My special blog. News about my favourite things. Will try to comment the good and bad things that happened in my life. You can comment my posts in Portuguese and English. Thanks. PS: You can check my new link to a new social app: Mastodon
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Nora Ephron, DEAD (1941-05-19, 2012-06-26)
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Friday, June 29, 2012
Spice Girls, 2012-06-26 - NME, 'Girl power reigns' - 'Viva Forever' musical
Mel C also also stated that "when we watched the workshops, each time the song ['Viva Forever'] started we got goosebumps. It brings back so many memories, so it's a lovely thing for us to see our songs performed each night in a theatre."
'Viva Forever' has been written by Absolutely Fabulous star Jennifer Saunders and tells the story of Viva – a wannabe performer who enters a talent contest – and her family. The show will feature a number of songs by the legendary girl group, including a mash-up of 'Mama' and 'Viva Forever', and is due to open at London’s Piccadilly Theatre on November 27.
June 26, 2012 15:43
Spice Girls: 'Girl power reigns'
The 90s girl band make first public appearance together since 2008 at the launch of the 'Viva Forever' musical
Photo: PA
The Spice Girls reunited for the first time in four years today (June 26) at a press conference held to launch new musical, 'Viva Forever'.
The conference, which was held at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel where the group shot the music video for debut single 'Wannabe', saw the quintet speak about their involvement with the production, as well offer their thoughts on the band's lasting 'girl power' legacy.
When asked if she thought girl power was still alive today, Mel C replied "Absolutely, of course it is. It will never die. The biggest artists in the world today are women – Beyonce, Rihanna, Jessie J, Adele. Girl Power reigns." Geri Halliwell added:
The conference, which was held at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel where the group shot the music video for debut single 'Wannabe', saw the quintet speak about their involvement with the production, as well offer their thoughts on the band's lasting 'girl power' legacy.
When asked if she thought girl power was still alive today, Mel C replied "Absolutely, of course it is. It will never die. The biggest artists in the world today are women – Beyonce, Rihanna, Jessie J, Adele. Girl Power reigns." Geri Halliwell added:
"The musical is testimony that girl power has longevity. Who would have thought 16 years later that our songs and the message of them is still standing and still carries on, just in a different way. It's brilliant"
Mel C also also stated that "when we watched the workshops, each time the song ['Viva Forever'] started we got goosebumps. It brings back so many memories, so it's a lovely thing for us to see our songs performed each night in a theatre."
Monday, June 25, 2012
Madonna, 2012-06-24 - Estádio Cidade Coimbra, Coimbra
Sun, Jun 24, 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal @ Estádio Cidade Coimbra
I went to Coimbra to see the amazing Madonna (for the 6th time) live (The MDNA Tour).
I had a VIP package and stayed on the pit, actually almost middle of front row of the pit. It was an amazing day. Very sunny and hot. When I got in the stadium I saw the rehearsals of Madonna with all their dancers and musicians. It was an awesome experience.
Before Madonna played the DJ Martin Solveig.
Saw the Madonna rehearsals as soon as I was inside the stadium.
So awesome to have this opportunity to see Madonna before the show. Always awesome to see the crazy Madonna dancers all around the stage.
The invited DJ was Martin Solveig. He played for 59 minutes.
He was very good. Played all the hits.
Finally was time for Madonna. She played for 108 minutes.
She was amazing with all the amazing choreographies between her, the musicians and the dancers.
Here it is the setlist:
- The Prayer Overture: Act of Contrition (with Kalakan) (with excerpts from "Lekhah dodi")
01. Girl Gone Wild (with samples from "Material Girl" and "Give It 2 Me")
02. Revolver
03. Gang Bang
04. Papa Don't Preach
05. Hung Up (with samples from "Girl Gone Wild")
06. I Don't Give A
- Best Friend (video interlude; with samples from "Heartbeat")
07. Express Yourself (with excerpts from "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga and "She's Not Me")
08. Give Me All Your Luvin'
- Turning Up the Hits (video interlude; with samples from several Madonna songs)
09. Turn Up the Radio
10. Open Your Heart (with Kalakan) (with excerpts from "Sagarra jo!" by Kalakan)
11. Masterpiece (with Kalakan)
- Justify My Love (video interlude)
12. Vogue
13. Candy Shop (with samples from "Ashamed of Myself" by Kelley Polar and excerpts from "Erotica")
14. Human Nature
15. Like a Virgin (with samples from "Evgeni's Waltz" by Abel Korzeniowski)
- Nobody Knows Me (video interlude)
16. I'm Addicted
17. I'm a Sinner (with Kalakan) (with excerpts from "Cyber-Raga")
18. Like a Prayer
19. Celebration (with samples from "Girl Gone Wild")
In bold are the videos I made.
