Thu, Dec 15, 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal @ Pavilhão Atlântico
Arrive there at 06h45 in the morning and already there were 3 girls there. I knew one Ana Matos. Had known her at optimus alive to 30 Seconds To Mars.
Near 08h00 started coming my friends that I knew fanatics by Bryan Adams including 2 of my London friends Carla and Cris (super fans of Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi and Duran Duran).
During the day many people were coming slowly because it was a weekday. Around 17h00 was when a lot of people began to arrive. And as you know this show was already sold out for three months. Around 20,000 people were at the Atlantic Pavilion.
We get inside close to 19h00. And Bryan Adams began playing at 21h12, ended at 23h33, played 26 songs.
Between the time we entered 19h00 and till the concert started at 21h12, the RFM had a DJ playing music ROCK. And the GIANT screen behind the stage were passing the TWEETS of everyone who put the Twitter login of Bryan Adams which is @BryanAdams. I sent several messages on twitter with login BA who passed the screen. Including some messages to Neusa and Estela. I know they saw it because they also replied in tweet and were on the screen, hehe. I met several friends of mine who were tweeting on the big screen, some in the first balcony, others in the second balcony and even others behind me on the floor.
Was funny reading the tweets of the fans, from marriage proposals to divorces and even accepting the proposals, hehe. And of course many tweets to ask Bryan to play this or that song. I sent a tweet to login dj RFM asking Bon Jovi and then we on the front row asked the DJ to look back, he looked up and saw my request. Hehe. Immediately afterwards played Bon Jovi and a little later put another song of Bon Jovi. I think first were "You Give Love A Bad Name" and then "Livin On A Prayer" (rock versions).
Occasionally the DJ started to put songs from BRYAN ADAMS but as he could not play them he stop immediately. But whenever he put a few seconds of the beginning of BA songs all the audience started to make noise.
I was the first to get inside Pavilhão Atlântico and choose the middle of front row, hehe. I have awesome photos. Have 90 photos and 16 videos of 17 songs. The videos are very good. This time I don't have the videos on youtube for you guys seeing as Bryan Adams had asked a company to not let anyone put it on youtube videos shot by fans. It was the first time this has happened to me. It took me over 5 hours to put the 16 videos on youtube and after two warnings I had to deleted them from my channel because my youtube account could be suspended. I'm sorry you can not see them because they are very good.
This concert was to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 1991 album "Waking Up The Neighbours" so he played more songs from that album.
By the way a detail that I think a lot of people did not know. When Bryan Adams marked this concert December 15, a few weeks later marked a new date for the 16th. The 16th was also on his official site and all the 2 dates (also for only a day). But this concert December 16 had to be canceled because one of the band members (who I do not know who it was) could not be present so Bryan Adams chose not to mark the new date.
Finally was time for Bryan Adams. He played for 141 minutes.
It was one of the best concerts I've ever seen of Bryan Adams. It was really excellent.
Some details about some songs:
14. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Bryan Adams sang in the middle of the stage with a laser focus coming from up the stage and surround him. He always played inside the circle of the laser and from time to time put his hand out of the laser and the effect was very nice.
18. When You're Gone
As usual in this music Bryan Adams always calls a girl from the public. This time called one tiny but very cute blonde on the right side (for those who see the stage from the front) of the first balcony or the audience. The girl said it was from Coimbra. Bryan Adams asked her if she really knew how to sing the song and she said yes. It was really nice because she sang all the lyrics without mistakes. She jumped several times and in the end Bryan Adams grabbed her with the guitar between them. And offered her and her friends merchandising stuff. At the end BA asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said no and turned to the audience and told her she had many choices here.
Keith Scott (guitarist) was really excellent. On several songs "played" with the guitar. Threw it to his back, played on top of his head, even lying on the floor and legs in the air, it was funny, hehe. Bryan Adams and Keith Scott in many songs were playing on the sides of the stage almost on the first balcony.
Mickey Curry (drums) on one song went to the front of the drums with pots (as Bryan said it was the kitchen of Mickey), haha. Very cool. Keith Scott also played alongside Mickey Curry in pots and Bryan and another guitarist were on the other side just laughing. But Mickey Curry gave it all there. Spectacular.
Before "Straight from the Heart" Bryan made a great speech (I have the full speech and the music in video). The speech was telling some usual things. But this time he said some more things. First said he had lived here (as you know lived in Birre, near Cascais by chance near one of the houses of my father). He began to tell the story of the first time he played here in Portugal in a small club and then the second time in the Benfica Stadium (these were the unique 2 times I have not seen here in Lisbon). After that I've seen him 11 times (always in Lisbon, counting this show) starting in 1991 in the old Alvalade Stadium. Ending in Maxime in 2008 and now at the Atlantic Pavilion in 2011.
I will write here the setlist:
01. House Arrest
02. Somebody
03. Here I Am
04. All I Want Is You
05. Can't Stop This Thing We Started
06. Thought I'd Died and Gone to Heaven
07. I'm Ready
08. Hearts on Fire
09. Do I Have to Say the Words?
10. 18 til I Die
11. Back to You
12. Summer of '69
13. If You Wanna Leave Me (Can I Come Too?) / Touch The Hand
14. (Everything I Do) I Do It for You
15. Cuts Like a Knife
16. It's Only Love (Bryan Adams & Tina Turner cover)
17. Depend on Me
18. When You're Gone (Bryan Adams & Melanie C cover) (With girl from audience on stage)
19. Heaven
20. The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me Is You
21. Cloud #9
22. Run to You
23. There Will Never Be Another Tonight
Bryan solo on stage - Acoustic
24. The Way You Make Me Feel (Ronan Keating cover)
25. Straight from the Heart
26. All for Love (Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting cover)
My special blog. News about my favourite things. Will try to comment the good and bad things that happened in my life. You can comment my posts in Portuguese and English. Thanks. PS: You can check my new link to a new social app: Mastodon
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
@JaredLeto & @30SecondsToMars, 2011-12-13 - Guiness World Record Holders!
Jared Leto his fellow 30 Seconds to Mars rockers, Tomo Milicevic andShannon Leto, salute the crowd at the final show of their tour at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday (December 9) in New York City.
The 39-year-old rocker and his band mates set the Guinness World Record for “Longest Concert Tour by a Rock Band”! The band has performed for two years at over three hundred shows.
The group even got a certificate from the Guinness folks!
“Thank you for the dreams. Thank you for the memories. And thank you for sharing this unforgettable adventure with us. It was the journey of a lifetime and we are so grateful to you all for that,”Jared wrote on his website.
Credit: Just Jared
Posted by yesthisisacult, December 13, 2011 9:53 PM
@JaredLeto & @30SecondstoMars: Guiness World Record Holders!
Jared Leto his fellow 30 Seconds to Mars rockers, Tomo Milicevic andShannon Leto, salute the crowd at the final show of their tour at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday (December 9) in New York City.
The 39-year-old rocker and his band mates set the Guinness World Record for “Longest Concert Tour by a Rock Band”! The band has performed for two years at over three hundred shows.
The group even got a certificate from the Guinness folks!
“Thank you for the dreams. Thank you for the memories. And thank you for sharing this unforgettable adventure with us. It was the journey of a lifetime and we are so grateful to you all for that,”Jared wrote on his website.
Credit: Just Jared
Posted by yesthisisacult, December 13, 2011 9:53 PM
30 Seconds To Mars, 2011-12-13 - BLITZ (in portuguese), 30 Seconds To Mars batem recorde mundial
Os norte-americanos 30 Seconds to Mars bateram um recorde mundial: são responsáveis pela digressão de promoção a um álbum (neste caso, o disco This Is War , de 2009) mais longa de sempre. A banda liderada por Jared Leto deu 300 concertos em apenas dois anos.
A banda tocou o 300º concerto no Hammerstein Ballroom, em Nova Iorque, no dia 7 de dezembro e Jared Leto agradeceu aos fãs no seu blogue da seguinte forma: "Ao longo de dois anos andámos em viagem por este milagroso planeta (...). E aprendemos sobre este mundo e sobre nós próprios através de todos vocês".
"Obrigado pelos sonhos. Obrigado pelas memórias. E obrigado por partilharem esta aventura inesquecível connosco. Foi a viagem de uma vida e estamos muito gratos a todos vocês por isso", concluiu.
Notícia escrita por MRV Terça, 13 de Dezembro de 2011 às 16:26
30 Seconds to Mars batem recorde mundial
Banda de Jared Leto é responsável pela digressão de promoção a um álbum mais longa de sempre.Os norte-americanos 30 Seconds to Mars bateram um recorde mundial: são responsáveis pela digressão de promoção a um álbum (neste caso, o disco This Is War , de 2009) mais longa de sempre. A banda liderada por Jared Leto deu 300 concertos em apenas dois anos.
A banda tocou o 300º concerto no Hammerstein Ballroom, em Nova Iorque, no dia 7 de dezembro e Jared Leto agradeceu aos fãs no seu blogue da seguinte forma: "Ao longo de dois anos andámos em viagem por este milagroso planeta (...). E aprendemos sobre este mundo e sobre nós próprios através de todos vocês".
"Obrigado pelos sonhos. Obrigado pelas memórias. E obrigado por partilharem esta aventura inesquecível connosco. Foi a viagem de uma vida e estamos muito gratos a todos vocês por isso", concluiu.
Notícia escrita por MRV Terça, 13 de Dezembro de 2011 às 16:26
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Jared Leto (30 Seconds To Mars), 2011-12-10 - A thank You
Jared Leto
For over two years we have traveled this miraculous planet. Pushing relentlessly over mountains and seas, exploring this earth in the most unique of ways. All the while learning about this world, and ourselves, through all of you.
Thank you for the dreams. Thank you for the memories. And thank you for sharing this unforgettable adventure with us. It was the journey of a lifetime and we are so grateful to you all for that.
Please remember
Be brave
Fight for what you believe in
And make your dreams
Your reality.
Provehito In Altum
By @JaredLeto (30 Seconds To Mars) in "Notes From The Outernet"
Jared Leto
For over two years we have traveled this miraculous planet. Pushing relentlessly over mountains and seas, exploring this earth in the most unique of ways. All the while learning about this world, and ourselves, through all of you.
Thank you for the dreams. Thank you for the memories. And thank you for sharing this unforgettable adventure with us. It was the journey of a lifetime and we are so grateful to you all for that.
Please remember
Be brave
Fight for what you believe in
And make your dreams
Your reality.
Provehito In Altum
By @JaredLeto (30 Seconds To Mars) in "Notes From The Outernet"
Thursday, December 08, 2011
30 Seconds To Mars, 2011-12-08 - MTV, 30 STM Make History At Triumphant Show
NEW YORK — For a band that, over the past three years, has been no stranger to adversity — everything from battles with their label to scraps with censors and the occasional stage collapse — 30 Seconds to Mars had probably never had to deal with the kind of trouble that occurred during the encore of their record-setting show Wednesday night in New York.
During the crashing crescendo of "Kings and Queens," a female fan was crushed against a barricade and required immediate medical assistance. "Queens" was the final song of the band's set, which was preceded by a lengthy presentation from the folks at Guinness World Records, who honored 30STM for Most Shows Played During An Album Cycle (309 was Guinness' count). Jared Leto invited fans to join them onstage for the finale. Spirits were high inside the Hammerstein Ballroom, and as "Queens" unfolded, they only got higher ... until Leto stopped the song and asked for medics to tend to the injured fan. After 20 solemn minutes, EMTs carried her away on a stretcher.
"As soon as she got oxygen, she sat up and is doing OK," 30STM's management told MTV News after the show. After getting the all-clear, 30 Seconds to Mars undauntedly finished the song and the night ended with the crowd triumphantly chanting its "woah-oh-oh" hook while streamers fell from the ceiling.
And not to downplay the severity of the situation, but it helped illustrate everything that made 30 Seconds to Mars' record-setting run with This Is War so unique. Their ability to overcome obstacles, their willingness to push on, and the otherworldly bond they share with their fans — displayed best when drummer Shannon Leto left the stage to assist the EMTs.
The band had already played more than 300 shows, and yet, they still pushed hard on Wednesday, imbuing songs like "Search and Destroy" and "Night of the Hunter" with walloping guitars, anthemic sing-along choruses and washes of spooky synths. Jared sprinted up and down the catwalk stage (not easy to do in a huge black cloak), shined a massive spotlight into the crowd to illuminate fans' faces, and even performed a few acoustic numbers mid-set. Shannon pounded his kit as sweat flew, and guitarist Tomo Milicevic crunched chords and charmed ethereal soundscapes out of his ax. It could have been show number one, not the final gig of a two-year trek.
