Today I went to see the movie: "World Trade Center" and it made a positive and very sad mark on me. Positive because the story was true and it was very good directed. And sad because it was a big tragic that shouldn't never had happened.
I will attach here some of the photos (13) I took on the "site" of the former Twin Towers in NY on the 30th of August 2004.
I decided instead of photos of the movie to add some of my photos to made me remember the time I was there.
I wish in the future to see more movies about the stories of everyone related with this "accident", about the NYPD alive or deceased, the NYFD alive or deceased, the civilians alive or deceased and everyone that made part of this tragedy. But please real and truly stories only.
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"World Trade Center" Imdb Site
Taglines for
World Trade Center (2006)
The World Saw Evil That Day. Two Men Saw Something Else.
Every generation has a defining moment.This was ours.
A True Story Of Courage And Survival.
Plot Summary for
World Trade Center (2006)
In the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster, hope is still alive. Refusing to bow down to terrorism, rescuers and family of the victims press forward. Their mission of rescue and recovery is driven by the faith that under each piece of rubble, a co-worker, a friend a family member may be found. This is the true story of John McLoughlin and William J. Jimeno, two of the last survivors extracted from Ground Zero and the rescuers who never gave up. It's a story of the true heroes of that fateful time in the history of the United States when buildings would fall and heroes would rise, literally from the ashes to inspire the entire human race.
Summary written by JJ Brent (jjbrentmusic@yahoo.com)
User Comments:
75 out of 122 people found the following comment useful:-
Very Well Done Movie!!! With No Political Agenda..., 11 August/10
Author: dianajay from United States
We weren't sure whether or not we would want to see this movie. Oliver Stone is someone who's movies we don't usually agree with. After reading many of the reviews on this site, we decided to give this movie a chance.
It is a very impressive, well executed movie... with excellent acting, directing and editing!!! It is a movie that will remind you of that day, however, it is a movie about heroes, friendships and triumphs. Yes, there are points in the movie that you will tear up and even cry, yet there is also laughter at some points and there is a lot of positive throughout the movie even though it is was a time of crisis and horror surrounding the situation. The horror of that day does exist in the movie, however it isn't overplayed or too dramatic to watch.... Also, that is not the main part of the movie. The movie is based on the lives to two of the trapped survivors as they tell/recall what happened to them on that day.
The audience sat in awe watching the movie... nobody ever got up to leave their seats... and everyone was amazed at the end of how well the story was told. I've never seen the Theatre so crowded on a weeknight (almost at capacity)... and it was being shown on multiple screens at a big theater.
I do recommend all American's see this movie... as it pays tribute to the heroes and shows some of the good that came from the tragedy.
Trivia for
World Trade Center (2006)
* Oliver Stone used many of the East Coast www.PoliceActors.com members to play cops in the film. All members of PoliceActors.com are active or retired members of a Law Enforcement agency who are also Screen Actors Guild members.
* A billboard for Zoolander (2001) is visible in one shot, as the shadow of a hijacked airliner descends over New York City. That film, released shortly after the 9/11 attacks, had images of the World Trade Center digitally removed.
* Oliver Stone thought of casting Kevin Costner as Sgt. John McLoughlin, his JFK (1991) lead. Costner had narrated the 2006 documentary On Native Soil (2006), about the 9/11 Commission Report's investigation of the causes of the terrorist attacks and what could have been done to prevent them from happening. Paramount Pictures was concerned that Stone and Costner would then delve into another conspiracy theory.
* Oliver Stone thought of casting Kevin Costner as Sgt. John McLoughlin, his JFK (1991) lead. Costner had narrated the 2005 documentary _On Native Soil (2005)_ , about the 9/11 Commission Report's investigation of the causes of the terrorist attacks and what could have been done to prevent them from happening. Paramount Pictures was concerned that Stone and Costner would then delve into another conspiracy theory.
* Three weeks before its August 9 nationwide release, producer Michael Shamberg and director Oliver Stone held private screenings of the finalized film for Port Authority officers and firefighters who risked their lives at the World Trade Center. The screenings were held in local multiplexes in the New Jersey/New York area.
