Sunday, May 04, 2008

30 Seconds To Mars, 2008-05-03 Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon

Yesterday the 3rd of May, 2008 I went to see 30 Seconds To Mars for the 1th time.

I loved the show. 30STM were awsome. So much energy on stage and even on one balcony.

The show was on Pavilhão Atlântico with 5000 to 10000 people. They started playing a little after 21:00 and played for 82 minutes.

Before 30STM a portuguese band named F.E.V.E.R. (I think) played for 30 minutes.

30STM played 13 songs of their 2 cds.

Here it goes the setlist:

1. A Beautiful Lie
2. Battle Of One
3. From Yesterday
4. Savior
5. The Story (with a portuguese flag on his back)
6. Bhuda For Mary
7. R-Evolve
8. The Kill
9. Attack

Jared Leto on a balcony with an acoustic guitar

10. Was It A Dream
11. A Modern Myth

On stage again with the band

12. Fallen
13. The Fantasy

It's over for now. Let's wait for the 3rd show in Lisbon sometime in the future.


The Star said...

Foram 82 minutos?!?! Mas passou a correr, pareceram uns míseros minutinhos.
Realmente o espectáculo foi o máximo, AMEI. Vou repetir quando cá voltarem dentro em breve, espero eu.
Sorry não ter ido ter contigo, mas cheguei mesmo à hora das portas abrirem. Ficaste à frente na plateia? Não foste espremido?
"See you soon", são as palavras que me continuam a martelar na cabeça. :P

Anonymous said...

tavam 5000 a 10000 pessoas?? pareciamos mt menos!! Mas akeles 82min d concerto foram os melhores 82min da minha vida!! xD xD

d sonho, ineskecivel!!

ag...os f.e.v.e.r puseram-se lgo a andar qd viram k tdos nos paticamente n lhes ligavamx mt pois tavamx ansiosas plo verdadeiro concerto!! xD