Of course, 30STM's fans matched, if not doubled, the band's enthusiasm. There were signs in the audience touting the Detroit chapter of the Echelon, and at one point, Leto brought a fan onstage who had traveled all the way from Maryland. Every chorus was sung back to the band loudly, each massive chant repeated at top volume, and the opening chords of each new song greeted with squeals of delight. Fans reached skyward as confetti fell, and ooh-ed and aah-ed as lasers shot from the stage. This was definitely a celebration, in just about every conceivable way.
Not surprisingly, the band seemed genuinely touched and a tad nostalgic. Jared told fans that the Guinness award was theirs, too, shouting, "I want everyone in here to carry this with them for the rest of their lives," as he thrust the certificate above his head.
As if their record-setting tour didn't already tip you off to it, the rather frightening delay proved that 30STM are a band seemingly at their best when forced to push on. And on. And on.
Did you attend any stops on 30STM's record-setting tour? Share your reviews in the comments below!
Dec 8 2011 1:28 PM EST
30 Seconds To Mars Make History At Triumphant Show
Band entered the Guinness Book of World Records on Wednesday night at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom.
By James Montgomery (@positivnegativNEW YORK — For a band that, over the past three years, has been no stranger to adversity — everything from battles with their label to scraps with censors and the occasional stage collapse — 30 Seconds to Mars had probably never had to deal with the kind of trouble that occurred during the encore of their record-setting show Wednesday night in New York.
During the crashing crescendo of "Kings and Queens," a female fan was crushed against a barricade and required immediate medical assistance. "Queens" was the final song of the band's set, which was preceded by a lengthy presentation from the folks at Guinness World Records, who honored 30STM for Most Shows Played During An Album Cycle (309 was Guinness' count). Jared Leto invited fans to join them onstage for the finale. Spirits were high inside the Hammerstein Ballroom, and as "Queens" unfolded, they only got higher ... until Leto stopped the song and asked for medics to tend to the injured fan. After 20 solemn minutes, EMTs carried her away on a stretcher.
"As soon as she got oxygen, she sat up and is doing OK," 30STM's management told MTV News after the show. After getting the all-clear, 30 Seconds to Mars undauntedly finished the song and the night ended with the crowd triumphantly chanting its "woah-oh-oh" hook while streamers fell from the ceiling.
And not to downplay the severity of the situation, but it helped illustrate everything that made 30 Seconds to Mars' record-setting run with This Is War so unique. Their ability to overcome obstacles, their willingness to push on, and the otherworldly bond they share with their fans — displayed best when drummer Shannon Leto left the stage to assist the EMTs.
The band had already played more than 300 shows, and yet, they still pushed hard on Wednesday, imbuing songs like "Search and Destroy" and "Night of the Hunter" with walloping guitars, anthemic sing-along choruses and washes of spooky synths. Jared sprinted up and down the catwalk stage (not easy to do in a huge black cloak), shined a massive spotlight into the crowd to illuminate fans' faces, and even performed a few acoustic numbers mid-set. Shannon pounded his kit as sweat flew, and guitarist Tomo Milicevic crunched chords and charmed ethereal soundscapes out of his ax. It could have been show number one, not the final gig of a two-year trek.
Of course, 30STM's fans matched, if not doubled, the band's enthusiasm. There were signs in the audience touting the Detroit chapter of the Echelon, and at one point, Leto brought a fan onstage who had traveled all the way from Maryland. Every chorus was sung back to the band loudly, each massive chant repeated at top volume, and the opening chords of each new song greeted with squeals of delight. Fans reached skyward as confetti fell, and ooh-ed and aah-ed as lasers shot from the stage. This was definitely a celebration, in just about every conceivable way.
Not surprisingly, the band seemed genuinely touched and a tad nostalgic. Jared told fans that the Guinness award was theirs, too, shouting, "I want everyone in here to carry this with them for the rest of their lives," as he thrust the certificate above his head.
As if their record-setting tour didn't already tip you off to it, the rather frightening delay proved that 30STM are a band seemingly at their best when forced to push on. And on. And on.
Did you attend any stops on 30STM's record-setting tour? Share your reviews in the comments below!
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Jared Leto (30 Seconds To Mars), 2011-12-07
"I wanna tell you something. You've done something really magical, and I don't want you to take this too lightly. You have, through your belief, through your will, through your passion, through your love… you have made reality from a dream. And I want everyone in here to carry this with them for the rest of their lives, ok? This is an example to all of you, all of you out there who wanna do something different with their lives, who wanna do something special, who wanna contribute, who wanna do something meaningful; dreams are possible. You can do what you dream. So after tonight, tomorrow let's all promise we're gonna live the first day of our new lives you understand? Let's promise each other we will be brave we will fight for what we believe in and we will live dreams. Thank you so much for, everything."
By @JaredLeto (30 Seconds to Mars)
By @JaredLeto (30 Seconds to Mars)
Monday, December 05, 2011
sokoluk1991 bests field of 200,000 in World Record tourney, wins $40K for $1, 2011-12-05
been spending a lot of time these last few weeks looking back and
marveling at the 10-year history of PokerStars, online poker's biggest
site. Part of that time has been occupied leafing through the nifty PokerStars 10th Anniversary e-magazine in which the story of the site's first decade is told in words and pictures (some of which move!).
Among the many items one finds in the e-magazine are milestone moments regarding the number of players simultaneously playing on PokerStars. In 2002, staff were excited when 100 players were playing at once. Then in November 2003 came another big day when 10,000 had logged on.
"The whole office erupted into rounds of applause," says then-Poker Room Manager Lee Jones, recalling the moment the total hit 10,000. "It seemed unreal that so many people were playing online at once."
That might have seemed unreal at the time. But soon 10,000 players playing at once would seem like small change. Really.
In February 2006, PokerStars became the first online poker site to have 100,000 players playing at once. By December 2007, PokerStars would crack the 150,000-player mark, and the following year the site would become the first to host more than 200,000 simultaneous players.
In December 2008, it was noted that more than 250,000 were logged in at once. Then in early September 2009, a record 307,016 were seen playing on 42,814 virtual tables. And in February 2011, a whopping 508,097 were on PokerStars at the same time!
Breaking Records
As the site continued to grow, PokerStars began hosting "world record" tournies featuring largest-ever fields in online poker history -- or all of poker, for that matter.
On December 28, 2008, a record 35,000 entered an $11 buy-in tourney. Then on July 19, 2009, an event with a $1 buy-in saw 65,000 participate. Actually that was the second time the old record was broken on that Sunday, as 59,128 played the Sunday Million as well.
Then on December 27, 2009, the record was shattered once more as 149,196 participated in another $1 buy-in event.
It only seemed fitting to mark the 10th anniversary with another run at the record. With a $250,000 guaranteed prize pool and a cap at 200,000 players for the $1 tournament, an overlay was going to be part of the deal. 12,150 players would divide up the loot, with $50,000 of it going to the player managing to outlast the massive mob and emerge as victor (barring any final table deals).
That would add up to an ROI of 4,999,900%. Not a bad day, no sir.
Once registration opened and spots began to fill, it quickly became clear the old record was in danger. It was on Saturday that the number of entrants passed the previous high, and by mid-morning on Sunday -- about three-and-a-half hours before the first hands were dealt -- that the number of players registered reached the 200,000 cap.
Soon after the tourney began, Joe Stapleton and Nick Wealthall invited Gaz Deaves, an adjudicator from the Guinness Book of World Records, to appear as a guest on PokerStars Radio. As they awaited Deaves' appearance, Wealthall wondered if perhaps the judge would have to count each player individually, marking his progress with a sip of Guinness for each.
Whether or not that was the case, Deaves did come on the show to confirm the event had indeed established a new world record for the largest-ever online poker tournament. And thereafter in Prague -- where the PokerStars folks are gearing up for the upcoming EPT event -- glasses were raised.

that celebration in the PokerStars office long ago, Gaz Deaves of the
Guinness Book of World Records and Team PokerStars Pro Fatima Moreira de
Melo celebrate the record in Prague
From 200,000 to 20,000
The tournament's fast structure -- 2,000-chip stacks to start, five-minute levels, with antes kicking in after 20 minutes -- ensured players wouldn't have to play until PokerStars' 20th anniversary celebration to settle things.
5,000 were eliminated within five minutes. After 18 minutes, 25,000 had run out of chips. The first break came just 25 minutes into the event (mid-level 5), by which time 160,493 remained.
Shortly before the one-hour mark the field had been perfectly halved with 100,000 on the rail and another 100,000 still with chips. Just a few minutes later they were already down to 75,000, and by the 73-minute mark just 50,000 remained.
After exactly two hours, 20,000 remained. Of those, 25 players had accumulated more than 100,000 chips, with bazuzu620 holding the most with a little over 133,000.
From 20,000 to 200
The money bubble burst just prior to the two-and-a-half-hour mark, and about 10 minutes later 10,000 were left. maksfray led with more than 262,000 chips, one of 18 players with more than 200k.
By the three-hour mark they were down to 5,000, with Grzala_PL on top with close to 550,000. A little over an hour later they were down to 1,000, with arknight87 leading with more than 2.4 million, pelocho71 closing in on 2.2 million, and more than 40 others with 1 million chips or more.
Still, with exactly 400 million chips in play, there were just a few more all-ins left to go.
As the field shrunk to 500 players mark, just one representative of Team PokerStars remained from the many who'd help break the record, Kevin "WizardofAhhs" Thurman of Team PokerStars Online.
Thurman soon lost nearly all of his chips, however, when his Q♠Q♣ failed to hold in a preflop all-in versus KayJay83's A♥Q♥. He'd double up his short stack a few times to survive a little longer, but Thurman's run good finally ran out when his pocket threes failed to hold versus sasodiits' A♦T♠, sending the WizardOfAhhs out in 380th place for $27.00.

Kevin "WizardOfAhhs" Thurman, Team PokerStars Online
From 200 to 20
They were just a few minutes beyond the five-hour mark when the field shrunk to 200 players, gathered around 20 ten-handed tables.
At that point the average chip stack was exactly 2 million, with the blinds at 80,000/160,000 (Level 53). By then mrgardem was ahead of everyone with more than 5.7 million, with sokulok1991 and mr_wickedown also in the 5-million chip club.
By the time they'd gotten down to 100 players, it took eight digits' worth of chips to find a spot at the top of the counts.
At that moment RaZoFaZoR was the one with the most chips with 16,857,836, followed by fenners (14.14m), kerkel1 (13.2m), _Bonumm_ (12.0m) and King-1-Z (10.73m).
The tourney had been running a little over six hours and 15 minutes when the field was trimmed to 20, with Kaitz20 on top with a massive 54.2 million-chip stack, King-2-Z next with 42.4 million, and kerkel1, RaZoFaZoR, and Bjoomhjaer all above 30 million.
From 20 to 8
Just two 10-handed tables remained. By now those eliminated were earning hundreds of dollars for their $1 investment. But all continued to eye that $50,000 first prize.
The two tables were whittled down to short-handed play as the following players successively hit the rail one table shy of the last one: Mivoxx (20th, $700), Jenek084 (19th, $700), f1live7 (18th, $850), kezzer-ste (17th, $850), Pokerklemi (16th, $1.050), manutdsam123 (15th, $1,050), kerkel1 (14th, $1,250), mellonuts (13th, $1,250), and Buenobueno (12th, $1,500).
With just 11 left, hand-for-hand play commenced. Soon there was action on both tables that saw a total of three players eliminated on the same hand, meaning only eight would be left by the time the final table started.
Over on one table, both Guzzi46 and Garin4o were all in before the flop against King-2-Z. Guzzi46 held K♣Q♣, Garin4o A♥Q♥, and King-2-Z A♦K♦. The board ran out nine-high, eliminating Guzzi46 in 11th ($1,500) and Garin4o in 10th ($2,250).
Meanwhile, herbert68 was all in on the other table with K♦Q♦ against sokoluk1991's A♦T♣. The board ran out Q♠A♠J♥8♥K♥, leaving herbert68 with two pair but sokoluk1991 with a straight, knocking out herbert68 in ninth ($3,000).
The final table -- with just eight players left -- was set.

Seat 1: empty
Seat 2: tristan2287 -- 27,865,420
Seat 3: King-2-Z -- 93,317,380
Seat 4: Bjoornkjaer -- 19,212,334
Seat 5: Kaitz20 -- 97,323,991
Seat 6: sokoluk1991 -- 71,305,235
Seat 7: pumata13 -- 464,488
Seat 8: RaZorFaZoR -- 55,661,354
Seat 9: empty
Seat 10: casasola10 -- 34,849,798
Super big stacks all around. And super big blinds, too -- 2,000,000/4,000,000 -- which meant the fast-paced action would continue. And how. In fact, it would take just 10 minutes for the final eight to be reduced to just three.
pumata13 actually was down to less than an ante (500,000), and was soon all in with A♥J♦ against both tristan2287 and casasola10. A flop of T♥A♠5♣ encouraged a bet from tristan2287, forcing a fold from casasola10 and revealing he held T♣5♦ for bottom two pair against pumata13's top pair of aces. The turn then brought the 5♠, giving tristan2287 a full house, and after the J♥ river pumata13 was out in eighth.