Videos of Madonna (5 videos). I also did the videos to "Like a Prayer" and "Celebration" but had to deleted them from youtube because of an audio claim:
Madonna-Papa Don't Preach + Hung Up, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-Express Yourself + Give Me All Your Luvin', Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-(Turning Up The Hits) + Turn Up The Radio, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-Open Your Heart, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-Masterpiece, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
I went to Coimbra to see the amazing Madonna (for the 6th time) live (The MDNA Tour).
I had a VIP package and stayed on the pit, actually almost middle of front row of the pit. It was an amazing day. Very sunny and hot. When I got in the stadium I saw the rehearsals of Madonna with all their dancers and musicians. It was an awesome experience.
Saw her 5 times before. And the shows were all amazing:
In 2004-09-13 - Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal,
2004-09-14 - Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal (as standing VIP),
2008-09-14 - Parque da Bela Vista, Lisbon, Portugal (as Hot Ticket) (Sticky & Sweet Tour),
2009-07-04 - O2 Arena, London, UK (as VIP) (Sweet & Sticky Tour 2009) and
2009-07-05 - O2 Arena, London, UK (as VIP) (Sweet & Sticky Tour 2009).
Before Madonna played the DJ Martin Solveig.
Saw the Madonna rehearsals as soon as I was inside the stadium.
So awesome to have this opportunity to see Madonna before the show. Always awesome to see the crazy Madonna dancers all around the stage.
The invited DJ was Martin Solveig. He played for 59 minutes.
He was very good. Played all the hits.
Finally was time for Madonna. She played for 108 minutes.
She was amazing with all the amazing choreographies between her, the musicians and the dancers.
Here it is the setlist:
- The Prayer Overture: Act of Contrition (with Kalakan) (with excerpts from "Lekhah dodi")
01. Girl Gone Wild (with samples from "Material Girl" and "Give It 2 Me")
02. Revolver
03. Gang Bang
04. Papa Don't Preach
05. Hung Up (with samples from "Girl Gone Wild")
06. I Don't Give A
- Best Friend (video interlude; with samples from "Heartbeat")
07. Express Yourself (with excerpts from "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga and "She's Not Me")
08. Give Me All Your Luvin'
- Turning Up the Hits (video interlude; with samples from several Madonna songs)
09. Turn Up the Radio
10. Open Your Heart (with Kalakan) (with excerpts from "Sagarra jo!" by Kalakan)
11. Masterpiece (with Kalakan)
- Justify My Love (video interlude)
12. Vogue
13. Candy Shop (with samples from "Ashamed of Myself" by Kelley Polar and excerpts from "Erotica")
14. Human Nature
15. Like a Virgin (with samples from "Evgeni's Waltz" by Abel Korzeniowski)
- Nobody Knows Me (video interlude)
16. I'm Addicted
17. I'm a Sinner (with Kalakan) (with excerpts from "Cyber-Raga")
18. Like a Prayer
19. Celebration (with samples from "Girl Gone Wild")
In bold are the videos I made.
Videos of Madonna (5 videos). I also did the videos to "Like a Prayer" and "Celebration" but had to deleted them from youtube because of an audio claim:
Madonna-Papa Don't Preach + Hung Up, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-Express Yourself + Give Me All Your Luvin', Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-(Turning Up The Hits) + Turn Up The Radio, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-Open Your Heart, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Madonna-Masterpiece, Coimbra, PT, 2012-06-24 HD
And the video:
Estádio Cidade Coimbra,
Martin Solveig,
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Bruce Springsteen, 2012-06-04 - Campainha Electrica (in portuguese)
Segunda-feira, 4 de Junho de 2012
Do dia de ontem haverá certamente muito para contar.
