier but I’m here to take a stand

I don’t wanna be another wave in the ocean
I am a rock not just another grain of sand
I wanna be the one you run to when you need a shoulder
I ain’t a soldier but I’m here to take a stand

Because we ca-an our love can move a mountain
we ca-an if you believe in we
Because we ca-an just wrap your arms around me
Because we ca-an we can

Because we can


Thursday, June 13, 2013

2013-06-13 - microulis69 wins PokerStars 100 Billionth Hand for $103,800

microulis69 wins PokerStars 100 Billionth Hand for $103,800

The 100 Billionth Hand has hit! microulis69 from Greece was sat on table Euryalos XI playing some microstakes $0.02/$0.05 action, just another kid with a dream (and probably several tables open). That dream came a little closer to reality when their table froze for The Million Dollar Hand, and closer still when microulis69's J♦5♦ flopped middle pair on a A♣2♣J♣ flop. Mayers666 had a winning flush draw, MoodyMiss had two-pair outs and the other players had over cards. By the time the online dust had settled on the river microulis69 was the one of more than 400,000 players grinding at PokerStars to have won the historic hand #100,000,000,000 collecting $103,800 - and a $31.55 pot.
Congratulations to microulis69
This is life-changing money, but changing in the blink of an eye: just one hand gifting a million dollars. While there was an accelerating tension as the we tore through the last 20 million hands when the hand hit the action paused as a whole squad of Team PokerStars Pros jumped on to offer their congratulations. Chris Moneymaker, some ten years after he won the WSOP Main Event helping to kick off the online revolution, jumped in to say, "pretty cool, 100k... Very good return on investment here," in that laidback and languid Moneymaker manner. This was a different landmark.
There was no growing tension for the players, no chipping up throughout a six-day EPT Main Event or grinding the Sunday Million. It was fast. This was one hand, one moment, one huge pile of money. And not just for our winning Greek grinder.
microulis69: $103,800
doc836: $13,440
HeyitsClay: $13,440
GlassGagguas: $13,360
MoodyMiss: $12,760
Mayers666 $12,460
That adds up to $169,260 which left a lot of loot to spread around in the Million Dollar Hand Stake Share. Lee Jones, PokerStars Head of Poker Commuincations gave the good news.
"We have 9,471 players who will get a stake share. The total stake share awarded is $830,790.34 and the average stake share going to those players is $84.72," said Jones, who went on to thank everyone who had taken part, poker player and PokerStars staff alike.
The 100 Billion Hand Celebrations began on Friday and has paid out more than $2m to PokerStars players (see them all here). But the party isn't not over yet. There's a $300,000 World Record attemp taking place this Sunday which costs just $1 to enter, a $1 million guaranteed Zoom tournament on 23 June, and a $1 million Golden Sit & Go promotion (17-23 June). Find out more about all of those by clicking here. And don't forget to Zoom & Boom when that kicks off for extra cash.
Well, it's been a blast. See you back for the 200,000,000,000th hand Mega Milestone!-- RD
The Million Dollar Hand paid out $1,000,000 to PokerStars players in just one hand with a minimum $100,000 guaranteed to the winner of hand #100,000,000,000. The PokerStars Blog live blogged the lead up to that hand. Most recent posts at the top.
8.38pm: After a long and dramatic pause in the action, the 100 Billionth PokerStars hand has been played out with Greek player microulis69 winning $103,800 at a 2c/5c no limit table. Congratulations from us all at PokerStars!
We'll have a full report of the action momentarily, but in short, microulis69's J♦5♦ held on a A♣2♣J♣9♦T♥ board to make poker history. An amazing 400,000 players were online just as the big hand was being dealt. Congratulations to all our winners. -- SY
microulis69 takes down the 100 billionth hand at PokerStars for $103,800