Shortly after the blinds had already moved to 2.5m/5m when Bjoornkjaer open-shoved from the small blind for 11,337,334 and Kaitz20 called from the big blind. Bjoornkjaer held Q♦6♠ and Kaitz20 9♦2♠, and the 9♣T♣4♣ brought the latter a pair of nines. The turn was the A♦ and river the 3♦, and Bjoornkjaer was eliminated in seventh.
Kaitz20 then opened for 15 million from early position (a 3x raise), and it folded to casasola10 who reraised all in for a little more -- to 16,599,798 -- from the small blind. tristan2287 folded the big blind, and Kaitz20 quickly called, showing J♠J♣ to casasola10's 9♦9♠. The five community cards came 3♦K♥3♠Q♣8♥, and casasola10 was gone in sixth.
The blinds moved to 3m/6m, and sokoluk1991 min-raised to 12 million from the small blind. RaZorFaZoR then shoved for 41,964,622, and sokoluk1991 called. RaZorFaZoR had picked up a monster in Q♦Q♠, but unfortunately for him sokoluk1991 had drawn A♦A♣. The board ran out 8♦2♦5♣J♣2♠, and they were down to four.
That's when tristan2287 opened with an all-in raise for 7,204,920 from UTG and got two callers -- Kaitz20 (small blind) and sokoluk1991 (big blind). Both checked down the J♠4♠Q♦3♦Q♣ board, and when Kaitz20 tabled 9♠4♦ for two pair the others mucked, with tristan2287 knocked out in fourth.
At that point the remaining trio hastily agreed to pause the craziness and talk about a possible deal. sokoluk1991 had the chip lead with about 174.3 million, Kaitz20 was next with 165.4 million, and King-2-Z had the "short" stack with almost 60.2 million.
It took a few minutes, but the players eventually agreed to terms with $35,258.83 going to sokoluk1991, $34,000 to Kaitz20, and $25,741.17 for King-2-Z, leaving $5,000 on the table for which to play.
Cards back in the air, it took about two minutes for the next elimination to occur.
With the blinds up to 4m/8m, sokoluk1991 made it 16 million to go from the small blind, and King-2-Z pushed all in for 59,192,380 from the big blind. sokoluk1991 called, showing Q♣J♠ and needing to hit versus King-2-Z's A♣T♥.
sokoluk1991 would hit, the flop coming 4♦3♥Q♦ to pair his queen. The turn was the 3♦ and river the 9♣, and King-2-Z took third.
RSS readers click through to see replay
Heads up began with those 400 million chips divided thusly: sokoluk1991 243,579,037, Kaitz20 156,420,963. The pair would play but 11 hands, with Kaitz20 seizing the lead momentarily but soon relinquishing it back.
On the final hand, coming just over seven hours after the first hands of the record-setting event were dealt, the blinds were 5m/10m. Kaitz20 opened by pushing all in for 119,433,852 from the button, and sokoluk1991 called. Kaitz20 held an ace with A♣9♦, but sokoluk1991's ace was better as he had A♠Q♦.
The flop came Q♥J♠6♦, increasing sokoluk1991's lead, and the 7♠ on the turn made the T♣ river no matter. Take a look (although you can barely see the community cards behind those mountains of chips):
RSS readers click through to see replay
Congratulations to sokoluk1991 of Russia for taking down the world's biggest online poker tournament ever, earning just over $40,000 for a little over seven hours' work!
Oh, and one dollar.
PokerStars 10th Anniversary World Record Tournament results (*reflects three-way deal):
1st: sokoluk1991 (Russia) -- $40,258.83*
2nd: Kaitz20 (Estonia) -- $34,000*
3rd: King-2-Z (United Kingdom) -- $25,741.17*
4th: tristan2287 (Spain) -- $10,000
5th: RaZorFaZoR (Germany) -- $8,000
6th: casasola10 (Costa Rica) -- $6,500
7th: Bjoornkjaer (Denmark) -- $5,250
8th: pumata13 (Bulgaria) -- $4,000
9th: herbert68 (Germany) -- $3,000
10th: Garin4o (Ukraine) -- $2,250
For more reports on PokerStars 10th Anniversary celebration, click here.
sokoluk1991 bests field of 200,000 in World Record tourney, wins $40K for $1
by Martin Harris on December 4, 2011 5:22 PM
Among the many items one finds in the e-magazine are milestone moments regarding the number of players simultaneously playing on PokerStars. In 2002, staff were excited when 100 players were playing at once. Then in November 2003 came another big day when 10,000 had logged on.
"The whole office erupted into rounds of applause," says then-Poker Room Manager Lee Jones, recalling the moment the total hit 10,000. "It seemed unreal that so many people were playing online at once."
That might have seemed unreal at the time. But soon 10,000 players playing at once would seem like small change. Really.
In February 2006, PokerStars became the first online poker site to have 100,000 players playing at once. By December 2007, PokerStars would crack the 150,000-player mark, and the following year the site would become the first to host more than 200,000 simultaneous players.
In December 2008, it was noted that more than 250,000 were logged in at once. Then in early September 2009, a record 307,016 were seen playing on 42,814 virtual tables. And in February 2011, a whopping 508,097 were on PokerStars at the same time!
Breaking Records
As the site continued to grow, PokerStars began hosting "world record" tournies featuring largest-ever fields in online poker history -- or all of poker, for that matter.
On December 28, 2008, a record 35,000 entered an $11 buy-in tourney. Then on July 19, 2009, an event with a $1 buy-in saw 65,000 participate. Actually that was the second time the old record was broken on that Sunday, as 59,128 played the Sunday Million as well.
Then on December 27, 2009, the record was shattered once more as 149,196 participated in another $1 buy-in event.
It only seemed fitting to mark the 10th anniversary with another run at the record. With a $250,000 guaranteed prize pool and a cap at 200,000 players for the $1 tournament, an overlay was going to be part of the deal. 12,150 players would divide up the loot, with $50,000 of it going to the player managing to outlast the massive mob and emerge as victor (barring any final table deals).
That would add up to an ROI of 4,999,900%. Not a bad day, no sir.
Once registration opened and spots began to fill, it quickly became clear the old record was in danger. It was on Saturday that the number of entrants passed the previous high, and by mid-morning on Sunday -- about three-and-a-half hours before the first hands were dealt -- that the number of players registered reached the 200,000 cap.
Soon after the tourney began, Joe Stapleton and Nick Wealthall invited Gaz Deaves, an adjudicator from the Guinness Book of World Records, to appear as a guest on PokerStars Radio. As they awaited Deaves' appearance, Wealthall wondered if perhaps the judge would have to count each player individually, marking his progress with a sip of Guinness for each.
Whether or not that was the case, Deaves did come on the show to confirm the event had indeed established a new world record for the largest-ever online poker tournament. And thereafter in Prague -- where the PokerStars folks are gearing up for the upcoming EPT event -- glasses were raised.
From 200,000 to 20,000
The tournament's fast structure -- 2,000-chip stacks to start, five-minute levels, with antes kicking in after 20 minutes -- ensured players wouldn't have to play until PokerStars' 20th anniversary celebration to settle things.
5,000 were eliminated within five minutes. After 18 minutes, 25,000 had run out of chips. The first break came just 25 minutes into the event (mid-level 5), by which time 160,493 remained.
Shortly before the one-hour mark the field had been perfectly halved with 100,000 on the rail and another 100,000 still with chips. Just a few minutes later they were already down to 75,000, and by the 73-minute mark just 50,000 remained.
After exactly two hours, 20,000 remained. Of those, 25 players had accumulated more than 100,000 chips, with bazuzu620 holding the most with a little over 133,000.
From 20,000 to 200
The money bubble burst just prior to the two-and-a-half-hour mark, and about 10 minutes later 10,000 were left. maksfray led with more than 262,000 chips, one of 18 players with more than 200k.
By the three-hour mark they were down to 5,000, with Grzala_PL on top with close to 550,000. A little over an hour later they were down to 1,000, with arknight87 leading with more than 2.4 million, pelocho71 closing in on 2.2 million, and more than 40 others with 1 million chips or more.
Still, with exactly 400 million chips in play, there were just a few more all-ins left to go.
As the field shrunk to 500 players mark, just one representative of Team PokerStars remained from the many who'd help break the record, Kevin "WizardofAhhs" Thurman of Team PokerStars Online.
Thurman soon lost nearly all of his chips, however, when his Q♠Q♣ failed to hold in a preflop all-in versus KayJay83's A♥Q♥. He'd double up his short stack a few times to survive a little longer, but Thurman's run good finally ran out when his pocket threes failed to hold versus sasodiits' A♦T♠, sending the WizardOfAhhs out in 380th place for $27.00.
From 200 to 20
They were just a few minutes beyond the five-hour mark when the field shrunk to 200 players, gathered around 20 ten-handed tables.
At that point the average chip stack was exactly 2 million, with the blinds at 80,000/160,000 (Level 53). By then mrgardem was ahead of everyone with more than 5.7 million, with sokulok1991 and mr_wickedown also in the 5-million chip club.
By the time they'd gotten down to 100 players, it took eight digits' worth of chips to find a spot at the top of the counts.
At that moment RaZoFaZoR was the one with the most chips with 16,857,836, followed by fenners (14.14m), kerkel1 (13.2m), _Bonumm_ (12.0m) and King-1-Z (10.73m).
The tourney had been running a little over six hours and 15 minutes when the field was trimmed to 20, with Kaitz20 on top with a massive 54.2 million-chip stack, King-2-Z next with 42.4 million, and kerkel1, RaZoFaZoR, and Bjoomhjaer all above 30 million.
From 20 to 8
Just two 10-handed tables remained. By now those eliminated were earning hundreds of dollars for their $1 investment. But all continued to eye that $50,000 first prize.
The two tables were whittled down to short-handed play as the following players successively hit the rail one table shy of the last one: Mivoxx (20th, $700), Jenek084 (19th, $700), f1live7 (18th, $850), kezzer-ste (17th, $850), Pokerklemi (16th, $1.050), manutdsam123 (15th, $1,050), kerkel1 (14th, $1,250), mellonuts (13th, $1,250), and Buenobueno (12th, $1,500).
With just 11 left, hand-for-hand play commenced. Soon there was action on both tables that saw a total of three players eliminated on the same hand, meaning only eight would be left by the time the final table started.
Over on one table, both Guzzi46 and Garin4o were all in before the flop against King-2-Z. Guzzi46 held K♣Q♣, Garin4o A♥Q♥, and King-2-Z A♦K♦. The board ran out nine-high, eliminating Guzzi46 in 11th ($1,500) and Garin4o in 10th ($2,250).
Meanwhile, herbert68 was all in on the other table with K♦Q♦ against sokoluk1991's A♦T♣. The board ran out Q♠A♠J♥8♥K♥, leaving herbert68 with two pair but sokoluk1991 with a straight, knocking out herbert68 in ninth ($3,000).
The final table -- with just eight players left -- was set.
Seat 1: empty
Seat 2: tristan2287 -- 27,865,420
Seat 3: King-2-Z -- 93,317,380
Seat 4: Bjoornkjaer -- 19,212,334
Seat 5: Kaitz20 -- 97,323,991
Seat 6: sokoluk1991 -- 71,305,235
Seat 7: pumata13 -- 464,488
Seat 8: RaZorFaZoR -- 55,661,354
Seat 9: empty
Seat 10: casasola10 -- 34,849,798
Super big stacks all around. And super big blinds, too -- 2,000,000/4,000,000 -- which meant the fast-paced action would continue. And how. In fact, it would take just 10 minutes for the final eight to be reduced to just three.
pumata13 actually was down to less than an ante (500,000), and was soon all in with A♥J♦ against both tristan2287 and casasola10. A flop of T♥A♠5♣ encouraged a bet from tristan2287, forcing a fold from casasola10 and revealing he held T♣5♦ for bottom two pair against pumata13's top pair of aces. The turn then brought the 5♠, giving tristan2287 a full house, and after the J♥ river pumata13 was out in eighth.
Shortly after the blinds had already moved to 2.5m/5m when Bjoornkjaer open-shoved from the small blind for 11,337,334 and Kaitz20 called from the big blind. Bjoornkjaer held Q♦6♠ and Kaitz20 9♦2♠, and the 9♣T♣4♣ brought the latter a pair of nines. The turn was the A♦ and river the 3♦, and Bjoornkjaer was eliminated in seventh.
Kaitz20 then opened for 15 million from early position (a 3x raise), and it folded to casasola10 who reraised all in for a little more -- to 16,599,798 -- from the small blind. tristan2287 folded the big blind, and Kaitz20 quickly called, showing J♠J♣ to casasola10's 9♦9♠. The five community cards came 3♦K♥3♠Q♣8♥, and casasola10 was gone in sixth.