Fica para já a consensual impressão de que o Boss foi arrasador, surpreendente e memorável!
Dir-se-ia que a espera valeu todos os dias dos longos vinte anos que Bruce Springsteeen esteve ausente de palcos portugueses. Acrescentamos que as nove horas maioritariamente passadas em pé valeram também o interminável esforço, apesar do consequente e massacrante cansaço. Resultado: gravações video deficientes de tanto estar com os braços ao alto a tentar desviar a máquina das cabeças, mas, acima de tudo, a perseguir um surpreendente Springsteen endiabrado, irrequieto e quase inesgotável! É claro que a ajuda de um relógio topo de gama chamada E-Street Band permite todo e qualquer desvio ao roteiro sem que sejam preceptíveis máculas mínimas. Ver Max Weinberg, Steve Van Zant, Nils Lofgren, Roy Bittan, Garry Tallent ou o rookie Jake Clemmons no mesmo palco respirando talento e virtuosismo foi outra dos sub-títulos de primeira página obrigatórios no relatório final de tão grandiosa jornada. E o alinhamento? Não fugindo demasiado ao que vem sendo apresentado nesta digressão, claro que faltou esta ou aquela canção, mas certamente que as quase oitenta mil almas presentes não podem reclamar da brilhante sequência apresentada, tocando vários álbuns e épocas, do mais recente ao mais antigo. Mas, caramba, aquele final com o arrepiante, no nosso caso, "Thunder Road" em transição para um encore sem saída de palco em que se perfilaram o "Born in USA", o "Born To Run", o "Glory Days", o "Hungry Heart", o "Dancing In The Dark", o "Tenth Av. Freeze-Out" e o, pasme-se, clássico "Twist And Shout" com direito a fogo-de-artifício, deixou-nos sem fôlego e perfeitamente rendidos. Uma barrigada de música difícil de atingir e que levou o próprio Springsteen à exaustão, que por muito simulada que possa ter sido (e não foi), revela a energia posta em palco e a vontade expressa em fazer desta noite uma ocasião especial. Claro que há sempre aqueles momentos tradicionais que fazem parte do show-off, como a subida ao palco da menina (neste caso meninas...) em "Dancing In The Dark", o miúdo captado em aparente escolha aleatória da audiência para cantar em "Wainting In a Sunny Day" ou as corridas ao público para recolher "sign requests" positivamente respondidos, mas que, atendendo ao clima de celebração, se tornaram ternurentos. Uma noite incontornável na história da música ao vivo em Portugal desta década por muitas tentativas de repetição que possam vir a surgir. E nós, como prometido e cumprido, estivemos lá de alma e coração.
Perante tamanho rolo compressor do Boss, Kaiser Chiefs, James e Xutos acabaram por passar quase despercebidos. Os primeiros, irritantes na figura do vocalista que cometeu a proeza de ter dado um concerto para as câmaras de televisão a roçar o desrespeito e que cantou parte de um tema, para dar nas vistas, em pleno exercício de slide disponível no recinto; os segundos, apesar da competência e até da qualidade técnica fizeram avivar algumas memórias positivas, poucas, negativas, muitas, dos anos oitenta; os terceiros, em regime best-off a abrir de forma a conquistar rapidamente a imensa plateia o que não foi difícil de concretizar e até demos connosco a cantarolar os "Barcos Gregos" e o "Remar, Remar"...
Segunda-feira, 4 de Junho de 2012
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, Rock In Rio, Lisboa, 3 de Junho de 2012
Do dia de ontem haverá certamente muito para contar.
Fica para já a consensual impressão de que o Boss foi arrasador, surpreendente e memorável!