8.24pm: It's here, folks. The 100 Billionth PokerStars hand is about to be dealt at a 2c/5c no limit table called Euryalos XI. The action has been paused and a million and one (exaggeration alert) Team PokerStars Pros are congratulating the players. They've all won $10,000 just for being at the table - but one of them is about to get a lot more than that! Here we go... -- SY
8.20pm: This is NOT the time for my cat to jump up on my keyboard. Shoooo! -- SY
8.16pm: Well done to CromFayer who just won $5244 in the the last milestone hand before THE BIG ONE. Yes, THE BIG ONE. SO BIG IT'S IN CAPS. Unlucky not to be the actual 100 billionth hand, but over $5000 is not too shabby on a €0.50/€1 table. -- SY
8.12pm: Ready for 999,999,000th hand? Coming right up at table Adelheid XII, a €0.50/€1 no limit table! "OMG, the one before the 100 billion," said Gabe_Logan23. You can't have it all, sir! We have 384,000 players online! -- SY
8.05pm:Been following the WSOP? It's been mixed fortunes for Team PokerStars Pro. Check out Keir Mackay's round up here.
Jannes 22 has taken one of the last regular milestones for a $312 bonus. Not bad for a €2 buy-in table! Nice hand, Jannes. It's the best you'll ever play J♣6♠. -- RD
Two million to go!
8pm:Some great Twitter banter on the @PokerStarsBlog Twitter account at the moment.
It's probably more likely that you'll be the one choking. Talking of food, I'm now carb-loading pasta with just two million hands to go. I think I may got this the wrong way round.... Milestone 99,998,000,000 has hit table Alaraph XI. It's a micro €0.01/€0.02 table. -- RD
7.50pm: We topped 333,000 players just as hand 997,000,000 hit at a 25c/50c $10 CAP no-limit heads-up table, where Gsmith13 and JackWebber presumably been at war before, but were now best of pals, congratulating each other on making this milestone. Then the hand played out, they not suprisingly capped out at $10, and Gsmith won with two pair, winning and nice $2338.50. Like this....
Heads-up for nice rolls
7.44pm: Masakari77 takes it home to Japan Poland rivering a flush worth $62.36 $1,750 thanks to the Milestone bonus, just 17,500 big blinds! -- RD
7.38pm:Calamity for Kalamasz who sat at the table after the milestone hand was dealt. One unhappy customer surrounded by five very, very, very happy customers at Tanga VI Deep, ante $0.05/$0.10. -- RD
7.24pm: Wonga for Wongoo who won $205.50 at 1c/2c no limit table Nele IV when his mighty 2♠T♣ bested the five others at the table. British player daddymac nearly lost out, typing: "What's a milestone? BRB, my dinner is waiting." Step in kindly PokerStars HostJeff who explained to daddymad he might like to stick around.
Happy days for Wongoo
We are now getting real close to the magical 100 billionth hand. Currently we have 310,000 players online! Hand 99,996,000,000 is next. And soon! -- SY
7.15pm: We're about to hit 300,000 players online. Goodness. Hand 99,995,000,000 coming up soon. -- SY
7.13pm: These hands are flying by and with 292,832 players online is it any surprise? Well, no. There's a MILLION DOLLAR HAND coming. And I hate typing in caps. That's how insane it is. Last milestone hand #99,994,000,000 and was won by suver10 with a paired king. The pot was good for $88.08 with a bonus of $559. In all $2,406 went to that table. -- RD
7.04pm: Got a spare buck? Want to break world record? Check out this page about our attempt to make a 225,000 player tournament! About $25,000 for the winner.
These hands are whirring by now. Hand #99,994,000,000 taking place on a 8c/16c NLHE table now. -- RD
7pm: In more important other news, Mrs Young has just gone out to fetch me a curry. Win, win for me. Forget your chase for $100,000! I bet Dacey is jealous. -- SY
6.55pm: Well, that was exciting. Hand 99,993,000,000 was just dealt at the 10c/20c stud hi/lo table Cheleb X. When I say exciting, I also mean utterly confusing. I've never seen a table of stud hi/lo packed with everyone betting on every street so quickly. I admit it, I got lost in a blur of bets and cards. But at the end, player Adomas Zukas appeared to win the most money - $249. Well done, stud! -- SY
Adomas won a lot of cash; didn't see how
6.50pm:Team PokerStars Online's Adrienne 'talonchick' Rowsome is in the action, along with 256,019 other players across 36,633 tables. -- RD