The blinds moved to 3m/6m, and sokoluk1991 min-raised to 12 million from the small blind. RaZorFaZoR then shoved for 41,964,622, and sokoluk1991 called. RaZorFaZoR had picked up a monster in Q♦Q♠, but unfortunately for him sokoluk1991 had drawn A♦A♣. The board ran out 8♦2♦5♣J♣2♠, and they were down to four.
That's when tristan2287 opened with an all-in raise for 7,204,920 from UTG and got two callers -- Kaitz20 (small blind) and sokoluk1991 (big blind). Both checked down the J♠4♠Q♦3♦Q♣ board, and when Kaitz20 tabled 9♠4♦ for two pair the others mucked, with tristan2287 knocked out in fourth.
At that point the remaining trio hastily agreed to pause the craziness and talk about a possible deal. sokoluk1991 had the chip lead with about 174.3 million, Kaitz20 was next with 165.4 million, and King-2-Z had the "short" stack with almost 60.2 million.
It took a few minutes, but the players eventually agreed to terms with $35,258.83 going to sokoluk1991, $34,000 to Kaitz20, and $25,741.17 for King-2-Z, leaving $5,000 on the table for which to play.
Cards back in the air, it took about two minutes for the next elimination to occur.
With the blinds up to 4m/8m, sokoluk1991 made it 16 million to go from the small blind, and King-2-Z pushed all in for 59,192,380 from the big blind. sokoluk1991 called, showing Q♣J♠ and needing to hit versus King-2-Z's A♣T♥.
sokoluk1991 would hit, the flop coming 4♦3♥Q♦ to pair his queen. The turn was the 3♦ and river the 9♣, and King-2-Z took third.
Heads up began with those 400 million chips divided thusly: sokoluk1991 243,579,037, Kaitz20 156,420,963. The pair would play but 11 hands, with Kaitz20 seizing the lead momentarily but soon relinquishing it back.
On the final hand, coming just over seven hours after the first hands of the record-setting event were dealt, the blinds were 5m/10m. Kaitz20 opened by pushing all in for 119,433,852 from the button, and sokoluk1991 called. Kaitz20 held an ace with A♣9♦, but sokoluk1991's ace was better as he had A♠Q♦.
The flop came Q♥J♠6♦, increasing sokoluk1991's lead, and the 7♠ on the turn made the T♣ river no matter. Take a look (although you can barely see the community cards behind those mountains of chips):
Congratulations to sokoluk1991 of Russia for taking down the world's biggest online poker tournament ever, earning just over $40,000 for a little over seven hours' work!
Oh, and one dollar.
PokerStars 10th Anniversary World Record Tournament results (*reflects three-way deal):
1st: sokoluk1991 (Russia) -- $40,258.83*
2nd: Kaitz20 (Estonia) -- $34,000*
3rd: King-2-Z (United Kingdom) -- $25,741.17*
4th: tristan2287 (Spain) -- $10,000
5th: RaZorFaZoR (Germany) -- $8,000
6th: casasola10 (Costa Rica) -- $6,500
7th: Bjoornkjaer (Denmark) -- $5,250
8th: pumata13 (Bulgaria) -- $4,000
9th: herbert68 (Germany) -- $3,000
10th: Garin4o (Ukraine) -- $2,250
For more reports on PokerStars 10th Anniversary celebration, click here.
World Record
Sunday, December 04, 2011
PokerStars breaks world record for largest tournament, 2011-12-04
became very clear many days ago that PokerStars would be making history
today. Our previous Guinness World Record for the largest poker
tournament was 149,196 players, and we zoomed passed that figure in
early registrations so fast that the 200,000 cap was reached well before
kick-off today. So a huge pat on the back to all of you who took part
in the $1 tournament - a representative from Guinness World Records has
approved the result. You're all record-breakers!
At the time of writing, play in the tournament is still going on, with 11,000 hardy souls still in with a shout for the $50,000 first prize, a very healthy return on a $1 buy-in. While legions of you were playing at home all around the world, some folk got together to play at the Prague Hilton hotel, where EPT Prague starts tomorrow.
Just moments after being officially unveiled as a member of Team PokerStars Pro, WSOP runner-up Martin Staszko joined some of his new team mates to play in the tournament. Sitting with him were Fatima Moreira de Melo, Martin Hruby, Richard Toth, Marcin Horecki and Dag Palovic as well as some PokerStars players who were invited to join in the fun and have some drinks on us.

Martin Staszko (left), playing with Martin Hruby and Dag Palovic
Watching all this was Gaz Deaves, Guinness World Records Adjudicator,
who confirmed the entry field of 200,000 and then promptly handed
Fatima an official Guinness certificate while being showered with
confetti and streamers.

Celebration: Gaz Deaves of Guinness confirms the world record is smashed...

... and presents Fatima Moreira de Melo with the official certificate
As the tournament itself is still a long way from finishing, we'll
bring you the full results tomorrow, and also try and get a chat with
the winner. If you're still in, the very best of luck to you!

Some balloons and the screen tell the story in Prague

It's our anniversary
PokerStars breaks world record for largest tournament
by Simon Young on December 4, 2011 11:34 AM
At the time of writing, play in the tournament is still going on, with 11,000 hardy souls still in with a shout for the $50,000 first prize, a very healthy return on a $1 buy-in. While legions of you were playing at home all around the world, some folk got together to play at the Prague Hilton hotel, where EPT Prague starts tomorrow.
Just moments after being officially unveiled as a member of Team PokerStars Pro, WSOP runner-up Martin Staszko joined some of his new team mates to play in the tournament. Sitting with him were Fatima Moreira de Melo, Martin Hruby, Richard Toth, Marcin Horecki and Dag Palovic as well as some PokerStars players who were invited to join in the fun and have some drinks on us.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Britney Spears, 2011-11-09 - Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal @ Pavilhão Atlântico
I went to Pavilhão Atlântico in Lisbon to see Britney Spears (for the 4th time) live (Femme Fatale Tour).
She was always one of my favorite pop singers.
The other 3 times I saw here live were:
2004-06-05-Played 88 mn-Parque da Bela Vista, Lisbon, Portugal (Rock In Rio) (The Onyx Hotel Tour)
2009-06-06-Played 93 mn-O2 Arena, London, UK (Circus Tour):
2009-06-07-Played 93 mn-O2 Arena, London, UK (Circus Tour):
You can watch the stories of both Circus Tour shows on the links above.
We had 1 band before Britney Spears ("Destinee & Paris").
The band was Destinee & Paris. They played for 20 minutes.
I never heard of them before. I like their sound.
Finally was time for Britney Spears. She played for 85 minutes. Played 20 songs.
She was awesome live. I was about 10 rows behind first row with a lot of spanish fans around me.
Here it is the setlist:
01. Hold It Against Me
02. Up n' Down
03. 3
04. Piece Of Me
05. Big Fat Bass
06. How I Roll
07. Lace and Leather
08. If U Seek Amy
09. Gimme More
10. (Drop Dead) Beautiful
11. Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know
12. Boys
13. ...Baby One More Time
14. S&M (Rihanna cover)
15. Trouble for Me
16. I'm A Slave 4
17. I Wanna Go
18. Womanizer Encore:
19. Toxic 20. Till the World Ends
In bold are the videos I made.
Sorry about the sound and quality of the videos. I was a little behind and there was a lot of noise from the columns or drums.
Videos of Britney Spears (3 videos):
Britney Spears-Baby One More Time+S&M, Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, PT, 2011-11-09
And the video:
Britney Spears-Womanizer, Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, PT, 2011-11-09
And the video:
Britney Spears-Toxic, Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, PT, 2011-11-09
And the video:
I went to Pavilhão Atlântico in Lisbon to see Britney Spears (for the 4th time) live (Femme Fatale Tour).
She was always one of my favorite pop singers.
The other 3 times I saw here live were:
2004-06-05-Played 88 mn-Parque da Bela Vista, Lisbon, Portugal (Rock In Rio) (The Onyx Hotel Tour)
2009-06-06-Played 93 mn-O2 Arena, London, UK (Circus Tour):
2009-06-07-Played 93 mn-O2 Arena, London, UK (Circus Tour):
You can watch the stories of both Circus Tour shows on the links above.
We had 1 band before Britney Spears ("Destinee & Paris").
The band was Destinee & Paris. They played for 20 minutes.
I never heard of them before. I like their sound.
Finally was time for Britney Spears. She played for 85 minutes. Played 20 songs.
She was awesome live. I was about 10 rows behind first row with a lot of spanish fans around me.
Here it is the setlist:
01. Hold It Against Me
02. Up n' Down
03. 3
04. Piece Of Me
05. Big Fat Bass
06. How I Roll
07. Lace and Leather
08. If U Seek Amy
09. Gimme More
10. (Drop Dead) Beautiful
11. Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know
12. Boys
13. ...Baby One More Time
14. S&M (Rihanna cover)
15. Trouble for Me
16. I'm A Slave 4
17. I Wanna Go
18. Womanizer Encore:
19. Toxic 20. Till the World Ends
In bold are the videos I made.
Sorry about the sound and quality of the videos. I was a little behind and there was a lot of noise from the columns or drums.
Videos of Britney Spears (3 videos):
Britney Spears-Baby One More Time+S&M, Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, PT, 2011-11-09
And the video:
Britney Spears-Womanizer, Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, PT, 2011-11-09
And the video:
Britney Spears-Toxic, Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, PT, 2011-11-09
And the video:
Brtiney Spears,
Destinee & Paris,
Femme Fatale Tour,
Pavilhão Atlântico,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Within Temptation, 2011-10-12 - Coliseu, Lisbon
Wed, Oct 12, 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal @ Coliseu
I went to Coliseu in Lisbon to see Within Temptation (for the third time) live (The Unforgiving Tour).
They are one of my favorite bands. They are always so nice to their fans. I already spoke and took photos with them the first time I saw them in March 24, 2007 in Paradise Garage. The second time I saw them was in Optimus Alive!08 in July 11, 2008.
Before "Within Temptation" in Coliseu, Lisbon played the band "Kandia".
We had 1 band before Within Temptation ("Kandia").
The band was Kandia. They played for 32 minutes.
I never heard of them before. They are also a Gothic-Metal band with a female vocalist. I like their sound, even bought their CD.
Here it is the setlist:
01. & 02. Intro + Paranoia
03. & 04. Waste My Time + Into Your Hands
05. Hold On To Me
06. Y.S.L.E.
07. All I Need To Know
Finally was time for Within Temptation. They played for 95 minutes. Played 17 songs. I made 11 videos.
They are awesome live. I was front row in Coliseu. They had 2 new members on this tour, a guitar player and a drummer.
Here it is the setlist:
Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
01. Shot in the Dark
02. In the Middle of the Night
03. Faster
04. Lost
05. Ice Queen
06. The Howling
07. Our Solemn Hour
08. Stand My Ground
Sinéad (Short Movie)
09. Sinéad
10. What Have You Done
11. Murder
12. Iron
13. Angels
14. Memories
15. Deceiver of Fools
16. Mother Earth
17. Stairway to the Skies
In bold are the videos I made.
Videos of Within Temptation (11 videos):
Within Temptation-Ice Queen, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-The Howling, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Our Solemn Hour, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Stand My Ground, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Sinéad, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-What Have You Done, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Murder, Coliseus, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Iron, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Angels, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Memories, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Mother Earth, Coliseus, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Next the story of Britney Spears (Femme Fatale Tour) at Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon on November 9th 2011.
I went to Coliseu in Lisbon to see Within Temptation (for the third time) live (The Unforgiving Tour).
They are one of my favorite bands. They are always so nice to their fans. I already spoke and took photos with them the first time I saw them in March 24, 2007 in Paradise Garage. The second time I saw them was in Optimus Alive!08 in July 11, 2008.
Before "Within Temptation" in Coliseu, Lisbon played the band "Kandia".
We had 1 band before Within Temptation ("Kandia").
The band was Kandia. They played for 32 minutes.
I never heard of them before. They are also a Gothic-Metal band with a female vocalist. I like their sound, even bought their CD.
Here it is the setlist:
01. & 02. Intro + Paranoia
03. & 04. Waste My Time + Into Your Hands
05. Hold On To Me
06. Y.S.L.E.
07. All I Need To Know
Finally was time for Within Temptation. They played for 95 minutes. Played 17 songs. I made 11 videos.
They are awesome live. I was front row in Coliseu. They had 2 new members on this tour, a guitar player and a drummer.
Here it is the setlist:
Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
01. Shot in the Dark
02. In the Middle of the Night
03. Faster
04. Lost
05. Ice Queen
06. The Howling
07. Our Solemn Hour
08. Stand My Ground
Sinéad (Short Movie)
09. Sinéad
10. What Have You Done
11. Murder
12. Iron
13. Angels
14. Memories
15. Deceiver of Fools
16. Mother Earth
17. Stairway to the Skies
In bold are the videos I made.