Dir-se-ia que a espera valeu todos os dias dos longos vinte anos que Bruce Springsteeen esteve ausente de palcos portugueses. Acrescentamos que as nove horas maioritariamente passadas em pé valeram também o interminável esforço, apesar do consequente e massacrante cansaço. Resultado: gravações video deficientes de tanto estar com os braços ao alto a tentar desviar a máquina das cabeças, mas, acima de tudo, a perseguir um surpreendente Springsteen endiabrado, irrequieto e quase inesgotável! É claro que a ajuda de um relógio topo de gama chamada E-Street Band permite todo e qualquer desvio ao roteiro sem que sejam preceptíveis máculas mínimas. Ver Max Weinberg, Steve Van Zant, Nils Lofgren, Roy Bittan, Garry Tallent ou o rookie Jake Clemmons no mesmo palco respirando talento e virtuosismo foi outra dos sub-títulos de primeira página obrigatórios no relatório final de tão grandiosa jornada. E o alinhamento? Não fugindo demasiado ao que vem sendo apresentado nesta digressão, claro que faltou esta ou aquela canção, mas certamente que as quase oitenta mil almas presentes não podem reclamar da brilhante sequência apresentada, tocando vários álbuns e épocas, do mais recente ao mais antigo. Mas, caramba, aquele final com o arrepiante, no nosso caso, "Thunder Road" em transição para um encore sem saída de palco em que se perfilaram o "Born in USA", o "Born To Run", o "Glory Days", o "Hungry Heart", o "Dancing In The Dark", o "Tenth Av. Freeze-Out" e o, pasme-se, clássico "Twist And Shout" com direito a fogo-de-artifício, deixou-nos sem fôlego e perfeitamente rendidos. Uma barrigada de música difícil de atingir e que levou o próprio Springsteen à exaustão, que por muito simulada que possa ter sido (e não foi), revela a energia posta em palco e a vontade expressa em fazer desta noite uma ocasião especial. Claro que há sempre aqueles momentos tradicionais que fazem parte do show-off, como a subida ao palco da menina (neste caso meninas...) em "Dancing In The Dark", o miúdo captado em aparente escolha aleatória da audiência para cantar em "Wainting In a Sunny Day" ou as corridas ao público para recolher "sign requests" positivamente respondidos, mas que, atendendo ao clima de celebração, se tornaram ternurentos. Uma noite incontornável na história da música ao vivo em Portugal desta década por muitas tentativas de repetição que possam vir a surgir. E nós, como prometido e cumprido, estivemos lá de alma e coração.
Perante tamanho rolo compressor do Boss, Kaiser Chiefs, James e Xutos acabaram por passar quase despercebidos. Os primeiros, irritantes na figura do vocalista que cometeu a proeza de ter dado um concerto para as câmaras de televisão a roçar o desrespeito e que cantou parte de um tema, para dar nas vistas, em pleno exercício de slide disponível no recinto; os segundos, apesar da competência e até da qualidade técnica fizeram avivar algumas memórias positivas, poucas, negativas, muitas, dos anos oitenta; os terceiros, em regime best-off a abrir de forma a conquistar rapidamente a imensa plateia o que não foi difícil de concretizar e até demos connosco a cantarolar os "Barcos Gregos" e o "Remar, Remar"...
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Bruce Springsteen, 2012-06-03 - Rock In Rio, Lisbon
Sun, Jun 3, 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal @ Rock In Rio (Parque da Bela Vista)
I went to Rock In Rio to see Bruce Springsteen (for the 2th time) live. It was another big day of waiting. But it worth every minute of it.
It was only the second time the BOSS was here in Portugal. I was also on the first show he did here in Lisbon on May 1st, 1993 at Estádio José de Alvalade (19 years before). This 1993 show was really awesome. I remember to see Bruce Springsteen playing for 3 hours.
Before Bruce Springsteen in Rock In Rio, Lisbon played Kaiser Chiefs, James and Xutos e Pontapés.
The first band was Kaiser Chiefs. They played for 47 minutes.
They are always awesome live. The vocalist is a crazy dude who in the middle of a song went to the slide and flew all over us from one side to the other side. Very funny.
I will write here the setlist:
Money For Nothing (Dire Straits song - Intro song)
01. Never Miss a Beat
02. Everyday I Love You Less and Less
03. Everything Is Average Nowadays
04. On the Run
05. I Predict a Riot
06. Kinda Girl You Are
07. Listen to Your Head
08. Ruby
09. The Angry Mob
10. Take My Temperature (with Ricky Wilson singing from the slide)
11. Oh My God
The second singer was James. He played for 69 minutes.