6.48pm: Hand 99,993,000,000 about to be dealt at a limit stud hi/lo table. I won't have a clue what's going on. -- SY
6.44pm: Got a spare $40,000? If so, Team PokerStars Online's Isaac Haxton is waiting for you on a $200/$400 no limit table. Find him via the lobby - he's looking a bit sad and lonely with no one to play with. Still, he has no financial need to win the 100 Billionth Hand! -- SY
Where is everyone? On the micros, Ike
6.39pm:Just 8 million more hands to go ('just'?). This last milestone hit a $0.10/$0.25 table with wolv3rine_v2, from Hungary not Canada, winning the main pot but ristor scooped the largest VPP-fuelled bonus of $524.25. The big one is coming! -- RD
6.30pm: You need a bit of luck to get involved in a milestone hand but it really couldn't have come at a better time for 39-year-old Canadian truck driver Jason 'WHo'sNEXT?01' Groulx. We'll let Jason, who married his poker-loving wife last February, explain why.
"The timing of the milestone hand couldn't have been better for us because the night before a powerful wind had ripped the roof off our home. The insurance company has told us they probably will not be covering the repairs as they counted the home as vacant due at the time of the storm. We had put all of our savings into the renovations and I told my wife that I was going online to see if we could win some money to put towards the new roof. I logged in and sat down at Euterpe II cap $3/$6 - $120 cap at around 6.30pm. I was in the small blind and was dealt A♥2♦ when it (milestone 99,721,000,000) hit. The screen froze and I called for Celina (my wife) to come over right away, but it took her a minute or two to realize what was happening. Once she did she was pretty excited and said ,"This is sure going to help us right now." She had tears welling up on her cheeks.
That's torn it...
We did not win the hand but it sure was great to have been lucky enough to receive the $2,632.50. We cashed out $2,500 Canadian which is the start of what we need for our roof repairs. The remainder I'm hoping to be able to grow it. It's kinda hard for us to not be emotional. For a lot of people this is probably no big deal but it couldn't have come at a better time. Cheers!"
The happy couple
That's some fantastic timing and to take the edge off some terrible luck. The Blog guys wish you some big run good with the spin-up funds! -- RD
6.21pm: Noooo! Riley Steele, with just 90 cents in chips, folded! Maybe a missclick. Anyway, HE1z took down hand 99,991,000,000 when T♠Q♣ made a handy flush on the river. That river card won him $199.50 on a 1c/2c table!
I was just thinking, how would you feel if you were dealt into hand 99,999,999,999? Tweet us @PokerStarsBlog using #100BnHands -- SY
Nice river for HE1z
6.16pm: Hand 99,991,000,000 is about to be dealt at table Thusnelda VI (who comes up with these names?!), a 1c/2c no limit table. These micro grinders are going to be very happy! Player riverkila from the UK stands to win at least $144. Nice! Let's hope none of them fold - remember, double your money by winning the hand! -- SY
6.10pm: So now there are just nine 'ordinary' milestone hands left until we have the historic 100 billionth hand dealt on PokerStars. You need only look at the number of players logged in - see the top left of the lobby - to see what it means to players. 231,000 are there right now, and that number is about to go through the roof (no roof will be damaged in this exercise).
Meanwhile, Roslyn Darum got in touch with us on Twitter (@PokerStarsBlog) to say the $100,000 they hope to win in the 100 billionth hand will be spent fixing up their parents' house and buying some supplies for a needy school. Good on you! -- SY
6.05pm: That's hand 99,990,000,000 down. Just 9,999,999 more hands to go to the Mega Milestone Million Dollar Hand. Grandberry_Q took it down with a dominated king-eight for two-pair. Dewai1946, a selfstyled 'pensioner', took the biggest bonus for more than $2,500 and promptly left for bed. Slippers and pipe possibly, too. -- RD
Free money before bedtime? Marvellous
5.57pm:The 100 Billionth Hand Celebration isn't the only poker action going on right now. There's also the PokerStars Marbella Festival, which you can get the updates from here. And there's some great article, as always from Howard Swains at APPT Macau. -- RD
5.46pm: And that one was bagged by serjjsn who managed two pair, although the biggest payout went to buragaM who scooped up $934.50. Not bad for a 10c/25c table, eh? -- SY
Q-4 takes it for serjssn
5.39pm: Next milestone now being dealt at table Sergestus IV (usual spelling). It's a 10c/25c six-handed no limit game. lugfest396 is on that table and just quipped: "I'll stop moaning about running bad today." Too right, he could win $1,600 or so in a minute! It's also apparently the second milestone hand for Irishandy101. Wonder where he's from? Luck of the Ir... -- SY
5.35pm: @LeePledger got in touch with us on Twitter (@pokerstarsblog) to ask why these milestone hands seem to crop up so often on the micro tables. Quite simply, Mr Pledger, that's because our busy-bee players are all multi-tabling the micro tables in the hope of hitting a milestone hand. It's just making it more likely to happen.
Get in on the action, the big one is just around the corner. Actually, next up is 99,989,000,000. -- SY
5.29pm:Hand #99,988,000,000 broke on a fixed-limit $0.50/$1 heads-up table between fish2015 and esteperaris. Fish2015 tried a nice angle shoot (or brag) by typing, "i have aa". If it was trying to get a fold it didn't work as esteperaris, from Greece, caught a gutshot straight on the river. Nice timing to double your Milestone bonus to $3,093, while fish2015 still collects a very healthy ~$1,500. Must be nice.
A huge gutterball strike
5.20pm: While everyone is desperately trying to win some free cash - there are nearly 200,000 players on PokerStars right now - I've been trying to put into context just how big 100 billion is. I started and then my brain frazzled. Thankfully, some clever people here did a quick video to help out... -- SY