Videos of Within Temptation (11 videos):
Within Temptation-Ice Queen, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-The Howling, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Our Solemn Hour, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Stand My Ground, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Sinéad, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-What Have You Done, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Murder, Coliseus, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Iron, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Angels, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Memories, Coliseu, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Within Temptation-Mother Earth, Coliseus, Lisbon, PT, 2011-10-12 HD
And the video:
Next the story of Britney Spears (Femme Fatale Tour) at Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon on November 9th 2011.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Steve Jobs, DEAD (1955-02-24, 2011-10-05)
Steve Jobs dies with 56. The CEO of Apple Inc.
I am a huge fan of the Apple products like iPhone, Ipod Classic and iPod Touch.
I had the first iPhone 3GS, now I have the iPhone 4 with 32 GB. I also have the iPod Classic with 120 GB (Bon Jovi Limited Edition). And also have the iPod Touch with 64 GB (this one I lent to my sister who needed one).
Here it goes the story of Steve Jobs from Wikipedia
Thanks to Steve Jobs on Wikipedia
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American entrepreneur and inventor, best known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields, transforming "one industry after another, from computers and smartphones to music and movies..." Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar. Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of Xerox PARC's mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation of the Apple Lisa and, one year later, the Macintosh. He also played a role in introducing the LaserWriter, one of the first widely available laser printers, to the market.
After a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher-education and business markets. In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm, which was spun off as Pixar. He was credited in Toy Story (1995) as an executive producer. He served as CEO and majority shareholder until Disney's purchase of Pixar in 2006. In 1996, after Apple had failed to deliver its operating system, Copland, Gil Amelio turned to NeXT Computer, and the NeXTSTEP platform became the foundation for the Mac OS X. Jobs returned to Apple as an advisor, and took control of the company as an interim CEO. Jobs brought Apple from near bankruptcy to profitability by 1998.
As the new CEO of the company, Jobs oversaw the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and on the services side, the company's Apple Retail Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store. The success of these products and services provided several years of stable financial returns, and propelled Apple to become the world's most valuable publicly traded company in 2011. The reinvigoration of the company is regarded by many commentators as one of the greatest turnarounds in business history.
In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreas neuroendocrine tumor. Though it was initially treated, he reported a hormone imbalance, underwent a liver transplant in 2009, and appeared progressively thinner as his health declined. On medical leave for most of 2011, Jobs resigned in August that year, and was elected Chairman of the Board. He died of respiratory arrest related to his metastatic tumor on October 5, 2011.
Jobs received a number of honors and public recognition for his influence in the technology and music industries. He has been referred to as "legendary", a "futurist" or simply "visionary", and has been described as the "Father of the Digital Revolution", a "master of innovation", "the master evangelist of the digital age" and a "design perfectionist".
Apple Computer
Jobs and Steve Wozniak met in 1971, when their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs. In 1976, Wozniak single-handedly invented the Apple I computer. Wozniak showed it to Jobs, who suggested that they sell it. Jobs, Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple computer in the garage of Jobs's parents in order to sell it. They received funding from a then-semi-retired Intel product-marketing manager and engineer Mike Markkula.
In 1978, Apple recruited Mike Scott from National Semiconductor to serve as CEO for what turned out to be several turbulent years. In 1983, Jobs lured John Sculley away from Pepsi-Cola to serve as Apple's CEO, asking, "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?"
In the early 1980s, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of Xerox PARC's mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation of the Apple Lisa. One year later, Apple employee Jef Raskin invented the Macintosh.
The following year, Apple aired a Super Bowl television commercial titled "1984". At Apple's annual shareholders meeting on January 24, 1984, an emotional Jobs introduced the Macintosh to a wildly enthusiastic audience; Andy Hertzfeld described the scene as "pandemonium".
While Jobs was a persuasive and charismatic director for Apple, some of his employees from that time described him as an erratic and temperamental manager. Disappointing sales caused a deterioration in Jobs's working relationship with Sculley, which devolved into a power struggle between the two. Jobs kept meetings running past midnight, sent out lengthy faxes, then called new meetings at 7:00 am.
Sculley learned that Jobs—who believed Sculley to be "bad for Apple" and the wrong person to lead the company—had been attempting to organize a boardroom coup, and on May 24, 1985, called a board meeting to resolve the matter. Apple's board of directors sided with Sculley and removed Jobs from his managerial duties as head of the Macintosh division. Jobs resigned from Apple five months later and founded NeXT Inc. the same year.
In a speech Jobs gave at Stanford University in 2005, he said being fired from Apple was the best thing that could have happened to him; "The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." And he added, "I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful-tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it."
NeXT Computer
After leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT Computer in 1985, with $7 million. A year later, Jobs was running out of money, and with no product on the horizon, he appealed for venture capital. Eventually, he attracted the attention of billionaire Ross Perot who invested heavily in the company. NeXT workstations were first released in 1990, priced at $9,999. Like the Apple Lisa, the NeXT workstation was technologically advanced, but was largely dismissed as cost-prohibitive by the educational sector for which it was designed. The NeXT workstation was known for its technical strengths, chief among them its object-oriented software development system. Jobs marketed NeXT products to the financial, scientific, and academic community, highlighting its innovative, experimental new technologies, such as the Mach kernel, the digital signal processor chip, and the built-in Ethernet port. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web on a NeXT computer at CERN.
The revised, second-generation NeXTcube was released in 1990, also. Jobs touted it as the first "interpersonal" computer that would replace the personal computer. With its innovative NeXTMail multimedia email system, NeXTcube could share voice, image, graphics, and video in email for the first time. "Interpersonal computing is going to revolutionize human communications and groupwork", Jobs told reporters. Jobs ran NeXT with an obsession for aesthetic perfection, as evidenced by the development of and attention to NeXTcube's magnesium case. This put considerable strain on NeXT's hardware division, and in 1993, after having sold only 50,000 machines, NeXT transitioned fully to software development with the release of NeXTSTEP/Intel. The company reported its first profit of $1.03 million in 1994. In 1996, NeXT Software, Inc. released WebObjects, a framework for Web application development. After NeXT was acquired by Apple Inc. in 1997, WebObjects was used to build and run the Apple Store, MobileMe services, and the iTunes Store.
Pixar and Disney
In 1986, Jobs bought The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucasfilm's computer graphics division for the price of $10 million, $5 million of which was given to the company as capital.
The first film produced by the partnership, Toy Story (1995), with Jobs credited as executive producer, brought fame and critical acclaim to the studio when it was released. Over the next 15 years, under Pixar's creative chief John Lasseter, the company produced box-office hits A Bug's Life (1998); Toy Story 2 (1999); Monsters, Inc. (2001); Finding Nemo (2003); The Incredibles (2004); Cars (2006); Ratatouille (2007); WALL-E (2008); Up (2009); and Toy Story 3 (2010). Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up and Toy Story 3 each received the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, an award introduced in 2001.
In the years 2003 and 2004, as Pixar's contract with Disney was running out, Jobs and Disney chief executive Michael Eisner tried but failed to negotiate a new partnership, and in early 2004, Jobs announced that Pixar would seek a new partner to distribute its films after its contract with Disney expired.
In October 2005, Bob Iger replaced Eisner at Disney, and Iger quickly worked to mend relations with Jobs and Pixar. On January 24, 2006, Jobs and Iger announced that Disney had agreed to purchase Pixar in an all-stock transaction worth $7.4 billion. When the deal closed, Jobs became The Walt Disney Company's largest single shareholder with approximately seven percent of the company's stock. Jobs's holdings in Disney far exceeded those of Eisner, who holds 1.7 percent, and of Disney family member Roy E. Disney, who until his 2009 death held about one percent of the company's stock and whose criticisms of Eisner – especially that he soured Disney's relationship with Pixar – accelerated Eisner's ousting. Upon completion of the merger, Jobs received 7% of Disney shares, and joined the Board of Directors as the largest individual shareholder. Upon Jobs's death his shares in Disney were transferred to the Steven P. Jobs Trust led by Laurene Jobs.
Return to Apple
In 1996, Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million. The deal was finalized in late 1996, bringing Jobs back to the company he co-founded. Jobs became de facto chief after then-CEO Gil Amelio was ousted in July 1997. He was formally named interim chief executive in September. In March 1998, to concentrate Apple's efforts on returning to profitability, Jobs terminated a number of projects, such as Newton, Cyberdog, and OpenDoc. In the coming months, many employees developed a fear of encountering Jobs while riding in the elevator, "afraid that they might not have a job when the doors opened. The reality was that Jobs's summary executions were rare, but a handful of victims was enough to terrorize a whole company."[102] Jobs also changed the licensing program for Macintosh clones, making it too costly for the manufacturers to continue making machines.
With the purchase of NeXT, much of the company's technology found its way into Apple products, most notably NeXTSTEP, which evolved into Mac OS X. Under Jobs's guidance, the company increased sales significantly with the introduction of the iMac and other new products; since then, appealing designs and powerful branding have worked well for Apple. At the 2000 Macworld Expo, Jobs officially dropped the "interim" modifier from his title at Apple and became permanent CEO.[103] Jobs quipped at the time that he would be using the title "iCEO".
The company subsequently branched out, introducing and improving upon other digital appliances. With the introduction of the iPod portable music player, iTunes digital music software, and the iTunes Store, the company made forays into consumer electronics and music distribution. On June 29, 2007, Apple entered the cellular phone business with the introduction of the iPhone, a multi-touch display cell phone, which also included the features of an iPod and, with its own mobile browser, revolutionized the mobile browsing scene. While stimulating innovation, Jobs also reminded his employees that "real artists ship".
Jobs was both admired and criticized for his consummate skill at persuasion and salesmanship, which has been dubbed the "reality distortion field" and was particularly evident during his keynote speeches (colloquially known as "Stevenotes") at Macworld Expos and at Apple Worldwide Developers Conferences. In 2005, Jobs responded to criticism of Apple's poor recycling programs for e-waste in the US by lashing out at environmental and other advocates at Apple's Annual Meeting in Cupertino in April. A few weeks later, Apple announced it would take back iPods for free at its retail stores. The Computer TakeBack Campaign responded by flying a banner from a plane over the Stanford University graduation at which Jobs was the commencement speaker. The banner read "Steve, don't be a mini-player—recycle all e-waste".
In 2006, he further expanded Apple's recycling programs to any US customer who buys a new Mac. This program includes shipping and "environmentally friendly disposal" of their old systems.
In August 2011, Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple, but remained with the company as chairman of the company's board. Hours after the announcement, Apple Inc. (AAPL) shares dropped five percent in after-hours trading. This relatively small drop, when considering the importance of Jobs to Apple, was associated with the fact that his health had been in the news for several years, and he had been on medical leave since January 2011. It was believed, according to Forbes, that the impact would be felt in a negative way beyond Apple, including at The Walt Disney Company where Jobs served as director. In after-hours trading on the day of the announcement, Walt Disney Co. (DIS) shares dropped 1.5 percent.
Business life
Remember, the sixties happened in the early seventies, and that's when I came of age; and to me, the spark of that was that there was something beyond what you see every day. Its the same thing that causes people to be poets instead of bankers. And I think that's a wonderful thing. I think that same spirit can be put in to products, and those products can be manufactured, and given to people, and they can sense that spirit.
— Steve Jobs, Pirates of Silicon Valley
— Steve Jobs, Pirates of Silicon Valley
Although Jobs earned only $1 a year as CEO of Apple, Jobs held 5.426 million Apple shares worth $2.1 billion, as well as 138 million shares in Disney (which he received in exchange for Disney's acquisition of Pixar) worth $4.4 billion. Jobs quipped that the $1 per annum he was paid by Apple was based on attending one meeting for 50 cents while the other 50 cents was based on his performance. Forbes estimated his net wealth at $8.3 billion in 2010, making him the 42nd-wealthiest American.
Main article: iPod
The first generation of iPod was released October 23, 2001. The major innovation of the iPod was its small size achieved by using a 1.8" hard drive compared to the 2.5" drives common to players at that time. The capacity of the first generation iPod ranged from 5G to 10 Gigabytes. The iPod sold for US$399 and more than 100,000 iPods were sold before the end of 2001. The introduction of the iPod resulted in Apple becoming a major player in the music industry. Also, the iPod's success prepared the way for the iTunes music store and the iPhone. After the 1st generation of iPod, Apple released the hard drive-based iPod classic, the touchscreen iPod Touch, video-capable iPod Nano, screenless iPod Shuffle in the following years.