* George Clooney turned down the role of Sgt. John McLoughlin.
* After seeing his performance in the film, Crash (2004/I), Maggie Gyllenhaal recommended Michael Pena for the role of Officer William Jimeno.
* As part of his research, Michael Pena moved into Officer William Jimeno's home in New Jersey.
* Due to her infamous quote that "America is responsible in some way" for the 9/11 attacks, Maggie Gyllenhaal personally offered to withdraw from the project to Officer William Jimeno and his wife Allison Jimeno. They both declined and gave their blessing for Gyllenhaal to take the role.
* John Travolta was in serious consideration for the role of Sgt. John McLoughlin. He declined the offer from Paramount Pictures, citing he had just done a similar role in Ladder). He suggested Nicolas Cage, his Face/Off (1997) costar.
* Hilary Swank was once slated to star as Donna McLoughlin when Kevin Costner was attached to the role of Sgt. John McLoughlin. They had both narrated the documentary, On Native Soil (2006) which investigated the 9/11 terrorist attacks. When Costner dropped out of the project, Swank went on to pursue other projects as well.
* Mel Gibson was a hot favorite for the role of Sgt. John McLoughlin. Screenwriter Andrea Berloff had Gibson in mind while penning the screenplay. McLoughlin, a longtime fan of Gibson, enthusiastically gave his approval. And due to his commercially appealing name, Paramount Pictures was very interested in casting him in the part. Although Gibson liked the script very much, he turned it down in order to direct Apocalypto (2006).
* Nicolas Cage was the first actor to be given the script. Producers Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher circulated the Andrea Berloff's screenplay over to Creative Artists Agency, where it was given to Oliver Stone and Cage.
* Test audiences believed that Dave Karnes (Michael Shannon), the former Marine, was a Hollywood invention. This is, in fact, a true story that occurred. Karnes later re-enlisted in the Marine Corps and served two tours of duty in Iraq. Also, as reported by the Associated Press on August 14, 2006, the Marine identified only as Sergeant Thomas (who disappeared shortly after 9/11) has been identified as Jason Thomas, a former Marine who grabbed his uniform and immediately drove to Ground Zero to help. Because his identity was unknown at the time of filming, Sgt. Thomas - who is black - was portrayed by William Mapother, a white man. The producers have since apologized to Sgt. Thomas for the miscasting. Thomas has laughed it off and told them not to be concerned, stating, "I don't want to shed any negativity on what they were trying to show."
* In preparing for his portrayal of Sgt. John McLoughlin, Nicolas Cage focused on accurately speaking with a New York accent. And to also capture the fear and claustrophobia of McLoughlin's ordeal, Cage spent hours in a sense-deprivation tank in Venice, California.
* The real-life John McLoughlin and William Jimeno appear in the final scene of the film at the "thank you" cookout.
* Approximately 240 tons of material was used to recreate a fully 3-dimensional Ground Zero in Los Angeles.
* Came to theaters under code name "bluelight".
* Officer Scott Strauss, a first responder with the New York City Emergency Services unit, was offered the chance to play himself in the film. However, Strauss refused to do so and Stephen Dorff was then cast to portray him. Strauss's services as a consultant were retained for the film to which he didn't accept payment.
* Fifty real-life members of PAPD, NYPD and FDNY were flown to Los Angeles to film the chain of men moving stretchers out of the rubble.
>>> WARNING: Here Be Spoilers <<<>
* SPOILER: Jeanette Pezzulo, the widow of Officer Dominick Pezzulo, demanded that her husband's death be edited in the final version of the film. Jay Hernandez portrays the late Dominick Pezzulo, who died in the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.
September 11 is a mark in my life and this movie is just a prove of it. I had only the TV view of this day and with this movie I got the chance to watch the other side of the day.
WTC is a mark in global history and once more, inocent people died because of politicians.
WTC must be remember as the black day of America and everything must be done to never happen again.
Altough there was a war, people stand together, now more than ever. If they thought it would break America or even just NY, they were wrong!
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