5.13pm:What are you going to do if you win $100,000 or so? Buy a car? Invest wisely? Spend friviously? All of the above? Well, you could nail a few bob by piling into a decent wine collection. If you do it might be worth asking Team PokerStars Pro George Danzer what to get, the guy knows his grapes! Read about it here. -- RD
Thumbnail image for george_danzer_taste_for_wine.jpg
Loves a drop of Reisling
5.04pm: Sitting at a 1c/2c table, winning $363 in a single hand. Pretty standard, no? Well Skuzza187 got just that when his J♠9♠ won on this six-handed table to take down hand 99,987,000,000.
As I type there are still 80 players on the waiting list for Skuzza187's lucky table. You're a bit late, folks. Fear not, another milestone is coming right up.
Here's his moment of extraordinary ROI... -- SY
4.58pm -- Hand number 99,987,000,000 is about to be dealt at table Paracelsus III, a six-handed 1c/2c no limit table. Lucky them! -- SY
4.51pm: Minutes ago I arrived back at the PokerStars Blog secret bunker after a work trip to the PokerStars HQ on the Isle of Man. Let me tell you staff there are super excited about the 100 Billionth hand hitting today. One of two of them have been with the company since it started way back in 2001 (is that way back?), making today a particularly proud occasion.
Mr Dacey and I would love to hear from you as we celebrate with this live countdown to the big hand, which is now just hours away. You can email us at or reach out to us on Twitter @pokerstarsblog. Remember to use #100BnHands.
We'd also love you to send us tea and biscuits, too. But that's impractical. Sadly. --SY
4.48pm: If my maths is correct (and it quite possibly could not be) then PokerStars has given away $7,624,822 in the Road to 100 Billion promotion leading up to this last hurrah, and that's not including the oh-so-close-to-$1,000,000 that's gone to players in this last edition before counting the Million Dollar Mega Milestone. Milestone series ran at 65bn, 70bn, 72bn, 75bn, 80bn, 85bn, 90bn and 95bn.
And ChrisCarry (see below) did take the post with the mighty two-three offsuit. Never fold pre-flop in these things. -- RD
4.39pm: Hand #99,986,000,000 is hitting right now at a 1c/2c table. If the Million Dollar Hand drops on one of these tables, I think that's what the kids would call 'sick'. ChrisCarrey guaranteed at least 90 buy-ins and it's about 180 if they make the winning hand six-handed. Tasty ROI. -- RD
4.25pm: Aces are great. Aces are less great in multi-way pots. You know, like in nine-handed action. ii4ki got it all-in - as did everyone else - with aces under-the-gun in a $20 CAP $0.50/$1 game. The winning hand? A dominated four-deuce offsuit of course. That was held by Russian supernova Mishan but CruelNataska picked up the biggest bonus of $1,268.25 - just 63 times the CAP of the table. -- RD
4.10pm: And in case you didn't believe us, word from the man himself (in 140 characters or less). -- RD
4pm: EPT Vilamoura winner Toby '810ofclubs' Lewis shows a nice touch of run good by binking one of the milestone tables for $4,885. Born2DogBaby took the $2-$4 Omaha hand for a bonus $4,803 on top of the $1,630 they won rivering the wheel. SmallTinyMan had flopped a set of aces but the board did not pair. -- RD
Another milestone in Lewis' poker career
3.50pm: Hello ladies, gentleman and multi-table grinders, today is a great day. The countdown to the pinnacle of the PokerStars 100 Billionth Hand Celebration is almost at an end which means, in case you didn't know, the winner of hand #100,000,000,000 will win a minimum $100,000 bonus (how much more depends on how many VPPs they've accrued at that table in the last 50 hands). The other players at the table will be paid out a minimum of $10,000 and whatever is left out of the $1,000,000 warchest for this one hand will be showered amongst all players sat in a similar game and stakes. It's pretty awesome in the truest sense of the word. Let us guide you in as we hit the remaining 16 milestones before that $1 million hand.
Find out more about The Million Dollar Hand here.-- RD
The Road to 100 Billion
The countdown to the Million Dollar 100th Billion Hand is brought to you by and Simon Young.