This was the first time I saw "James" live. I have the first 2 CDs of him. I know that he already came to Portugal many times. But this was really the first time for me. He was very good, always speaking to us and even came down near me (you can check my photos).
I will write here the setlist:
01. Whiteboy
02. Ring The Bells
03. Laid
04. She's A Star
05. Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)
06. Out To Get You
07. Johnny Yen
08. Stutter
09. Sound
10. Tomorrow
11. Sometimes
12. Sit Down
The third band was Xutos e Pontapés. They played for 65 minutes.
This time they played at night. I already have seen them other times in Rock In Rio but always on the afternoon time. This time they even got explosions on stage.
I will write here the setlist:
01. Contentores
02. Não Sou o Unico
03. A Minha Maneira
04. Barcos Gregos
05. Homem do Leme
06. Remar Remar
07. Circo de Feras
08. Perfeito Vazio
09. Tonto
10. Quem é Quem?
11. Dia de S. Receber
12. Chuva Dissolvente
13. Maria
14. Minha Casinha
15. Para Sempre
Finally was time for Bruce Springsteen. He started the show at 00h10 (June 4th) and played for 149 minutes.
What an amazing show it was. Bruce was on fire. You can check my videos to remember.
Bruce and band perform a 24-song set at Rock in Rio Festival, only the second time Springsteen has played in Portugal. Bruce didn't take to the stage until after midnight on the morning of June 4th and it was nearly 2.45am before he was finally done. Set closes with the tour debut of "Twist and Shout," the first time this year a show hasn't ended with "Tenth Avenue Freeze-out". Fireworks started when he finished "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" as a form of closing the Festival. But Bruce didn't care and neither did the 81.000 people attending this show who have been waiting 19 years for his comeback. Patti Scialfa is not present.
I will write here the setlist:
01. We Take Care of Our Own
02. Wrecking Ball
03. Badlands
04. Death To My Hometown
05. My City of Ruins
06. Spirit In The Night
07. Because The Night
08. No Surrender
09. She’s The One
10. I’m On Fire
11. Shackled & Drawn
12. Waiting On A Sunny Day
13. The River
14. The Rising
15. Lonesome Day
16. We Are Alive
17. Thunder Road
18. Born In The U.S.A.
19. Born To Run
20. Glory Days
21. Hungry Heart
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out
24. Twist & Shout* (*Tour premiere)
In bold are the videos I made.
Videos of Bruce Springsteen (5 videos):
Bruce Springsteen-Waiting On A Sunny Day, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03 HD
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Born In The USA, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03 HD
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Born To Run, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03 HD
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Hungry Heart, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Dancing In The Dark (Incomplete), RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03
And the video:
I went to Rock In Rio to see Bruce Springsteen (for the 2th time) live. It was another big day of waiting. But it worth every minute of it.
It was only the second time the BOSS was here in Portugal. I was also on the first show he did here in Lisbon on May 1st, 1993 at Estádio José de Alvalade (19 years before). This 1993 show was really awesome. I remember to see Bruce Springsteen playing for 3 hours.
Before Bruce Springsteen in Rock In Rio, Lisbon played Kaiser Chiefs, James and Xutos e Pontapés.
The first band was Kaiser Chiefs. They played for 47 minutes.
They are always awesome live. The vocalist is a crazy dude who in the middle of a song went to the slide and flew all over us from one side to the other side. Very funny.
I will write here the setlist:
Money For Nothing (Dire Straits song - Intro song)
01. Never Miss a Beat
02. Everyday I Love You Less and Less
03. Everything Is Average Nowadays
04. On the Run
05. I Predict a Riot
06. Kinda Girl You Are
07. Listen to Your Head
08. Ruby
09. The Angry Mob
10. Take My Temperature (with Ricky Wilson singing from the slide)
11. Oh My God
The second singer was James. He played for 69 minutes.