Main article: iPhone
Apple began work on the first iPhone in 2005 and the first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007. The iPhone created such a sensation that a survey indicated six out of ten Americans were aware of its release. Time magazine declared it "Invention of the Year" for 2007. The Apple iPhone is a small device with multimedia capabilities and functions as a quad-band touch screen smartphone. A year later, the iPhone 3G was released in July 2008 with the key feature was support for GPS, 3G data and tri-band UMTS/HSDPA. In June 2009, the iPhone 3GS, added voice control, a better camera, and a faster processor was introduced by Phil Schiller. iPhone 4 was thinner than previous models, had a five megapixel camera which can record videos in 720p HD, and added a secondary front facing camera for video calls. A major feature of the iPhone 4S, introduced in October 2011, was Siri, which is a virtual assistant that is capable of voice recognition.
Arik Hesseldahl of BusinessWeek magazine stated that "Jobs isn't widely known for his association with philanthropic causes", compared to Bill Gates's efforts. In contrast to Gates, Jobs did not sign the Giving Pledge of Warren Buffett which challenged the world's richest billionaires to give at least half their wealth to charity. In an interview with Playboy in 1985, Jobs said in respect to money that "the challenges are to figure out how to live with it and to reinvest it back into the world which means either giving it away or using it to express your concerns or values." Jobs also added that when he has some time we would start a public foundation but for now he does charitable acts privately.
After resuming control of Apple in 1997, Jobs eliminated all corporate philanthropy programs initially. Jobs's friends told The New York Times that he felt that expanding Apple would have done more good than giving money to charity. Later, under Jobs, Apple signed to participate in Product Red program, producing red versions of devices to give profits from sales to charity. Apple has gone on to become the largest contributor to the charity since its initial involvement with it. The chief of the Product Red project, singer Bono cited Jobs saying there was "nothing better than the chance to save lives", when he initially approached Apple with the invitation to participate in the program. Through its sales, Apple has been the largest contributor to Product Red's gift to the Global Fund, which fights AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, according to Bono.
Personal life
In the 1980s, Jobs found his birth mother, Joanne Schieble Simpson, who told him he had a biological sister, Mona Simpson. They met for the first time in 1985, and became close friends. The siblings kept their relationship secret until 1986, when Mona introduced him at a party for her first book.
After deciding to search for their father, Simpson found Jandali managing a coffee shop. Without knowing who his son had become, Jandali told Mona that he had previously managed a popular restaurant in the Silicon Valley, mentioning that "even Steve Jobs used to eat there. Yeah, he was a great tipper." In a taped interview with his biographer Walter Isaacson, aired on 60 Minutes, Jobs said: "When I was looking for my biological mother, obviously, you know, I was looking for my biological father at the same time, and I learned a little bit about him and I didn't like what I learned. I asked her to not tell him that we ever met...not tell him anything about me." Jobs was in occasional touch with his mother Joanne Simpson, who lives in a nursing home in Los Angeles. When speaking about his biological parents, Jobs stated: "They were my sperm and egg bank. That's not harsh, it's just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more." Jandali stated in an interview with the The Sun in August 2011, that his efforts to contact Jobs were unsuccessful. Jandali mailed in his medical history after Jobs's pancreatic disorder was made public that year.
In her eulogy to Jobs at his memorial service, Mona Simpson stated:
I grew up as an only child, with a single mother. Because we were poor and because I knew my father had emigrated from Syria, I imagined he looked like Omar Sharif. I hoped he would be rich and kind and would come into our lives (and our not yet furnished apartment) and help us. Later, after I'd met my father, I tried to believe he'd changed his number and left no forwarding address because he was an idealistic revolutionary, plotting a new world for the Arab people. Even as a feminist, my whole life I'd been waiting for a man to love, who could love me. For decades, I'd thought that man would be my father. When I was 25, I met that man and he was my brother.
Jobs's first child, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, was born in 1978, the daughter of his longtime partner Chris Ann Brennan, a Bay Area painter. For two years, she raised their daughter on welfare while Jobs denied paternity by claiming he was sterile; he later acknowledged Lisa as his daughter. Jobs later married Laurene Powell on March 18, 1991, in a ceremony at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Presiding over the wedding was Kobun Chino Otogawa, a Zen Buddhist monk. Their son, Reed, was born September 1991, followed by daughters Erin in August 1995, and Eve in 1998. The family lives in Palo Alto, California.
Jobs dated Joan Baez for a few years. Elizabeth Holmes, a friend of Jobs from his time at Reed College, believed that Jobs was interested in Baez because she had been the lover of Bob Dylan, who was Jobs' favorite musician. Jobs confided in Joanna Hoffman his concerns about the relationship. She would later tell his official biographer "She was a strong woman, and he wanted to show he was in control. Plus, he always said he wanted to have a family, and with her he knew that he wouldn't.
Jobs was also a fan of The Beatles. He referred to them on multiple occasions at Keynotes and also was interviewed on a showing of a Paul McCartney concert. When asked about his business model on 60 Minutes, he replied:
My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other's negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people.
In 1982, Jobs bought an apartment in The San Remo, an apartment building in New York City with a politically progressive reputation, where Demi Moore, Steven Spielberg, Steve Martin, and Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, daughter of Rita Hayworth, also owned apartments. With the help of I. M. Pei, Jobs spent years renovating his apartment in the top two floors of the building's north tower, only to sell it almost two decades later to U2 singer Bono. Jobs never moved in.
In 1984, Jobs purchased the Jackling House, a 17,000-square-foot (1,600 m2), 14-bedroom Spanish Colonial mansion designed by George Washington Smith in Woodside, California. Although it reportedly remained in an almost unfurnished state, Jobs lived in the mansion for almost ten years. According to reports, he kept a 1966 BMW R60/2 motorcycle in the living room, and let Bill Clinton use it in 1998. From the early 1990s, Jobs lived in a house in the Old Palo Alto neighborhood of Palo Alto. President Clinton dined with Jobs and 14 Silicon Valley CEOs there on August 7, 1996, at a meal catered by Greens Restaurant. Clinton returned the favor and Jobs, who was a Democratic donor, slept in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House.
Jobs allowed Jackling House to fall into a state of disrepair, planning to demolish the house and build a smaller home on the property; but he met with complaints from local preservationists over his plans. In June 2004, the Woodside Town Council gave Jobs approval to demolish the mansion, on the condition that he advertise the property for a year to see if someone would move it to another location and restore it. A number of people expressed interest, including several with experience in restoring old property, but no agreements to that effect were reached. Later that same year, a local preservationist group began seeking legal action to prevent demolition. In January 2007, Jobs was denied the right to demolish the property, by a court decision. The court decision was overturned on appeal in March 2010, and the mansion was demolished beginning in February 2011.
Jobs usually wore a black long-sleeved mock turtleneck made by Issey Miyake (that was sometimes reported to be made by St. Croix), Levi's 501 blue jeans, and New Balance 991 sneakers. Jobs told Walter Isaacson "...he came to like the idea of having a uniform for himself, both because of its daily convenience (the rationale he claimed) and its ability to convey a signature style." He was a pescetarian.
Jobs's car was a silver Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG, which did not display its license plates, as he took advantage of a California law which gives a maximum of six months for new vehicles to receive plates; Jobs leased a new SL every six months. Jobs involved himself with the details of designing his 78-metre luxury yacht Venus (named after the deity) to keep thoughts of death at bay. It is also designed by Philippe Starck, who says he was not paid in full for the yacht.
In a 2011 interview with biographer Walter Isaacson, Jobs revealed at one point he met with U.S. President Barack Obama, complained of the nation's shortage of software engineers, and told Obama that he was "headed for a one-term presidency." Jobs proposed that any foreign student who got an engineering degree at a U.S. university should automatically be offered a green card. After the meeting, Jobs commented, "The president is very smart, but he kept explaining to us reasons why things can't get done.... It infuriates me."
Jobs contributed to a number of political candidates and causes during his life, giving $209,000 to Democrats, $45,700 to associated special interests and $1,000 to a Republican.
Health issues
In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with cancer, and in mid-2004, he announced to his employees that he had a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is usually very poor; Jobs stated that he had a rare, far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor. Despite his diagnosis, Jobs resisted his doctors' recommendations for mainstream medical intervention for nine months, instead consuming a special alternative medicine diet in an attempt to thwart the disease. According to Harvard researcher Ramzi Amri, his choice of alternative treatment "led to an unnecessarily early death." According to Jobs's biographer, Walter Isaacson, "for nine months he refused to undergo surgery for his pancreatic cancer – a decision he later regretted as his health declined." "Instead, he tried a vegan diet, acupuncture, herbal remedies and other treatments he found online, and even consulted a psychic. He also was influenced by a doctor who ran a clinic that advised juice fasts, bowel cleansings and other unproven approaches, before finally having surgery in July 2004." He eventually underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy (or "Whipple procedure") in July 2004, that appeared to successfully remove the tumor. Jobs apparently did not receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy. During Jobs's absence, Tim Cook, head of worldwide sales and operations at Apple, ran the company.
In early August 2006, Jobs delivered the keynote for Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference. His "thin, almost gaunt" appearance and unusually "listless" delivery, together with his choice to delegate significant portions of his keynote to other presenters, inspired a flurry of media and Internet speculation about his health. In contrast, according to an Ars Technica journal report, Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) attendees who saw Jobs in person said he "looked fine". Following the keynote, an Apple spokesperson said that "Steve's health is robust."
Two years later, similar concerns followed Jobs's 2008 WWDC keynote address. Apple officials stated Jobs was victim to a "common bug" and was taking antibiotics, while others surmised his cachectic appearance was due to the Whipple procedure. During a July conference call discussing Apple earnings, participants responded to repeated questions about Jobs's health by insisting that it was a "private matter". Others, however, voiced the opinion that shareholders had a right to know more, given Jobs's hands-on approach to running his company. The New York Times published an article based on an off-the-record phone conversation with Jobs, noting that "While his health problems amounted to a good deal more than 'a common bug', they weren't life-threatening and he doesn't have a recurrence of cancer."
On August 28, 2008, Bloomberg mistakenly published a 2500-word obituary of Jobs in its corporate news service, containing blank spaces for his age and cause of death. (News carriers customarily stockpile up-to-date obituaries to facilitate news delivery in the event of a well-known figure's death.) Although the error was promptly rectified, many news carriers and blogs reported on it, intensifying rumors concerning Jobs's health. Jobs responded at Apple's September 2008 Let's Rock keynote by essentially quoting Mark Twain: "Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." At a subsequent media event, Jobs concluded his presentation with a slide reading "110/70", referring to his blood pressure, stating he would not address further questions about his health.
On December 16, 2008, Apple announced that marketing vice-president Phil Schiller would deliver the company's final keynote address at the Macworld Conference and Expo 2009, again reviving questions about Jobs's health. In a statement given on January 5, 2009, on, Jobs said that he had been suffering from a "hormone imbalance" for several months.
On January 14, 2009, in an internal Apple memo, Jobs wrote that in the previous week he had "learned that my health-related issues are more complex than I originally thought", and announced a six-month leave of absence until the end of June 2009, to allow him to better focus on his health. Tim Cook, who previously acted as CEO in Jobs's 2004 absence, became acting CEO of Apple, with Jobs still involved with "major strategic decisions."
In April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant at Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute in Memphis, Tennessee. Jobs's prognosis was described as "excellent".
On January 17, 2011, a year and a half after Jobs returned from his liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been granted a medical leave of absence. Jobs announced his leave in a letter to employees, stating his decision was made "so he could focus on his health". As during his 2009 medical leave, Apple announced that Tim Cook would run day-to-day operations and that Jobs would continue to be involved in major strategic decisions at the company. Despite the leave, he made appearances at the iPad 2 launch event (March 2), the WWDC keynote introducing iCloud (June 6), and before the Cupertino city council (June 7).
Jobs announced his resignation as Apple's CEO on August 24, 2011, writing to the board, "I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come." Jobs became chairman of the board thereafter, naming Tim Cook his successor as CEO, and continued to work for Apple until the day before his death six weeks later.
Jobs died at his Palo Alto, California home around 3 pm on October 5, 2011, due to complications from a relapse of his previously treated islet-cell neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer, resulting in respiratory arrest. He had lost consciousness the day before, and died with his wife, children and sister at his side.
Both Apple and Microsoft flew their flags at half-staff throughout their respective headquarters and campuses. Bob Iger ordered all Disney properties, including Walt Disney World and Disneyland, to fly their flags at half-staff, from October 6 to 12, 2011.
His death was announced by Apple in a statement which read:
We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.
Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.
His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.
For two weeks following his death, Apple's corporate Web site displayed a simple page, showing Jobs's name and lifespan next to his grayscale portrait.[247] Clicking on the image led to an obituary, which read:
Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.
An email address was also posted for the public to share their memories, condolences, and thoughts.[248][249] Over a million tributes were sent, which are now displayed on the Steve Jobs memorial page.