This was the first time I saw "James" live. I have the first 2 CDs of him. I know that he already came to Portugal many times. But this was really the first time for me. He was very good, always speaking to us and even came down near me (you can check my photos).
I will write here the setlist:
01. Whiteboy
02. Ring The Bells
03. Laid
04. She's A Star
05. Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)
06. Out To Get You
07. Johnny Yen
08. Stutter
09. Sound
10. Tomorrow
11. Sometimes
12. Sit Down
The third band was Xutos e Pontapés. They played for 65 minutes.
This time they played at night. I already have seen them other times in Rock In Rio but always on the afternoon time. This time they even got explosions on stage.
I will write here the setlist:
01. Contentores
02. Não Sou o Unico
03. A Minha Maneira
04. Barcos Gregos
05. Homem do Leme
06. Remar Remar
07. Circo de Feras
08. Perfeito Vazio
09. Tonto
10. Quem é Quem?
11. Dia de S. Receber
12. Chuva Dissolvente
13. Maria
14. Minha Casinha
15. Para Sempre
Finally was time for Bruce Springsteen. He started the show at 00h10 (June 4th) and played for 149 minutes.
What an amazing show it was. Bruce was on fire. You can check my videos to remember.
Bruce and band perform a 24-song set at Rock in Rio Festival, only the second time Springsteen has played in Portugal. Bruce didn't take to the stage until after midnight on the morning of June 4th and it was nearly 2.45am before he was finally done. Set closes with the tour debut of "Twist and Shout," the first time this year a show hasn't ended with "Tenth Avenue Freeze-out". Fireworks started when he finished "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" as a form of closing the Festival. But Bruce didn't care and neither did the 81.000 people attending this show who have been waiting 19 years for his comeback. Patti Scialfa is not present.
I will write here the setlist:
01. We Take Care of Our Own
02. Wrecking Ball
03. Badlands
04. Death To My Hometown
05. My City of Ruins
06. Spirit In The Night
07. Because The Night
08. No Surrender
09. She’s The One
10. I’m On Fire
11. Shackled & Drawn
12. Waiting On A Sunny Day
13. The River
14. The Rising
15. Lonesome Day
16. We Are Alive
17. Thunder Road
18. Born In The U.S.A.
19. Born To Run
20. Glory Days
21. Hungry Heart
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out
24. Twist & Shout* (*Tour premiere)
In bold are the videos I made.
Videos of Bruce Springsteen (5 videos):
Bruce Springsteen-Waiting On A Sunny Day, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03 HD
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Born In The USA, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03 HD
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Born To Run, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03 HD
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Hungry Heart, RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03
And the video:
Bruce Springsteen-Dancing In The Dark (Incomplete), RIR, Lisbon, PT, 2012-06-03
And the video:
Monday, June 04, 2012
Bryan Adams, 2012-06-02 - Rock In Rio, Lisbon
Sat, Jun 2, 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal @ Rock In Rio (Parque da Bela Vista)
I went to Rock In Rio to see Bryan Adams (for the 12th time) live.
It was a big day for me arriving at Rock In Rio very early. Many of my friends arrived also early.
Before Bryan Adams in Rock In Rio, Lisbon played The Gift and Joss Stone.
The first band was The Gift. They played for 54 minutes.
They are a portuguese band and this was the first time I saw them live. They were nice.
I will write here the setlist:
01. Driving You Slow
02. 11:33
03. RGB
04. Made For You
05. Fácil De Entender
06. OK! Do you Want Something Simple?
07. Question of Love
08. Race is Long
09. The Singles
10. Primavera
11. Music
The second singer was Joss Stone. She played for 59 minutes.
First time I saw her live. She is so pretty and with an amazing voice. She even came down in front of me once.
I will write here the setlist:
01. (For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People (The Chi-Lites cover)
02. Super Duper Love (Are You Diggin' on Me?)
03. Big 'Ol Game
04. Stoned Out of My Mind (The Chi-Lites cover)
05. Teardrops (Womack & Womack cover)
06. Don't Cha Wanna Ride / Bad Habit
07. You've Got the Love (The Source cover)
08. Put Your Hands on Me / I Got the Feeling / Baby, Baby, Baby
09. While You're Out Looking for Sugar (Honey Cone cover)
10. Fell In Love With A Girl (The White Stripes cover) (Sung as 'Fell In Love With A Boy')
11. You Had Me
12. Right To Be Wrong
Finally was time for Bryan Adams. He started the show at 22h05 and played for 100 minutes.
What an amazing show it was. I was front row on the right side with many of my friends. I liked when Bryan Adams chose from the audience one girl that was behind me. That girl was Vanessa a portuguese singer that I like. She sang with Bryan the usual duet song "When You're Gone". She was really good like I was expecting. Bryan Adams at the end of the song ask her if she was a pro a little amazed about how good she was.
I will write here the setlist:
01. House Arrest
02. Somebody
03. Kids Wanna Rock
04. Can't Stop This Thing We Started
05. I'm Ready
06. Hearts on Fire
07. 18 til I Die
08. Back to You
09. Summer of '69
10. (Everything I Do) I Do It for You
11. Cuts Like a Knife
12. When You're Gone (Bryan Adams & Melanie C cover) (singed alongside Vanessa Silva, a famous singer who was amongst the crowd)
13. Heaven
14. Cloud #9
15. The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me Is You
16. Run to You
17. Straight from the Heart
18. All for Love (Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting cover)
Next the story of Bruce Springsteen at Rock In Rio, Lisbon on June 3rd 2012.
I went to Rock In Rio to see Bryan Adams (for the 12th time) live.
It was a big day for me arriving at Rock In Rio very early. Many of my friends arrived also early.
Before Bryan Adams in Rock In Rio, Lisbon played The Gift and Joss Stone.
The first band was The Gift. They played for 54 minutes.
They are a portuguese band and this was the first time I saw them live. They were nice.
I will write here the setlist:
01. Driving You Slow
02. 11:33
03. RGB
04. Made For You
05. Fácil De Entender
06. OK! Do you Want Something Simple?
07. Question of Love
08. Race is Long
09. The Singles
10. Primavera
11. Music
The second singer was Joss Stone. She played for 59 minutes.
First time I saw her live. She is so pretty and with an amazing voice. She even came down in front of me once.
I will write here the setlist:
01. (For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People (The Chi-Lites cover)
02. Super Duper Love (Are You Diggin' on Me?)
03. Big 'Ol Game
04. Stoned Out of My Mind (The Chi-Lites cover)
05. Teardrops (Womack & Womack cover)
06. Don't Cha Wanna Ride / Bad Habit
07. You've Got the Love (The Source cover)
08. Put Your Hands on Me / I Got the Feeling / Baby, Baby, Baby
09. While You're Out Looking for Sugar (Honey Cone cover)
10. Fell In Love With A Girl (The White Stripes cover) (Sung as 'Fell In Love With A Boy')
11. You Had Me
12. Right To Be Wrong
Finally was time for Bryan Adams. He started the show at 22h05 and played for 100 minutes.
What an amazing show it was. I was front row on the right side with many of my friends. I liked when Bryan Adams chose from the audience one girl that was behind me. That girl was Vanessa a portuguese singer that I like. She sang with Bryan the usual duet song "When You're Gone". She was really good like I was expecting. Bryan Adams at the end of the song ask her if she was a pro a little amazed about how good she was.
I will write here the setlist:
01. House Arrest
02. Somebody
03. Kids Wanna Rock
04. Can't Stop This Thing We Started
05. I'm Ready
06. Hearts on Fire
07. 18 til I Die
08. Back to You
09. Summer of '69
10. (Everything I Do) I Do It for You
11. Cuts Like a Knife
12. When You're Gone (Bryan Adams & Melanie C cover) (singed alongside Vanessa Silva, a famous singer who was amongst the crowd)
13. Heaven
14. Cloud #9
15. The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me Is You
16. Run to You
17. Straight from the Heart
18. All for Love (Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting cover)
Next the story of Bruce Springsteen at Rock In Rio, Lisbon on June 3rd 2012.
Bryan Adams,
Joss Stone,
Parque da Bela Vista,
Rock In Rio,
The Gift
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