Also dedicating its homepage to Jobs was Pixar, with a photo of Jobs, John Lasseter and Edwin Catmull, and the eulogy they wrote:
Steve was an extraordinary visionary, our very dear friend, and our guiding light of the Pixar family. He saw the potential of what Pixar could be before the rest of us, and beyond what anyone ever imagined. Steve took a chance on us and believed in our crazy dream of making computer animated films; the one thing he always said was to 'make it great.' He is why Pixar turned out the way we did and his strength, integrity, and love of life has made us all better people. He will forever be part of Pixar's DNA. Our hearts go out to his wife Laurene and their children during this incredibly difficult time.
A small private funeral was held on October 7, 2011, of which details were not revealed out of respect to Jobs's family. Apple announced on the same day that they had no plans for a public service, but were encouraging "well-wishers" to send their remembrance messages to an email address created to receive such messages. Sunday, October 16, 2011, was declared "Steve Jobs Day" by Governor Jerry Brown of California. On that day, an invitation-only memorial was held at Stanford University. Those in attendance included Apple and other tech company executives, members of the media, celebrities, close friends of Jobs, and politicians, along with Jobs's family. Bono, Yo Yo Ma, and Joan Baez performed at the service, which lasted longer than an hour. The service was highly secured, with guards at all of the university's gates, and a helicopter flying overhead from an area news station.
A private memorial service for Apple employees was held on October 19, 2011, on the Apple Campus in Cupertino. Present were Cook, Bill Campbell, Norah Jones, Al Gore, and Coldplay, and Jobs's widow, Laurene. Some of Apple's retail stores closed briefly so employees could attend the memorial. A video of the service is available on Apple's website.
Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave at Alta Mesa Memorial Park, the only non-denominational cemetery in Palo Alto. He is survived by Laurene, his wife of 20 years, their three children, and Lisa Brennan-Jobs, his daughter from a previous relationship.[259] His family released a statement saying that he "died peacefully". He "looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life's partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them"; his last words, spoken hours before his death, were:
"Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."
Media coverage
Steve Jobs's death broke news headlines on ABC, CBS, and NBC. Numerous newspapers around the world carried news of his death on their front pages the next day. Several notable people, including US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and The Walt Disney Company's Bob Iger commented on the death of Jobs. Wired News collected reactions and posted them in tribute on their homepage. Other statements of condolence were made by many of Jobs's friends and colleagues, such as Steve Wozniak and George Lucas. After Steve Jobs's death, Adult Swim aired a 15-second segment with the words "hello" in a script font fading in and then changing into "goodbye".
Major media published commemorative works. Time published a commemorative issue for Jobs on October 8, 2011. The issue's cover featured a portrait of Jobs, taken by Norman Seeff, in which he is sitting in the lotus position holding the original Macintosh computer, first published in Rolling Stone in January 1984. The issue marked the eighth time Jobs was featured on the cover of Time, and included a photographic essay by Diana Walker, a retrospective on Apple by Harry McCracken and Lev Grossman, and a six-page essay by Walter Isaacson. Isaacson's essay served as a preview of his biography, Steve Jobs.
Bloomberg Businessweek also published a commemorative, ad-free issue, featuring extensive essays by Steve Jurvetson, John Sculley, Sean Wisely, William Gibson, and Walter Isaacson. On its cover, Steve Jobs is pictured in gray scale, along with his name and lifespan.
At the time of his resignation, and again after his death, Jobs was widely described as a visionary, pioneer and genius—perhaps one of the foremost—in the field of business, innovation, and product design, and a man who had profoundly changed the face of the modern world, revolutionized at least six different industries, and who was an "exemplar for all chief executives". His death was widely mourned and considered a loss to the world by commentators across the globe.
After his resignation as Apple's CEO, Jobs was characterized as the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford of his time. In his The Daily Show eulogy, Jon Stewart said that unlike others of Jobs's ilk, such as Thomas Edison or Henry Ford, Jobs died young. He felt that we had, in a sense, "wrung everything out of" these other men, but his feeling on Jobs was that "we're not done with you yet." Malcolm Gladwell in The New Yorker asserted that "Jobs's sensibility was editorial, not inventive. His gift lay in taking what was in front of him ... and ruthlessly refining it."
There was also a dissenting tone in some coverage of Jobs' life and works in the media, where attention focused on his near-fanatical control mindset and business ruthlessness. A Los Angeles Times media critic reported that the eulogies "came courtesy of reporters who—after deadline and off the record—would tell stories about a company obsessed with secrecy to the point of paranoia. They remind us how Apple shut down a youthful fanboy blogger, punished a publisher that dared to print an unauthorized Jobs biography and repeatedly ran afoul of the most basic tenets of a free press." Free software pioneer Richard Stallman drew attention to Apple's strategy of tight corporate control over consumer computers and handheld devices, how Apple restricted news reporters, and persistently violated privacy: "Steve Jobs, the pioneer of the computer as a jail made cool, designed to sever fools from their freedom, has died". On his blog, Stallman has summarized Jobs as having a "malign influence" on computing because of Jobs's leadership in guiding Apple to produce closed platforms. Silicon Valley reporter Dan Gillmor stated that under Jobs, Apple had taken stances that in his view were "outright hostile to the practice of journalism" - these included suing three "small fry" bloggers who reported tips about the company and its unreleased products including attempts to use the courts to force them to reveal their sources, suing teenager Nicholas Ciarelli, who wrote enthusiastic speculation about Apple products beginning at age 13 (Rainey wrote that Apple wanted to kill his 'ThinkSecret' blog as "It thought any leaks, even favorable ones, diluted the punch of its highly choreographed product launches with Jobs, in his iconic jeans and mock turtleneck outfit, as the star.").
Some have compared Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie who died a week later, and the respective media coverage of their deaths.
Honors and public recognition
After Apple's founding, Jobs became a symbol of his company and industry. When Time named the computer as the 1982 "Machine of the Year", the magazine published a long profile of Jobs as "the most famous maestro of the micro".
Jobs was awarded the National Medal of Technology by President Ronald Reagan in 1985, with Steve Wozniak (among the first people to ever receive the honor), and a Jefferson Award for Public Service in the category "Greatest Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under" (also known as the Samuel S. Beard Award) in 1987. On November 27, 2007, Jobs was named the most powerful person in business by Fortune magazine. On December 5, 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Maria Shriver inducted Jobs into the California Hall of Fame, located at The California Museum for History, Women and the Arts.
In August 2009, Jobs was selected as the most admired entrepreneur among teenagers in a survey by Junior Achievement, having previously been named Entrepreneur of the Decade 20 years earlier in 1989, by Inc. magazine. On November 5, 2009, Jobs was named the CEO of the decade by Fortune magazine.
In November 2010, Jobs was ranked No.17 on Forbes: The World's Most Powerful People. In December 2010, the Financial Times named Jobs its person of the year for 2010, ending its essay by stating, "In his autobiography, John Sculley, the former PepsiCo executive who once ran Apple, said this of the ambitions of the man he had pushed out: 'Apple was supposed to become a wonderful consumer products company. This was a lunatic plan. High-tech could not be designed and sold as a consumer product.'". The Financial Times closed by rhetorically asking of this quote, "How wrong can you be."
On December 21, 2011, Graphisoft company in Budapest presented the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs, calling him one of the greatest personalities of the modern age.
In January 2012, when young adults (ages 16 – 25) were asked to identify the greatest innovator of all time, Steve Jobs placed second behind Thomas Edison.
On February 12, 2012, Jobs was posthumously awarded the Grammy Trustees Award, an award for those who have influenced the music industry in areas unrelated to performance.
In March 2012, global business magazine Fortune named Steve Jobs the "greatest entrepreneur of our time", describing him as "brilliant, visionary, inspiring", and "the quintessential entrepreneur of our generation".
Two films, Disney's John Carter and Pixar's Brave, are dedicated to Jobs.
Business positions:
Preceded by Gil Amelio
CEO of Apple 1997–2011
Succeeded by Tim Cook
Preceded by Gil Amelio
CEO of Apple 1997–2011
Succeeded by Tim Cook
iPod Classic,
iPod Touch,
Steve Jobs
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Bryan Adams, 2011-09-08 - BLITZ (in portuguese)

Bryan Adams: concerto no Pavilhão Atlântico, em dezembro, está esgotado
Já não há bilhetes para o regresso do cantor canadiano a Portugal, no final do ano.
O concerto de Bryan Adams no Pavilhão Atlântico, em Lisboa, já está esgotado.
O espetáculo, anunciado em julho, acontece a 15 de dezembro e deverá começar pelas 21h00.
Esta tarde, a promotora do espetáculo, a Ritmos e Blues, anunciou que "os bilhetes para o concerto de Bryan Adams estão oficialmente esgotados".
Os bilhetes custavam entre 30 euros e 45 euros.
A última passagem de Bryan Adams pelo Pavilhão Atlântico, em 2005, deu origem à gravação do DVD Live in Lisbon.
Em 2008, Bryan Adams deu, também, um concerto intimista no cabaré Maxime, em Lisboa. Recorde aqui a reportagem e as fotos dessa atuação.
Foto de Rita Carmo/Espanta Espíritos
I'm in the photo above with my friend Gina with the camera on my left side.
You can check my story of the Maxime special concert here on the link below. It has the story I wrote after that show.
Bryan Adams: concerto no Pavilhão Atlântico, em dezembro, está esgotado
Já não há bilhetes para o regresso do cantor canadiano a Portugal, no final do ano.
O concerto de Bryan Adams no Pavilhão Atlântico, em Lisboa, já está esgotado.
O espetáculo, anunciado em julho, acontece a 15 de dezembro e deverá começar pelas 21h00.
Esta tarde, a promotora do espetáculo, a Ritmos e Blues, anunciou que "os bilhetes para o concerto de Bryan Adams estão oficialmente esgotados".
Os bilhetes custavam entre 30 euros e 45 euros.
A última passagem de Bryan Adams pelo Pavilhão Atlântico, em 2005, deu origem à gravação do DVD Live in Lisbon.
Em 2008, Bryan Adams deu, também, um concerto intimista no cabaré Maxime, em Lisboa. Recorde aqui a reportagem e as fotos dessa atuação.
Foto de Rita Carmo/Espanta Espíritos
I'm in the photo above with my friend Gina with the camera on my left side.
You can check my story of the Maxime special concert here on the link below. It has the story I wrote after that show.
Bryan Adams,
Pavilhão Atlântico,
Friday, August 05, 2011
Bon Jovi, 2011-07-31 - BLITZ (in portuguese)
![Bon Jovi no Parque da Bela Vista, Lisboa [texto + fotogaleria] - Bon Jovi no Parque da Bela Vista, Lisboa [texto + fotogaleria] -](
Bon Jovi no Parque da Bela Vista, Lisboa [texto + fotogaleria]
56 mil pessoas (números da organização) assistiram ao último concerto da presente digressão dos Bon Jovi. Mãos ao alto e corações inflamados na Bela Vista.
Houve um momento, na reta final do concerto dos Bon Jovi em Lisboa, ontem à noite, que deverá ficar marcado na memória dos milhares de fãs que trocaram o sossego dominical pela romaria à Bela Vista. No final de "Wanted Dead or Alive", uma das músicas pelas quais Jon Bon Jovi disse, em entrevista, que não se importaria de ser recordado, o duo dinâmico, carismático e fotogénico desta banda - Jon e Richie Sambora, pois então - para uns segundos para contemplar a imensa plateia que tem à sua frente. No meio de tanto showbizz e tanta, compreensível, encenação (afinal, não se põe uma máquina destas em andamento com base no improviso), a pausa parece espontânea e o sorriso da dupla tão genuíno como a ovação. Esta é a última noite da digressão "best of" dos Bon Jovi, possivelmente a última em alguns anos, e podemos dar-nos ao luxo de pensar que a emoção sem palavras que percorre o rosto dos dois veteranos é verdadeira. Às vezes, um momento destes é o que basta para tornar um concerto profissionalão, mas que mal se distinguiria do anterior, numa qualquer outra cidade, em algo mais personalizado e próximo do coração. Que, logo a seguir, a banda tenha acedido aos pedidos dos fãs das primeiras filas e tocado a canção que traziam escrita em dezenas de cartazes - a pouco rodada "I Believe", do longínquo Keep The Faith - reforçou a ideia de que a máquina dos Bon Jovi, alimentada a canções de otimismo, esperança, amor e alguma consciência de classe, é suficientemente flexível para uma ou outra bem-vinda surpresa.
Num local tão imenso como o Parque da Bela Vista, o espetáculo de palco que os Bon Jovi trouxeram também saiu vencedor. Mesmo quem estivesse "na cauda" do recinto sentia um mínimo de proximidade com o que se passava em palco pois, no enorme meio círculo acima do mesmo, eram projetadas imagens, em tamanho gigante e em tempo real, dos músicos. Algumas canções tinham direito a pequenos filmes pré-preparados (destaque para as mulheres sensuais que acompanharam o medley de "Bad Medicine") mas, nos momentos em que a cumplicidade entre Jon e Richie era o mais importante ("Wanted Dead or Alive", mas também "I'll Be There For You", balada bem resgatada ao álbum New Jersey), o ecrã refletia isso mesmo, sem outras distrações visuais. Foi, mercê deste equilíbrio e da criatividade de algumas soluções - como o fogo de artifício virtual, certamente mais ecológico que o verdadeiro - um dos melhores palcos que já vimos passar por Portugal.
A noite de música começou quando o sol ainda derramava os últimos raios sobre a Bela Vista, depois de um trailer quase cinematográfico e com um impressionante mar de telemóveis a registar (e iluminar) o momento. "Raise Your Hands", do ancião Slippery When Wet, serviu de mote à abertura e complicou a vida a quem planeava passar o concerto agarrado ao concerto ou à máquina fotográfica. A passagem de um avião, dos muitos que, ali, voam bem baixinho, ajudou ao efeito dramático deste arranque, seguido com estrondo por "You Give Love a Bad Name". A excitação de ter um hit desta envergadura tão cedo, conjugada com o sorriso ofuscante de Jon Bon Jovi (e o avião a quem toda a gente diz adeus), coloca o espetáculo no trilho do sucesso. A norma, com os Bon Jovi, é não falhar, quer na manga se tenha a fantasia romântica mais singela ("Born To Be My Baby", "In These Arms"), a mensagem de esperança ("We Weren't Born To Follow", "It's My Life", "Keep The Faith") ou a melancolia tingida de country ("Lost Highway", "Who Says You Can't Go Home").
Homem de família e homem de trabalho ("Não vamos perder tempo a falar, que há muitas músicas para tocar", diz a certa altura), Jon Bon Jovi continua a dominar a multidão ("Ele sabe cativar as pessoas", comentava uma senhora a nosso lado. "Johnny, faz-me um filho!", berrava um seu amigo). E com as suas mensagens simples e a sua jaqueta vermelha (no encore, substituída por t-shirt transpirada e blusão de cabedal), apela com sucesso à comunhão e a um sentido de família que começa na banda. À exceção do baixista Hugh McDonald, que como não é membro de raiz está no que parece ser o "quarto dos fundos" do palco, tanto Richie Sambora como David Bryan (que cantou em "In These Arms") e Tico Torres são os músicos que sempre nos habituamos a ver no papel de secundar o sonho rock 'n' roll de Jon Bon Jovi. Há aqui confiança no que eles fazem, que é entreter-nos nesta noite amena de domingo. E esse capital de confiança e respeito faz com que "(It's Hard) Letting You Go", balada quase gospel de These Days , seja escutada com o silêncio possível, ou que ninguém pareça zangado por êxitos como "Bed of Roses" terem ficado de fora e canções desconhecidas do grande público, como "Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen of Mars", que não destoaria num disco dos Killers, ganharem o seu lugar no alinhamento.
Tal como previsto, houve dois encores, um dos quais precedido por uma grande ovação à banda, que se uniu de mãos dadas em palco. Também aqui os Bon Jovi deram ao povo o que o povo queria ouvir - a hiper balada "Always", cujo refrão berrado a 56 mil vozes se deve ter ouvido na Margem Sul do Tejo - e aquilo que, aparentemente, lhes dá prazer tocar e quiseram também lembrar neste adeus aos palcos: "I Love This Town", do seu disco mais country, Lost Highway. A despedida fez-se ao som de "Twist and Shout", mas tal como Jon Bon Jovi diz não se importar de ser recordado por "Wanted Dead or Alive" e "Livin' on a Prayer", não faremos um mau serviço se resumirmos este concerto com base nessas duas músicas: o riff misterioso e a letra solitária da primeira, cantada por quase 60 mil pessoas, e a saga de Tony e Gina gritada com ganas de "vítimas" de crise, e com um mosaico de muita gente diferente no ecrã gigante, como que espelhando o seu apelo universal. Algures pelo meio, Jon Bon Jovi agradeceu, prosaicamente, "o apoio e a amizade" emprestados pelo público português à sua banda nos últimos 30 anos e garantiu que esta foi uma grande noite. Como faz todas as noites e como reconhece na letra da canção ("I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all"). Mas... terá sido uma lagrimita que lhe vimos ao canto do olho? "We'll miss you too", confessou apenas no início do segundo encore. Fica-lhe bem a discrição.
1. Raise Your Hands
2. You Give Love a Bad Name
3. Born To Be My Baby
4. We Weren't Born To Follow
5. Lost Highway
6. It's My Life
7. Get Ready
8. In These Arms
9. We Got It Goin' On
10. Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars
11. Bad Medicine / Gloria / Pretty Woman
12. (It's Hard) Letting You Go
13. When We Were Beautiful
14. I'll Be There For You
15. Who Says You Can't Go Home
16. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
17. Any Other Day
18. Have a Nice Day
19. Keep The Faith
20. These Days
21. Wanted Dead or Alive
22. I Believe
23. This Ain't a Love Song
24. Livin' on a Prayer
25. Always
26. I Love This Town
27. Twist and Shout
Texto de: Lia Pereira
Fotos de: Rita Carmo/Espanta Espíritos
Notícia escrita por Blitz hoje às 0:34
Next the story of Whitin Temptation at Coliseu, Lisboa, Portugal on October 12th 2011.
Bon Jovi no Parque da Bela Vista, Lisboa [texto + fotogaleria]
56 mil pessoas (números da organização) assistiram ao último concerto da presente digressão dos Bon Jovi. Mãos ao alto e corações inflamados na Bela Vista.
Houve um momento, na reta final do concerto dos Bon Jovi em Lisboa, ontem à noite, que deverá ficar marcado na memória dos milhares de fãs que trocaram o sossego dominical pela romaria à Bela Vista. No final de "Wanted Dead or Alive", uma das músicas pelas quais Jon Bon Jovi disse, em entrevista, que não se importaria de ser recordado, o duo dinâmico, carismático e fotogénico desta banda - Jon e Richie Sambora, pois então - para uns segundos para contemplar a imensa plateia que tem à sua frente. No meio de tanto showbizz e tanta, compreensível, encenação (afinal, não se põe uma máquina destas em andamento com base no improviso), a pausa parece espontânea e o sorriso da dupla tão genuíno como a ovação. Esta é a última noite da digressão "best of" dos Bon Jovi, possivelmente a última em alguns anos, e podemos dar-nos ao luxo de pensar que a emoção sem palavras que percorre o rosto dos dois veteranos é verdadeira. Às vezes, um momento destes é o que basta para tornar um concerto profissionalão, mas que mal se distinguiria do anterior, numa qualquer outra cidade, em algo mais personalizado e próximo do coração. Que, logo a seguir, a banda tenha acedido aos pedidos dos fãs das primeiras filas e tocado a canção que traziam escrita em dezenas de cartazes - a pouco rodada "I Believe", do longínquo Keep The Faith - reforçou a ideia de que a máquina dos Bon Jovi, alimentada a canções de otimismo, esperança, amor e alguma consciência de classe, é suficientemente flexível para uma ou outra bem-vinda surpresa.
Num local tão imenso como o Parque da Bela Vista, o espetáculo de palco que os Bon Jovi trouxeram também saiu vencedor. Mesmo quem estivesse "na cauda" do recinto sentia um mínimo de proximidade com o que se passava em palco pois, no enorme meio círculo acima do mesmo, eram projetadas imagens, em tamanho gigante e em tempo real, dos músicos. Algumas canções tinham direito a pequenos filmes pré-preparados (destaque para as mulheres sensuais que acompanharam o medley de "Bad Medicine") mas, nos momentos em que a cumplicidade entre Jon e Richie era o mais importante ("Wanted Dead or Alive", mas também "I'll Be There For You", balada bem resgatada ao álbum New Jersey), o ecrã refletia isso mesmo, sem outras distrações visuais. Foi, mercê deste equilíbrio e da criatividade de algumas soluções - como o fogo de artifício virtual, certamente mais ecológico que o verdadeiro - um dos melhores palcos que já vimos passar por Portugal.
A noite de música começou quando o sol ainda derramava os últimos raios sobre a Bela Vista, depois de um trailer quase cinematográfico e com um impressionante mar de telemóveis a registar (e iluminar) o momento. "Raise Your Hands", do ancião Slippery When Wet, serviu de mote à abertura e complicou a vida a quem planeava passar o concerto agarrado ao concerto ou à máquina fotográfica. A passagem de um avião, dos muitos que, ali, voam bem baixinho, ajudou ao efeito dramático deste arranque, seguido com estrondo por "You Give Love a Bad Name". A excitação de ter um hit desta envergadura tão cedo, conjugada com o sorriso ofuscante de Jon Bon Jovi (e o avião a quem toda a gente diz adeus), coloca o espetáculo no trilho do sucesso. A norma, com os Bon Jovi, é não falhar, quer na manga se tenha a fantasia romântica mais singela ("Born To Be My Baby", "In These Arms"), a mensagem de esperança ("We Weren't Born To Follow", "It's My Life", "Keep The Faith") ou a melancolia tingida de country ("Lost Highway", "Who Says You Can't Go Home").
Homem de família e homem de trabalho ("Não vamos perder tempo a falar, que há muitas músicas para tocar", diz a certa altura), Jon Bon Jovi continua a dominar a multidão ("Ele sabe cativar as pessoas", comentava uma senhora a nosso lado. "Johnny, faz-me um filho!", berrava um seu amigo). E com as suas mensagens simples e a sua jaqueta vermelha (no encore, substituída por t-shirt transpirada e blusão de cabedal), apela com sucesso à comunhão e a um sentido de família que começa na banda. À exceção do baixista Hugh McDonald, que como não é membro de raiz está no que parece ser o "quarto dos fundos" do palco, tanto Richie Sambora como David Bryan (que cantou em "In These Arms") e Tico Torres são os músicos que sempre nos habituamos a ver no papel de secundar o sonho rock 'n' roll de Jon Bon Jovi. Há aqui confiança no que eles fazem, que é entreter-nos nesta noite amena de domingo. E esse capital de confiança e respeito faz com que "(It's Hard) Letting You Go", balada quase gospel de These Days , seja escutada com o silêncio possível, ou que ninguém pareça zangado por êxitos como "Bed of Roses" terem ficado de fora e canções desconhecidas do grande público, como "Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen of Mars", que não destoaria num disco dos Killers, ganharem o seu lugar no alinhamento.
Tal como previsto, houve dois encores, um dos quais precedido por uma grande ovação à banda, que se uniu de mãos dadas em palco. Também aqui os Bon Jovi deram ao povo o que o povo queria ouvir - a hiper balada "Always", cujo refrão berrado a 56 mil vozes se deve ter ouvido na Margem Sul do Tejo - e aquilo que, aparentemente, lhes dá prazer tocar e quiseram também lembrar neste adeus aos palcos: "I Love This Town", do seu disco mais country, Lost Highway. A despedida fez-se ao som de "Twist and Shout", mas tal como Jon Bon Jovi diz não se importar de ser recordado por "Wanted Dead or Alive" e "Livin' on a Prayer", não faremos um mau serviço se resumirmos este concerto com base nessas duas músicas: o riff misterioso e a letra solitária da primeira, cantada por quase 60 mil pessoas, e a saga de Tony e Gina gritada com ganas de "vítimas" de crise, e com um mosaico de muita gente diferente no ecrã gigante, como que espelhando o seu apelo universal. Algures pelo meio, Jon Bon Jovi agradeceu, prosaicamente, "o apoio e a amizade" emprestados pelo público português à sua banda nos últimos 30 anos e garantiu que esta foi uma grande noite. Como faz todas as noites e como reconhece na letra da canção ("I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all"). Mas... terá sido uma lagrimita que lhe vimos ao canto do olho? "We'll miss you too", confessou apenas no início do segundo encore. Fica-lhe bem a discrição.
1. Raise Your Hands
2. You Give Love a Bad Name
3. Born To Be My Baby
4. We Weren't Born To Follow
5. Lost Highway
6. It's My Life
7. Get Ready
8. In These Arms
9. We Got It Goin' On
10. Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars
11. Bad Medicine / Gloria / Pretty Woman
12. (It's Hard) Letting You Go
13. When We Were Beautiful
14. I'll Be There For You
15. Who Says You Can't Go Home
16. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
17. Any Other Day
18. Have a Nice Day
19. Keep The Faith
20. These Days
21. Wanted Dead or Alive
22. I Believe
23. This Ain't a Love Song
24. Livin' on a Prayer
25. Always
26. I Love This Town
27. Twist and Shout
Texto de: Lia Pereira
Fotos de: Rita Carmo/Espanta Espíritos
Notícia escrita por Blitz hoje às 0:34
Next the story of Whitin Temptation at Coliseu, Lisboa, Portugal on October 12th 2011.
Bon Jovi,
Parque da Bela Vista,
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